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My computer is a aopen 1557GLS laptop, and I want to use gdm as my login-manager. I installed gdm through pacman without any problems.
The problems occur when I try to start gdm. If I start gdm as root from the console my external logitech mouse doesn't work. And if I set gdm to start at boot time, my keyboard doesn't work, but both my synaptic and external mouse works.
The two mouses is found on /dev/input/mouse0 and /dev/input/mouse1, but both work with /dev/input/mice which I set up my xorg.conf to use.
I have no problems when running startx as user, or when I was using kdm.
Any suggestions to what can be causing the problem?
make sure it is started as the last one, the way to do this is to put it in /etc/rc.local at the end
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