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I've been re-learning photoshop for the past few weeks and decided to give an Arch wallpaper a shot.
It's 1920x1200 - CLICK THE IMAGE to get it.
Here is the source PSD: … -140247662
EDIT: 1920x1080 and 1600x1200 have been added.
EDIT2: 1280x1024 added. Also a version with white text was added.
Last edited by testube_babies (2009-10-14 14:16:30)
Really nice job.
Any chance of just getting the background?
Downloaded. This is very good work, thank you.
< Daenyth> tomkx: my girlfriend is linux
< Daenyth> srsly
< Daenyth> she loves the way I «make install»
< Daenyth> all her /dev entries are mode 7 for me
Here's a version without the text and one of just the black background
Thanks. It's perfect!
Only _just_ resisted the urge to call you Frank...
Last edited by jasonwryan (2009-10-12 02:32:47)
This is a really nice wallpaper. I wonder if Ghost will make this into a desktop?
Can you make one in 1920x1080?
...reallyreallyREALLY pretty!
I need a sorted list of all random numbers, so that I can retrieve a suitable one later with a binary search instead of having to iterate through the generation process every time.
Can you make one in 1920x1080?
The download link has been updated, now includes 1920x1200, 1920x1080, and 1600x1200.
Very very good
Very nice! Using it right now
I've been re-learning photoshop for the past few weeks and decided to give an Arch wallpaper a shot.
It's 1920x1200 - click the image to get it.
EDIT: 1920x1080 and 1600x1200 have been added.
Can you post 16:10 or 16:9 version?
Shell Scripter | C/C++/Python/Java Coder | ZSH
good job, though maybe 'arch' would look better in white/lightgrey on a dark background?
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
testube_babies wrote:I've been re-learning photoshop for the past few weeks and decided to give an Arch wallpaper a shot.
It's 1920x1200 - click the image to get it.
EDIT: 1920x1080 and 1600x1200 have been added.
Can you post 16:10 or 16:9 version?
Uh, 1920x1200 is 16:10 and 1920x1080 is 16:9
BTW, thanks for the 16:9 version, this is a really nice wallpaper
Here's a version without the text and one of just the black background:
[ Arch i686 + Dwm + Vimprobable ]
good job, though maybe 'arch' would look better in white/lightgrey on a dark background?
Yeah, I had this thought today. The black text looks great on my high-contrast desktop monitor, but on my cheaper laptop display the black vs grey doesn't "pop" as much as I would like. I might throw a light-texted version up if I can get it to look good
Can you post a 1280x1024 version?
Yes I can.
But...I created these three resolutions with the intent that they could be easily scaled down. So if you don't like the way the 1600x1200 looks scaled down to your resolution, then I'll make one at 1280x1024. I'm sure other folks could use it, anyway.
Problem is that 1600x1200 is 4:3 and 1280x1024 is 5:4. Call me a perfectionist
I see...I thought it was 4:3 - I didn't do the math
I'll get a 5:4 version in there shortly.
I really like this one. it is currently my wallpaper AND slim background
Thank you sir!
Smarter than a speeding bullet
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Yes, very nice. Using as desktop right now.
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