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Pages: 1
Hi All,
this isn't particularly Arch related, but since you've all been so helpful in the past I thought I'd have a crack at getting some help here.
I've recently started evaluating AppGate at work, it's a web based SSH tunneling proxy doohickey, basically you download the java based client from the server, it connects via ssh and tunnels application data through it's connection. Which is all well and good, but I've a hankering to use this as the basis of a thin client. So, my first issue is that rdesktop connections launched through the appgate client launch in a window. I don't want that, I want them to launch fullscreen with nary a hint that it's actually a rdesktop session running. Assuming the actual bit that appgate does to call rdesktop isn't changeable, could I perhaps fool it by renaming the rdesktop binary (to rdesktop-norm or something) and creating a bash script called 'rdesktop' to call that binary with the '-f' option? would that work?
Also, any ideas for distros I could use for this project? It doesn't have to be a live cd or anything (although that would be nice) I'm quite happy with creating a disk image and deploying that to machines with HDs in (I know it goes against the spirit of thin clients, but what the heck)
Anyway, any input gratefully received, cheers!
Pages: 1