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I installed arch linux core from USB, got it installed ok then realised i needed to setup wireless. Ive downloaded the drivers and firmware for my card, then realised i needed the 80211 module. I downloaded it from and it needs make to install. So i downloaded make and it says i need GCC, but before i make yet another trip from computer to computer with my USB stick i thought id ask on here, what do i need to setup my wireless. Is GCC the last thing? how does GCC install?
Hopefully if im right this time, GCC will compile make, make will install 80211 module, from there i can install my firmware and drivers and i SHOULD be done, right? can someone confirm this? or help me further. Thanks.
Edit: I reinstalled this time installing all packages from core. That solved the problem of not having 'make' installed.
Then, trying to install 80211 module i got an error with ieee80211_module.c. That was fixed by changing all occurances of 'proc_net' with init_net.proc_net.
Now i have a few erors with ieee80211_iw.c saying i have too few args but i think i can fix this too.
Thanks for your help so far, I may need more help with this soon.
Last edited by ~TwistedTruth (2009-10-16 12:13:32)
actually i guess you can install all packages from the core repo (avaiable in the that usb)
use the tools 'iwconfig' and 'ifconfig' to setup the connection, along with the 'dhcpcd' daemon.
1) quarkup@supernova ~ $ pacman -Qo `which ifconfig`
/sbin/ifconfig is owned by net-tools
2) quarkup@supernova ~ $ pacman -Qo `which iwconfig`
/usr/sbin/iwconfig is owned by wireless_tools
3) quarkup@supernova ~ $ pacman -Qo `which dhcpcd`
/sbin/dhcpcd is owned by dhcpcd
as you can see those three packages are avaiable on the "core" repository (which is included in your usb) … &limit=all
hey: you got the description in the beginners guide: … install.29
btw: it may be a bit hard to read and understand all your text. next time try to be more explicit
Last edited by quarkup (2009-10-15 21:34:09)
If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Which wireless chipset are you using?
Also - please change the thread title. It should summarise the topic you want to discuss.
Pages: 1