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screen locking (ie for privacy when away) is a ubiquitous feature of window managers that are integrated into desktop 'environments' like KDE or gnome. but what about for people like me who use awesome as a window manager? is there a tool to do this or do i need to switch to gnome?
Last edited by poopship21 (2009-11-26 16:34:00)
I think you can use xlockmore. xscreensaver also should have some locking support.
I use xscreensaver, which functions as a screen also has a screen locker, slock, but I haven't had a chance to really use it.
I have used xkeybind to assign a key combination to activating xscreensaver. I had to spend a bit of time getting it to work, since I had never used xkeybind before - but xscreensaver with an xkeybind trigger now works just fine for me in all situations, using a simple window manager without a desktop.
I will also recommend xscreensaver, simply because it has ways of letting you know when the screen is locked (it comes with a ton of screensavers to chose from). To lock using xscrensaver, do this:
1. Install xscreensaver (doh)
2. add "xscreensaver -no-splash &" to your $HOME/.xinitrc
3. Make a keybinding in Awesome that spawns "xscreensaver-command -lock". This will start the screensaver and ask for a password.
Suckess' slock is rather small, but all it does is blank the screen and wait for input. Input is not even echoed, you don't see anything, so you mightaswell have a locked box and not know it.
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Suckess' slock is rather small, but all it does is blank the screen and wait for input. Input is not even echoed, you don't see anything, so you mightaswell have a locked box and not know it.
I recommend xtrlock (AUR). It does the same, but instead of a black screen, you look at the desktop and your cursor becomes a lock. XD
Usefull for when you want to see what is happening in some app.
The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, and we are only the thread of the Pattern."
—Moiraine Damodred
hmm, both xtrlock and suckless sound perfect. thanks for the suggestions