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#1 2009-11-06 20:21:38

Registered: 2009-05-23
Posts: 189

Mplayer, playing a video via framebuffer.

Hi. Does anyone know how I can get an ogg video to play via framebuffer? I have one running. Links -g works. And oss works (I prefer oss over alsa). I keep getting errors. I compiled mplayer from source. It didn't work normally with the normal mplayer either. It displays an error saying that the theora lib was missing extradata. Is this a known bug?


#2 2009-11-06 20:27:00

Registered: 2008-10-24
Posts: 559

Re: Mplayer, playing a video via framebuffer.

mplayer -vo fbdev2 /path/to/file

Edit : Just noticed the last sentence of the OP . Your problem has nothing to do with frame buffer , It seems .

Can you post the exact error message and the output of the following commands :

pacman -Qi mplayer libtheora
pacman -Ql libtheora mplayer | awk '{print $2}'|xargs file
readelf -d `which mplayer `|grep NEEDED

Last edited by Nezmer (2009-11-06 20:35:24)

English is not my native language .


#3 2009-11-06 20:37:52

Registered: 2009-05-23
Posts: 189

Re: Mplayer, playing a video via framebuffer.

Hmm. What could it be?


#4 2009-11-06 21:01:15

Registered: 2009-05-23
Posts: 189

Re: Mplayer, playing a video via framebuffer.



Name           : mplayer
Version        : 29776-1
URL            :
Licenses       : GPL  
Groups         : None
Provides       : None
Depends On     : libxxf86dga  libxv  libmad  giflib  cdparanoia  libxinerama  
                 sdl  lame  libtheora  xvidcore  zlib  libmng  libxss  
                 live-media  libgl  smbclient  aalib  
                 jack-audio-connection-kit  libcaca  x264>=20090416  faac  
                 lirc-utils  ttf-dejavu  libxvmc  libjpeg>=7  
Optional Deps  : None
Required By    : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces       : None
Installed Size : 23940.00 K
Packager       : Hugo Doria <>
Architecture   : i686
Build Date     : Sat 17 Oct 2009 01:21:57 PM EDT
Install Date   : Fri 06 Nov 2009 03:40:55 PM EST
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : No
Description    : A movie player for linux

Name           : libtheora
Version        : 1.1.1-1
URL            :
Licenses       : BSD  
Groups         : None
Provides       : None
Depends On     : libogg  
Optional Deps  : None
Required By    : ffmpeg  gstreamer0.10-base-plugins  libshout  mplayer  opal  
Conflicts With : None
Replaces       : None
Installed Size : 2116.00 K
Packager       : Eric Belanger <>
Architecture   : i686
Build Date     : Sun 01 Nov 2009 02:49:55 AM EST
Install Date   : Mon 02 Nov 2009 03:20:52 PM EST
Install Reason : Installed as a dependency for another package
Install Script : No
Description    : An open video codec developed by the


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/usr/share/man/fr/man1/mplayer.1:                                    troff or preprocessor input text
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/usr/share/man/hu/man1/:                                             directory
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/usr/share/man/it/man1/mplayer.1:                                    troff or preprocessor input text
/usr/share/man/man1/:                                                directory
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/usr/share/man/man1/mplayer.1:                                       troff or preprocessor input text
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/usr/share/man/pl/man1/:                                             directory
/usr/share/man/pl/man1/mencoder.1:                                   symbolic link to `mplayer.1'
/usr/share/man/pl/man1/mplayer.1:                                    troff or preprocessor input text
/usr/share/man/ru/:                                                  directory
/usr/share/man/ru/man1/:                                             directory
/usr/share/man/ru/man1/mencoder.1:                                   symbolic link to `mplayer.1'
/usr/share/man/ru/man1/mplayer.1:                                    troff or preprocessor input text
/usr/share/man/zh_CN/:                                               directory
/usr/share/man/zh_CN/man1/:                                          directory
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/usr/share/man/zh_CN/man1/mplayer.1:                                 troff or preprocessor input text
/usr/share/mplayer/:                                                 directory
/usr/share/mplayer/subfont.ttf:                                      symbolic link to `/usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSans.ttf'


 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
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 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
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 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
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 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []


#5 2009-11-07 00:56:52

Registered: 2008-10-24
Posts: 559

Re: Mplayer, playing a video via framebuffer.

Everything looks normal .

It displays an error saying that the theora lib was missing extradata.

What is the error message exactly ?
Maybe the problem lies in the video file not mplayer .

English is not my native language .


#6 2009-11-07 01:22:58

Registered: 2009-05-23
Posts: 189

Re: Mplayer, playing a video via framebuffer.

Nezmer wrote:

Everything looks normal .

It displays an error saying that the theora lib was missing extradata.

What is the error message exactly ?
Maybe the problem lies in the video file not mplayer .

I can play it in X. But not on my framebuffer.


#7 2009-11-07 03:52:52

Forum Fellow
From: Here
Registered: 2006-06-16
Posts: 7,942

Re: Mplayer, playing a video via framebuffer.


Please wrap long output in code tags. I fixed this one.


#8 2009-11-07 18:38:12

Registered: 2008-10-24
Posts: 559

Re: Mplayer, playing a video via framebuffer.

dragos240 wrote:
Nezmer wrote:

Everything looks normal .

It displays an error saying that the theora lib was missing extradata.

What is the error message exactly ?
Maybe the problem lies in the video file not mplayer .

I can play it in X. But not on my framebuffer.

So you run mplayer with "-vo fbdev2" or "-vo fbdev" and you have a framebuffer device "ls /dev/fb*" ?

Last edited by Nezmer (2009-11-07 18:39:05)

English is not my native language .


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