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#1 2009-11-12 11:03:26

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-03-22
Posts: 8

[Solved] Pacman timeouts


I am not able to upgrade my packages of the extra repo due to this:

[root@pcs108-010 ~]# pacman -Sy
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core   34.7K   3.3M/s  00:00:00 [#################################################] 100%
error: failed retrieving file 'extra.db.tar.gz' from : Connection timed out
error: failed to update extra (Connection timed out)
 community   363.4K   1291.1K/s   00:00:00 [#################################################] 100%

I spent the moring searching sniff logs for an error and finally found it: Pacman timeouts to early! The proxy in our company is not able to cache and scan the extra package quick enough. So I am looking for a timeout option for pacman. I didn't found one. Is it possible that the timeout is not pacman specific and I have to change something else to increase the timeout?

Last edited by Zearan (2009-11-16 05:59:06)


#2 2009-11-12 18:28:35

Registered: 2009-09-20
Posts: 553

Re: [Solved] Pacman timeouts

Did you try another mirror?

The command

pacman --debug -Sy

may also help.


#3 2009-11-12 19:34:52

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-03-22
Posts: 8

Re: [Solved] Pacman timeouts

Of course I tried another mirror. It is the same result. The --debug was the first thing I tried. Bottomlined it just says "timeout" which is fully correct.
But I would like to stress that my analysis of the problem is the result of sniffing the network traffic. It shows clearly that my PC sends the request for extra.db.tar.gz to our proxy and waits for it about 7 or 8 seconds then sends a timeout (a TCP Fin/Ack Package). About 3 seconds later the proxy answer with an HTTP OK and tries to start the data transfer which is answered with a TCP Reset Package by my PC (because it is already in timeout and downloading the community.db.tar.gz).
The problem is clearly our proxy which is caching and scanning all downloads to slowly. Therefore I need a way to give it more time without pacman giving up to early.


#4 2009-11-12 21:21:27

From: Columbia, SC
Registered: 2009-10-16
Posts: 142

Re: [Solved] Pacman timeouts

Maybe you could use XFerCommand in your pacman.conf to specify an outside program (such as wget) to handle the transfers and use the --timeout=seconds option of wget to set the timeout.  Like

XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --timeout=20 --tries=3 -c -O %o %u

Take into account that I haven't tried this and have never tried this.  I just ripped the example out of the comments in my pacman.conf and replaced the --passive-ftp option with the --timeout and --tries options.  Hope it helps!

Last edited by llcawthorne (2009-11-12 21:21:42)

To understand recursion, you must understand recursion.


#5 2009-11-12 21:42:20

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-03-22
Posts: 8

Re: [Solved] Pacman timeouts

Argh! I didn't even thought about using an outside program for pacman. I will try this directly on Monday (propably with --quiet big_smile). I'm pretty sure that this will work. I am going to mark it as solved on Monday too. Thanks, man!


#6 2009-11-16 05:59:21

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-03-22
Posts: 8

Re: [Solved] Pacman timeouts

Worked! Solved as promised...


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