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#1 2009-11-14 17:02:26

From: Rural Florida
Registered: 2008-12-12
Posts: 298

several linuxwacom pkgbuilds error on download

linuxwacom and linuxwacom-dev both error out in the downloading stage, as well as xf86-input-wacom.
This is not the case with linuxwacom-cvs however.
This happens both manually and with yauort, but that's to be expected if it's an external problem.

I don't really know what to do about it other than make this post, hopefully someone else does.

I need to find a way out so everyone can find their way out.
Resregietd Lunix Uesr: 485581


#2 2009-11-14 18:26:41

From: College Station, TX
Registered: 2008-03-23
Posts: 422

Re: several linuxwacom pkgbuilds error on download

First ask yourself and remember when posting something of this sort: How does it 'error out', and on what file specifically? "During the download stage" is a better description than most people give, but still not quite enough.

Next: You should first look at the source=() lines in the respective pkgbuilds.

In the case of linuxwacom, you have … l}.tar.bz2

The latter two do indeed show up at the files area … inuxwacom/ (Files link on AUR page).
Looking at the pkgbuild's variables, the former "$pkgname-${pkgver}${_rel}.tar.bz2" would convert to "linuxwacom-0.8.4-3.tar.bz2", so we have this hypothetical URL: … -3.tar.bz2

If you put that in a browser, it fails and redirects to this sourceforge page .

If you look at that page, "$_rel" as "-3" no longer exists when the $pkgver is 0.8.4 (0.8.4-3). It's 0.8.4-4 now. Since you're sure the url is dead and not temporarily down or something you should tell the maintainer on the linuxwacom aur page comments if nobody else has reported it yet. Since you also know it is updated (from 0.8.4-3 to 0.8.4-4), you should use the "mark package as out of date" button on the aur page as well, which appears to have been done by someone else already for linuxwacom (but not -dev). The aur page comments are there for situations like this.

Repeat the procedure with other packages giving you problems; most maintainers are happy to help (and to have legitimate problems reported) and get things working if you've put forth the small effort to make sure it's not something wrong on your end.

Last edited by FrozenFox (2009-11-14 18:51:14)


#3 2009-11-14 19:34:09

From: Rural Florida
Registered: 2008-12-12
Posts: 298

Re: several linuxwacom pkgbuilds error on download

Thank you very much, I'll get right on that.

I need to find a way out so everyone can find their way out.
Resregietd Lunix Uesr: 485581


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