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I have ordered a Zalman TNN300 case and I am trying to find a good, recent model, compatible motherboard for it. There is a list of compatible mobos here: … ?PRID=6063 (around middle of page). I tried looking up reviews of some of those but there seem to be widely varying opinions, which may not be trustworthy as well.
Could I ask for opinions here from personal experience or from hardware gurus, to narrow my search? I am aiming for high performance but with reliability and compatibility with Linux and solid state drives as well, since I am going for zero noise!
My thanks in advance.
Neoklis ... Ham Radio Call: 5B4AZ
Holy Pazuzu!.. thats a nice looking case..
I would go for the best Asus I could find. (I own a high priced silent Antec with Asus inside, its very quiet and all hardware plays nicely with Linux)
It looks like the list is old. Socket 939 is the most recent AMD socket on the list, and it looks to me like the Intel entries aren't brand new either. My guess is you'll have to contact Zalman on an update or hope for a co-owner that can help you out.
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It looks like the list is old. Socket 939 is the most recent AMD socket on the list, and it looks to me like the Intel entries aren't brand new either. My guess is you'll have to contact Zalman on an update or hope for a co-owner that can help you out.
Thank you for your replies. This is what I was wandering about also, could not find recent reviews. I think the reason is that the case is discontinued by Zalman, although Provantage claim they can get me one.
Luckily, there is a detailed description of the physical arrangement of the mobo that is needed to make it compatible, so I could use that to find a suitable one. Always assuming Provantage delivers ;-)
Neoklis ... Ham Radio Call: 5B4AZ