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#1 2009-12-01 00:25:09

Registered: 2005-02-02
Posts: 28

zoneminder and zoneminder-svn requires x264-git, cannot be fixed

ok, I mostly use yaourt for abs/aur packages but I also downloaded each file listed in AUR and tried "makepkg" as well. Neither work
It craps out making ffmpeg-svn, which it says its required and neither allows the non-svn mmpeg package.

the mmpeg package is a requirement for both x264 AND vlc and all packages of vlc SEEM to want the regular package of ffmpeg.
So as you can see I have a little dependancy hell. Is it perhaps safe to edit the .pkgbuild and change reguirements from mmpeg-svn->mmpeg?

Is this considered something I should report in aur as a broken package?


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