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#1 2009-12-21 21:34:22

Registered: 2009-12-21
Posts: 1

Speed Kde4 (_mod) / Gnome

As a relatively new archlinux user, I want some comparisons between gnome and kde.

Are there any indications about KDE4 (or kdemod) is slightly faster than gnome?  thinking primarily of the overall response time, and a comparison of resource usage between KWin and Compiz.



#2 2009-12-21 22:04:11

Registered: 2009-10-28
Posts: 33

Re: Speed Kde4 (_mod) / Gnome

My only experience with gnome was with Ubuntu, so I doubt that the comparison is fair.However, I found KDE to be noticeably faster, while I saw little difference between KDE and KDEmod. I'm using openbox now, and love it.


#3 2009-12-21 22:08:51

From: USA
Registered: 2005-02-18
Posts: 1,686

Re: Speed Kde4 (_mod) / Gnome

They currently feel about the same to me, although Firefox always seems faster under KDE4 for some reason.  That said, I really can't complain about the speed of either of them.



#4 2009-12-21 22:59:29

Registered: 2007-12-29
Posts: 12

Re: Speed Kde4 (_mod) / Gnome

If you care about speed, neither kde nor gnome are the top choice. If you are looking for a full bloated DE, speed is not a good argument to decide between gnome or kde.
Just install both, use both for a week each, and decide for the one you like more. Since speed in average pc usage is highly subjective anyways, even go this route if you want to go for the "faster" one.


#5 2009-12-22 21:02:17

From: MS Gulf Coast
Registered: 2008-05-15
Posts: 509

Re: Speed Kde4 (_mod) / Gnome

3ner wrote:

If you care about speed, neither kde nor gnome are the top choice. If you are looking for a full bloated DE, speed is not a good argument to decide between gnome or kde.
Just install both, use both for a week each, and decide for the one you like more. Since speed in average pc usage is highly subjective anyways, even go this route if you want to go for the "faster" one.

I agree 100%. The differences between GNOME and KDE will really be personal taste differences. Judging between the two while looking for speed is a folly as both are giants.

However, I must point out that you can set up either one to be more responsive. WHile I am not certain on how to do so under GNOME, in KDE, for example, you can preload instances of your favorite apps. This will cause the initial loading of the desktop to take longer, however it will also cause the applications to start up faster. So if you don't plan on logging out or restarting often, then that would buy you some time.

The question you need to ask yourself is which one feels better to you. Do you like the over all look and feel of gnome and gtk based apps, or of kde and qt apps. While you can use either apps in either DE, it IMO doesn't make much sense to use KDE and use nothing but GTK apps. So, do like 3ner suggested. Install and try both for a while. You can always delete one when you are done.

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