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#1 2009-12-22 13:23:22

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-01-06
Posts: 6

nvidia and radeon with 3 displays (kinda works but need help)

I've been trying to set up the following:

1. nvidia gtx260 with: 23" (2048x1152) & 22" (1680x1050)
2. radeon 3300 (r600) onboard with: 19" (1280x1024)

what was working with this xorg.conf:

one big screen on the nvidia with the 2 big displays attached to it. twinview is activated so I had 2 virtual displays with the correct resolutions (2048x1152 and 1680x1050)

I decided to try setting up my spare 19" and connected it to the radeon. my plan was setting up the 19" as a seperate screen with the radeon driver as I wouldn't need DRI on it. installing xf86-video-radeon worked with the -d option as ligbl conflicts with nvidia-utils. as I don't need DRI I don't need ligbl and ati-dri, just needed the radeon module for basic 2D support.

with this xorg.conf I got the following result:

all 3 monitors are working but: the 2 connected to the nvidia don't work with twinview any more. thats kind of annoying as applications now use the whole resolution of the two displays. here you see it:

the 3rd monitor with the seperate screen on the radeon works fine btw...

but most important to me now is to get twinview back. I tried setting it up with nvidia-settings and the posted xorg.conf above but neither works. anybody got an idea why that is?

help is greatly appreciated smile


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