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#1 2009-12-22 16:44:46

Registered: 2009-03-24
Posts: 940

X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

Without reviving old threads I thought I'd see where this was going. I'm currently sitting on a fresh base install without upgrading anything. Everytime I do an install I feel a twinge of irritation as I install all those X.Org packages as it seems the ONLY way to have any sort of graphical environment. Nothing against X.Org on a developmental level, it's just that (to me) it feels strange/wrong that there's only one real option available on-hand. This got me searching for X alternatives and I found a few projects that are either abandoned, going nowhere or simply wont work for 64-bit Archlinux.

As it stands I've only found a few supposed alternatives and I'll discuss briefly my success (or lack-of) with each of them.

MicroXWin: (from their website) "X Window Systems is a standard graphics framework for Unix/Linux desktops. There are large number of GUI toolkits and applications already written for X Windows Xlib API. X Windows is a network oriented and client-server design with the X server responsible for all graphics operations.
MicroXwin is binary compatible to the Xlib API. However it is neither client server nor network oriented. Graphics operations are implemented in the linux kernel via a kernel module. An open source Xlib library sends graphics commands to the kernel. There is no network overhead and no context switch from X client to X server. This makes our solution smaller and faster than traditional X Windows.
Benefits Of MicroXwin
Why should you consider using MicroXwin.
Snappy GUI - MicroXwin has 2X times faster graphics, faster event handling, low latency and low round-trip delays.
Lower Memory Usage - MicroXwin's kernel based X server uses < 1/2MB versus 19MB used by Xorg server on Fedora 7 distribution.
Compatibility - MicroXwin is binary compatible with standard X11 at the Xlib layer. So you can run all the standard applications and window managers.
Open Source Libraries- MicroXwin's user space libraries are open sourced allowing easy integration into customers platform. The kernel module is however proprietary.

My experience: I have not been able to get this to install. It wanted me to install regular X.Org libraries first and then build theirs and simply overwrite the regular X.Org files. I found this incredibly stupid and decided against it. It also kept complaining for old X.Org things like a rgb.txt file in the share folder, which I supplied, it continued and eventually failed on some [dmpsstr] not found issue. I decided it wasn't worth it. Anyone use succeed with this and/or enjoy it?

Links: 1) 2) 3)

Y Window System: (from their site) "Network Transparency
    Contrary to popular belief, supporting network transparency does not reduce the speed of the window system on local hosts. Further, with Y's in-server knowledge of widgets, applications run over a slow network can appear almost as responsive as local applications (especially when compared to an X application).
Modularity (plug-in style: dynamically unloadable and reloadable)
    Unload an old video driver, load a new version. On the fly. No restart in sight.
In-server implementation of widgets
    Y specifies a core set of widget classes. Objects of these classes are stored in the server, where they are closer to the user and thus more responsive from the user's point of view.
Consistency and Themeability
    Y widgets use the currently loaded theme to render themselves. Since all server widgets are using the same theme, all widgets appear consistent throughout the desktop. Client applications can also use the theme's drawing operations, allowing specialised widgets to make themselves fit in with the look-and-feel.
Support for hardware acceleration
    The Y design can make use of hardware acceleration to speed up rendering operations. This can even include the use of 3D-accelerators' textures to draw windows with (someone has already implemented a prototype of this which is very smooth).
Better internationalisation, localisation, and accessiblity
    In-server widgets means there can be exactly one current language, one complex input method system for languages that require them, and one set of accessibility features.

My experience: I installed all their dependencies with the exception of iterm (--disable-yiterm). It would always complain about wanting ( >= ) libsigc++-1.0 and on their site it says 1.2 will not work. So... Arch has a way newer version of this and so I downgraded to 1.0 (then later 1.1). It would continue to compile and finish successfully. I try to "make" and it fails almost immediately. I'm not on my Arch machine right now so I can't supply the error but I doubt it's worth it. This project is very old and I think it's abandoned.

Links:  1) 2)

Wayland Display Server: (from Wikipedia) "Wayland is a lightweight display server for the Linux desktop, with the aim that "every frame is perfect, by which I mean that applications will be able to control the rendering enough that we'll never see tearing, lag, redrawing or flicker".[1][2] Wayland was started by Kristian Høgsberg, a software engineer working for Red Hat, maker of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) an Operating System."

My experience: I haven't tried this yet. There seems to be a kernel26-wayland build and that it needs Intel or ATI started early in KMS. I think I read that you can also use nouveau in KMS which I'll have to do. Anyone have success with this? It seems like it's progressing ok. Update: There are currently experimental PKGBUILDs revolving around this project worth looking into.

Links: 1) 2) 3) … &px=NzcwOA 4) 5) 6) 7) <-newer link

DirectFB: (from Wikipedia) "DirectFB stands for Direct Frame Buffer. It is a software library for the GNU/Linux operating system that provides "hardware graphics acceleration, input device handling and abstraction, integrated windowing system with support for translucent windows and multiple display layers on top of the Linux Framebuffer Device."
The library allows developers an alternative to a full X Window System server used in Unix-like operating systems. DirectFB allows applications to talk directly to video hardware through a direct API, speeding up and simplifying graphic operations.

My experience: I haven't tried this yet nor I have I seriously researched it. Sorry. AFAIK, you can use it as a replacement for X. Anyone try this? Also, I couldn't get their official website to load. Maybe it's down right now. Also, it seems that DirectFB will not work in KMS with Intel, for those who need this.

Links: 1) 2) 3) … 06248.html 4) … n-openwrt/ 5) 6) … 17214.html 7) (about KMS issue)

Xynth Window System: (from their site) "Xynth is a portable embedded windowing system, client/server interface between display hardware (mouse, keyboard, video displays) and the desktop environment that works on many hardware, including embedded devices (handhelds, set-top boxes, etc.).
    * TCP/IP (allows client/server connection on different hosts)
    * UDS (Unix Domain Sockets)
    * pipe() based socket api implementation. usefull for embedded devices. (there is no dependency for TCP/IP stack, if clients and server linked in singled app.)
    * Memory based pipe(), read(), send(), poll() implementation. xynth is able to work even there is no file descriptor on system.
    * mutex and condition variables implementation using semaphores.
    * DMA (Direct Memory Access). allows clients to draw directly on graphics buffer.
    * Buffer streaming (allows client/server connection on different hosts)
    * Move, 8-way resize
    * Optional theme plugin support. (theme_*.so)
      .xpm to .so tool.
    * Anti-aliased fonts with Freetype Library.
    * Anti-alias enabled low-level graphics library.
      (rgbcolor, colorrgb, setpixel, getpixel, hline , vline, fillbox, putbox, putboxmask, getbox, putboxpart, putboxpartmask, copybox, scalebox, getsurface, setsurfacevirtual, setsurface)
    * Anti-alias enabled overlay drawing ability.
      (rgbcolor_o, colorrgb_o, setpixel_o, getpixel_o, hline_o, vline_o, fillbox_o, putbox_o, putboxmask_o, getbox_o, putboxpart_o, putboxpartmask_o, copybox_o, getsurface_o, setsurfacevirtual_o, setsurface_o)
    * Basic image library.
      (xpm, png, gif)
    * Basic widget library.
      (object, frame, button, checkbox, textbox, scrollbuffer, listbox, controllistbox, pushbutton, etc.)
    * Low Memory & CPU Usage;
      In 1024x768x32bits mode with 253 clients open mem. usage is ~2,5M
    * Static linked binary : ~125K
  ...... snipped ......

My experience: I haven't tried this as of yet but I'm looking forward to trying. Now it says embedded systems but I'm guessing it will work on a regular desktop the same way as things like gtk2 are ported.  I didn't get anything from the Forum Search so I'm curious if anyone else has tried this yet.

Links: 1) 2)

Fresco: (from their site) " Fresco is a windowing system derived from a powerful structured graphics toolkit originally based on InterViews. Fresco extends earlier incarnations to the status of a full windowing system, in command of the video hardware (via GGI, SDL, DirectFB  or GLUT) and processing user input directly rather than peering with a host windowing system.

Additionally, Fresco's extensions include a rich drawing interface with multiple backends, an upgrade to modern CORBA standards, a new Unicode-capable text system, dynamic module loading, and many communication abstractions for connecting other processes to the server. It is developed entirely by volunteers on the internet, using free software, and released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. "

My experience: I have not tried this but at least it's another alternative. I see the imagery isn't that pretty but that won't stop me from trying it.  I didn't get any search results for this either, so has anyone else even tried it? Their website says this: "Fresco is not yet ready to replace X (or any other windowing system) for even the most adventurous of users. However, if you want to try it out for yourself or assist with development, then you'll need to get it running. We recommend that developers check out the latest version from CVS; those looking to experiment can try their luck with the latest development code, or use one of our occasional Releases. In either case, once you've gotten the source, you'll want to read the instructions on how to install. " So I'm guessing it's not really usable. I'll see about experimenting.

Links: 1) 2) 3) … 7785.shtml

Metisse: (from their site) "Metisse [1, 2, 3] is an X-based window system designed with two goals in mind. First, it should make it easy for HCI researchers to design and implement innovative window management techniques Second, it should conform to existing standards and be robust and efficient enough to be used on a daily basis, making it a suitable platform for the evaluation of the proposed techniques.

Metisse is not focused on a particular kind of interaction (e.g. 3D) and should not be seen as a new desktop proposal. It is rather a tool for creating new types of desktop environments.

Metisse was used, for example, to implement the User Interface Façades system, a system that allows to adapt, reconfigure, and re-combine existing graphical interfaces through direct manipulation techniques. It was used by Mekensleep to integrate GTK+ interfaces into the OpenGL-based Pok3D game. Distributed as a ``Live CD'' by Mandriva in early 2007, Metisse is now available as one of the standard desktop configurations in the Mandriva Linux distribution."

My experience: Have not tried this only because I'm not sure I can. Mandriva's site say it's not for 64-bit (soon, it says) and some people report compile errors for 64-bit while other says it works flawlessly. This is sad to me as it seems really nice and I'm not sure I'll be able to use it but I'm sure someone has tried it at one point or time as it can be used in Mandriva and Gentoo and I'm sure many others.

Links: 1) 2) 3) … e/faq.html 4)

KDrive (or TinyX): (from their site) "KDrive (Tiny X, TinyX) is an X server written by Keith Packard that was designed for low memory environments. On Linux/x86, a KDrive server with RENDER support but without support for scalable fonts compiles into less than 700 KB of text. KDrive tends to avoid large memory allocations at runtime, and tries to perform operations "on the fly" whenever possible (but this is also true of recent versions of the stock XFree86 server). "

My experience: Well, I haven't had any experience with this. It seems a nice alternative to the "big" version of X if you're going to be stuck with X.Org anyways. I guess if you really don't want to let go of your X applications. tongue I may actually end up doing this if I can't get any of the others to work. Anyone else here use a dedicated KDrive?

Links: 1) 2)

============================= rest >> /dev/null ==========================================

So, there ends the little overviews. I'm wondering everyone's standpoint on this. I'm trying to find an alternative to X.Org. Any suggestions or experiences with this? Everyone happy with X.Org? Sorry for the long post, I just really find it strange that there's no real alternatives available on-hand. I'll have to venture into this experimentally until I find an alternative, lest I fail and use completely CLI applications in a pimped out console. tongue I just need to view videos, which I think there's some output in MPlayer for that but I'm not sure how pretty it would look. Also, websites just don't like many CLI browsers. Hence I'm still looking for an X.Org alternative.

I know I didn't explain the whole "WHY" of it all; why I don't want xorg, why I think there  needs to be alternatives, etc, etc. For me the only reason is that I'm looking for one. Choices. X.Org works, yes, but I'm looking for choices. I have no intention on trying to bash X.Org or start a huge argument with people, only alternatives. Thanks for reading and I hope I'm not the only one who doesn't want to be "pushed into" using X.Org. Of course I'm not pushed into using it. smile

Last edited by milomouse (2010-12-02 15:18:05)


#2 2009-12-22 17:49:23

Package Maintainer (PM)
Registered: 2007-02-22
Posts: 647

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

Off topic, if you just want a terminal with background image and pretty fonts, there is always fbterm.  Very easy to set up.

You did forgot one option, the KDrive server.  It's been merged into Xorg, so you just have to mess with the config to build it.  Only supports the vesa driver and is used in DSL/Puppy/Slitaz. 

Those guys are all serious about lightweight software, so KDrive probably deserves to be on the list, despite still being Xorg.


#3 2009-12-22 18:26:47

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

IIRC DirectFB is incompatible w/ KMS - at least on intel.


#4 2009-12-22 19:04:14

Registered: 2008-03-11
Posts: 234

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

I believe and hope that wayland will be a feasable alternative to X in the future. It's very modern and desktop oriented. And there's progress.


#5 2009-12-22 21:58:57

Registered: 2009-03-24
Posts: 940

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

keenerd wrote:

Off topic, if you just want a terminal with background image and pretty fonts, there is always fbterm.  Very easy to set up.

You did forgot one option, the KDrive server.  It's been merged into Xorg, so you just have to mess with the config to build it.  Only supports the vesa driver and is used in DSL/Puppy/Slitaz. 

Those guys are all serious about lightweight software, so KDrive probably deserves to be on the list, despite still being Xorg.

Reply to off-topic: Didnt' know about fbterm, sounds really nice. That may be actually what I'm looking for, who knows.

On-topic: Well I briefly blurbed about TinyX at the bottom which is the same thing as KDrive if I'm not mistaken. It does look nice as an alternative to "BigX", but I was just trying to find those who are not actually X. Backwards X capability is fine though. I'm not sure if I was archiving the alternatives so much as opening them up for discussion so I, for one, may see if anyone else has had success in using them. If all else fails I may end up doing a TinyX (KDrive) install as opposed to the "BigX" if I'm going to be stuck with X anyways. Although the fbterm seems rather appealing. tongue

karol wrote:

IIRC DirectFB is incompatible w/ KMS - at least on intel.

Oh? I didn't know this, I haven't had an Intel before. I'll edit my post to include that bit of info as it's good to know for those who need KMS. smile

Shapeshifter wrote:

I believe and hope that wayland will be a feasable alternative to X in the future. It's very modern and desktop oriented. And there's progress.

I've really been looking forward to Wayland as it's one of the only alternatives that are continually being worked on. I really hope to see something come of it and am actually going to experiment with the wayland kernel and see if I can get it to work.


#6 2009-12-22 23:02:36

Registered: 2008-08-12
Posts: 2,563

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

Wayland isn't an alternative to X, but it does look very nice wink … an-no.html


#7 2009-12-22 23:04:54

Forum Fellow
From: Here
Registered: 2006-06-16
Posts: 7,942

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

I thought that DirectFB still relies on parts of X.


#8 2009-12-22 23:04:58

Registered: 2009-03-24
Posts: 940

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

Premature indeed! Oh well, I listed TinyX, might as well keep Wayland. Still, it's nice to have a "modern" way of doing things.

@skottish: Yeah, I think it relies on libxext which is a part of X. Are there more? I guess one or two parts X isn't so bad. hmm  I guess it's more folly than anything trying to find something completely devoid of X that's actually any good. Won't stop me from trying though.

Last edited by milomouse (2009-12-22 23:09:13)


#9 2009-12-23 00:50:12

From: 1992
Registered: 2006-08-08
Posts: 1,581

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

How about XFree86?
You know the project was forked from. Its still developed.
But i dont think it will be very usable if you use GNOME or KDE. Other than that it should most likely work.

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#10 2009-12-23 19:02:38

Registered: 2008-11-24
Posts: 36

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

hm... would 3d acceleration (nvidia closed driver) work if i'd use one of those alternatives? or can it be combined with Xorg only?

/// edit
ah, and i would forgot: may i use 'regular' DE/window managers on it?

Last edited by szymon_g (2009-12-23 19:07:32)


#11 2009-12-23 20:30:05

Registered: 2008-08-12
Posts: 2,563

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

No, binary blobs would not work with anything but the X.Org server they were designed to work with.
They need updates even for new versions of X.Org.

Wayland simply sits below the X server though, so the NVIDIA blob will still work with it _AFAIK_.


#12 2009-12-23 22:50:07

Registered: 2009-08-15
Posts: 360

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

Ranguvar wrote:

No, binary blobs would not work with anything but the X.Org server they were designed to work with.
They need updates even for new versions of X.Org.

Wayland simply sits below the X server though, so the NVIDIA blob will still work with it _AFAIK_.

Actually it won't, Wayland requires KMS, and nvidia doesn't support that (yet)


#13 2009-12-23 22:55:42

Registered: 2009-04-02
Posts: 18

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

MicroXwin is great! big_smile

I love it, it's so fast and snappy, plus is saves me on old laptops and such with little ram *on debian*

it's a tiny kernel module, it supports almost all of the xlib (some things had issues, but i think most have been worked out) gtk 1/2 FOX and FLTK all worked for me. i did not attempt any Qt.

One problem being it's closed source, so if anyone has serious a FOSS complex don't use it. I wish it was open source, since it totally outstrips by miles, just imagine, no overhead, fast, open-source, un bloated code.

what could a arch user want more?



#14 2009-12-24 02:29:05

Registered: 2009-03-24
Posts: 940

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

crazycal00 wrote:

MicroXwin is great! big_smile

I love it, it's so fast and snappy, plus is saves me on old laptops and such with little ram *on debian*

it's a tiny kernel module, it supports almost all of the xlib (some things had issues, but i think most have been worked out) gtk 1/2 FOX and FLTK all worked for me. i did not attempt any Qt.

One problem being it's closed source, so if anyone has serious a FOSS complex don't use it. I wish it was open source, since it totally outstrips by miles, just imagine, no overhead, fast, open-source, un bloated code.

what could a arch user want more?


Did you install it via their README? I recall they asked to install all the regular X.Org first and then compile theirs and simply overwrite a few files with their compiled versions. This had me wary of trying it, but if it works as described I may give it a try when I get my computer up and running again.


#15 2009-12-24 16:01:48

Registered: 2009-04-02
Posts: 18

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

you need the xorg headers i'm pretty sure, and some of the libraries, the ones they ask you to overwrite just backup so if anything goes wrong.

I'm not very sure how i got it working! but it works, also you can't update your kernel, since you'd need a new kernel module and it's closed source


#16 2009-12-24 17:14:05

Registered: 2009-02-03
Posts: 1,098

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

crazycal00 wrote:

MicroXwin is great! big_smile
I love it, it's so fast and snappy, plus is saves me on old laptops and such with little ram *on debian*

it's a tiny kernel module, it supports almost all of the xlib (some things had issues, but i think most have been worked out) gtk 1/2 FOX and FLTK all worked for me. i did not attempt any Qt.
what could a arch user want more?

Getting it to compile.
There is no /usr/include/X11/extensions/dpmsstr.h and there is no /usr/include/X11/extensions/shmstr.h anymore. I tried to use shm.h instead but that doesn't work.

฿ 18PRsqbZCrwPUrVnJe1BZvza7bwSDbpxZz


#17 2009-12-24 17:45:43

Registered: 2008-08-12
Posts: 2,563

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

some-guy94 wrote:
Ranguvar wrote:

No, binary blobs would not work with anything but the X.Org server they were designed to work with.
They need updates even for new versions of X.Org.

Wayland simply sits below the X server though, so the NVIDIA blob will still work with it _AFAIK_.

Actually it won't, Wayland requires KMS, and nvidia doesn't support that (yet)

Ah, so there is that then.

If Wayland starts to become a viable option though, I can see NVIDIA moving fairly quickly to support it...
And by that time, I hope that fglrx will be nearly obsolete, because I can see it taking them nearly forever tongue

Last edited by Ranguvar (2009-12-24 17:45:57)


#18 2009-12-24 18:10:20

el mariachi
Registered: 2007-11-30
Posts: 595

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

that wayland seems a good deal... anyone got it working? Screenshots? *drools*
as far as I understood, at this moment, it only works if it's underneath an X server, right? I wouldn't be able to run my cozy PekWm based desktop with it, right? *pant*pant*


#19 2009-12-24 18:35:41

Registered: 2008-10-10
Posts: 110

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

Actually, I think it is above the X server.


#20 2009-12-24 21:16:47

el mariachi
Registered: 2007-11-30
Posts: 595

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

oh... I didn't understand what the benefits would be, to run it that way (on top/underneath X). Can anyone simplify it for me? My simple logic tells me it would have less perfomance, since 2 is bigger than 1 (apps)


#21 2009-12-24 21:49:30

Registered: 2009-08-15
Posts: 360

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

It's underneath, which means it works without an x-server running, but (multiple actually) x-servers can run on top of wayland.

Here's a screenshot from krh: … ophone.png

Also here's a quote from phoronix's interview of nvidia's Andy Ritger:

Q: Does NVIDIA have any intentions to provide Kernel-based Mode-Setting support?

Nothing definite, no, but we do get a lot of requests for it and it is something I hope we can pursue in the future.

Hopefully NVIDIA will get bored of just making bugfixes for vdpau and will actually give us KMS.


#22 2009-12-24 21:51:15

From: Athens, Hellas (Greece)
Registered: 2007-12-26
Posts: 2,160

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

some-guy94 wrote:

It's underneath, which means it works without an x-server running, but (multiple actually) x-servers can run on top of wayland.

Here's a screenshot from krh: … ophone.png

Also here's a quote from phoronix's interview of nvidia's Andy Ritger:

Q: Does NVIDIA have any intentions to provide Kernel-based Mode-Setting support?

Nothing definite, no, but we do get a lot of requests for it and it is something I hope we can pursue in the future.

Hopefully NVIDIA will get bored of just making bugfixes for vdpau and will actually give us KMS.

Nvidia already provides most of KMS's features, except for flicker free boot with full resolution terminal and I guess kernel space based powersaving.


#23 2009-12-26 07:31:25

Registered: 2008-10-10
Posts: 110

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

I stand corrected


#24 2010-10-11 08:39:46

From: Belgium
Registered: 2009-09-08
Posts: 22

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

@milomouse: Any updates on your quest for an X.Org alternative?


#25 2010-12-01 18:31:20

From: Praha - CZ
Registered: 2005-05-19
Posts: 79

Re: X.Org alternatives? MicroXWin, Wayland, Y, DFB, Xynth, Fresco, etc..

Wayland project is on the track and some arch users have been experimenting with via their own PKGbuilds:

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