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I have a now playing script for xchat, I had it heavily modified but cannot get it to show artist - album.
atm it just shows album, cannot find any documentation on how to add the artist to it.
here is the script
any help would be greatly appriciated
It has been solved, the final working sript is above
Last edited by 3nd3r (2009-12-29 21:58:46)
Proud Arch i686 & x86_64 User
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for those that dont like pastebin, here is the code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# X-Chat Audacious for Audacious 1.4 and later
# This uses the native Audacious D-Bus interface.
# To consider later:
# - support org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer (MPRIS)?
# This script is in the public domain.
# $Id: 4574 2007-05-16 07:46:17Z deitarion $
__module_name__ = "xchat-audacious"
__module_version__ = "1.0.1"
__module_description__ = "Get NP information from Audacious"
from dbus import Bus, DBusException
import xchat
# connect to DBus
bus = Bus(Bus.TYPE_SESSION)
def get_aud():
return bus.get_object('org.atheme.audacious', '/org/atheme/audacious')
except DBusException:
print "\x02Either Audacious is not running or you have something wrong with your D-Bus setup."
return None
def command_np(word, word_eol, userdata):
aud = get_aud()
audr = bus.get_object('org.mpris.audacious', '/')
audi = bus.get_object('org.mpris.audacious', '/Player')
audm = audi.GetMetadata()
if aud:
pos = aud.Position()
playLength = aud.Length()
length = aud.SongLength(pos)
tlength = (length > 0) and ("%d:%02d" % (length / 60, length % 60)) or "stream"
playSecs = aud.Time() / 1000
n = playSecs * 11 / length
info = aud.Info()
xchat.command("say \x037>>\x0F { audacious }{ " + unicode(audm['artist']).encode('utf-8') + " - " + unicode(audm['title']).encode('utf-8') + " }{ " + ("%d:%02d" % (playSecs / 60, playSecs % 60)) + "/" + tlength + " }{ \x033" + '*' * n + "\x0F" + "*" * (10 - n) + " }{ " + str(info[0]/1000) + "kbps" + "/" + str(info[1]/1000) + "kHz }{ " + str(pos) + "/" + str(playLength) + " }" )
return xchat.EAT_ALL
def makeVoidCommand(cmd):
def callback(word, word_eol, userdata):
getattr(get_aud(), cmd, lambda: None)()
return xchat.EAT_ALL
return callback
def command_send(word, word_eol, userdata):
if len(word) < 2:
print "You must provide a user to send the track to."
return xchat.EAT_ALL
aud = get_aud()
if aud:
xchat.command('DCC SEND %s "%s"' % (word[1], aud.SongFilename(aud.Position()).encode("utf8")))
return xchat.EAT_ALL
xchat.hook_command("NP", command_np, help="Displays current playing song.")
xchat.hook_command("NEXT", makeVoidCommand('Advance'), help="Advances in Audacious' playlist.")
xchat.hook_command("PREV", makeVoidCommand('Reverse'), help="Goes backwards in Audacious' playlist.")
xchat.hook_command("PAUSE", makeVoidCommand('Pause'), help="Toggles paused status.")
xchat.hook_command("STOP", makeVoidCommand('Stop'), help="Stops playback.")
xchat.hook_command("PLAY", makeVoidCommand('Play'), help="Begins playback.")
xchat.hook_command("SENDTRACK", command_send, help="Syntax: /SENDTRACK <nick>\nSends the currently playing track to a user.")
# IRC+PP support section
# XChat is lame and does not give us a server list.
def get_servers():
chanlist = xchat.get_list("channels")
servlist = []
for i in chanlist:
if i.server not in servlist:
return servlist
ignore_services = 0;
def ignore_service_errors_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
global ignore_services
if ignore_services == 1:
return xchat.EAT_ALL
return xchat.EAT_NONE
#xchat.hook_print("Notice", ignore_service_errors_cb)
def unset_ignore_services(userdata=None):
global ignore_services
ignore_services = 0
return 1
last_title = None
def presence_notification_dispatch(userdata=None):
global ignore_services, last_title
aud = get_aud()
ignore_services = 1
if aud:
pos = aud.Position()
title = aud.SongTitle(pos).encode("utf8")
if title != last_title:
slist = get_servers()
for i in slist:
ctx = xchat.find_context(i)
ctx.command("nickserv set qproperty np %s" % (title))
last_title = title
return 1
#xchat.hook_timer(3000, presence_notification_dispatch)
#xchat.hook_timer(500, unset_ignore_services)
print "xchat-audacious $Id: 4574 2007-05-16 07:46:17Z deitarion $ loaded"
Last edited by 3nd3r (2009-12-29 21:59:35)
Proud Arch i686 & x86_64 User
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