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#376 2010-02-09 02:31:06

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-01-20
Posts: 72

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Thanks, I'll try changing the paths and see if that comes back.

I know the /tmp deletion on start is normal. I ment to say it seems that sometimes the folder gets created with user root:root, but that may well be something peculiar in my setup, I'll watch it. But it's no big deal either - since removing it restores normal behaviour - as long as bauerbill itself is healthy smile.

Good to know that the execution rights on /tmp are OK though. I'll post if I get a clue what happens here...

Last edited by MAroco (2010-02-09 02:31:40)


#377 2010-02-09 03:53:29

Forum Fellow
From: Between Thailand and Singapore
Registered: 2009-03-17
Posts: 7,356

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Hi Xyne, dunno if its mentioned yet, but in the case where the normal packages are up-to-date and there's only one upgrade (from the AUR), if I press skip [s] it vomits out the following errors. Does not happen when there are normal packages to be updated and I skip, only in the situation I outlined.

bauerbill -Syu --aur
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 testing                   49.7K    8.0K/s 00:00:06 [#####################] 100%
 core is up to date
 extra                    447.4K   13.9K/s 00:00:32 [#####################] 100%
 community-testing          2.2K   28.8M/s 00:00:00 [#####################] 100%
 community                363.1K   13.4K/s 00:00:27 [#####################] 100%
--> Searching for upgradable repo packages...
--> Searching for upgradable AUR packages...
--> Loading AUR taurball data...
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/AUR/wine-wc/PKGBUILD
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  s
skipping wine-wc
--> Determining sizes of source files...
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Arch/ line 664.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Arch/ line 664.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Arch/ line 664.
Use of uninitialized value $c in substr at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Common/ line 140.
Use of uninitialized value $c in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Common/ line 146.
Use of uninitialized value $build_dir in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Arch/ line 672.
--> Building wine-wc...
==> ERROR: PKGBUILD does not exist.
ERROR: makepkg exited with an error (256)
Use of uninitialized value $c in substr at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Common/ line 140.
Use of uninitialized value $c in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Common/ line 146.
error: PKGBUILD does not exist

Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.


#378 2010-02-09 04:17:15

From: Ellensburg, WA, USA
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 45

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Hi Xyne,
I upgraded all but a couple of packages too shorten the list of packages to download and try to simplify debugging, shorten the metalink list, etc. Now I can't reproduce the problem.

What I can tell you is after the first steps the md5sum file did match the metalink file.
Then after running "bauerbill -Su --cachedir /tmp/cache" and aborting with the filesystem error, the second md5sum file did not match. At this point I was getting crosseyed trying to deal with the pages of output, so I tried to simplify the senario, and the issue disappeared.

I guess if it's a bug it will turn up again sooner or later smile


#379 2010-02-09 04:36:46

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

That's the same error that mokasin reported. The lines do not match the latest version though. Upgrade to the latest version of perl-xyne-arch (>=1.2.22) from my repo and repost the warning messages if it happens again.

I'm still curious about what changed the md5sums, but I doubt that bauerbill. If it was bauerbill though, that will definitely turn up again... there probably would have been several reports already if it was.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#380 2010-02-09 10:39:02

Registered: 2009-07-30
Posts: 35

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Xyne wrote:

If you find a way to input a string on the command line without hitting return in Perl, I'll consider using it.

I've never used perl myself, but I found this

perldoc -q "read a single character"

So either it requires the CPAN module Term::ReadKey or you do it the little more complex POSIX style.

Xyne wrote:

Why should "view" open up the text in your editor? What would be the point of having 2 options to do the exact same thing? If you want to view the file in your editor, use the edit option at the prompt. You can also select a viewer/pager using the viewer option if you want something that will print the PKGBUILD to the terminal with syntax highlighting. Just use something which accepts text through a pipe.

Wasn't aware of the viewer option. And you have a point wink.

Xyne wrote:

Did you remember to pass it the "--aur" option?

Argh. Mea culpa. Have added it to my alias now.

Xyne wrote:

The errors in the output you posted don't seem to match the latest version of perl-xyne-arch. If they persist with the latest version, post them again and I'll try to debug it.

Fixed that issue.


P.S.: It would be cool, if you used some SCM like git or mercurial (, Don't know what's your dev style but I think a SCM really avoids loosing overview. And it would make it easier for others to contribute to you work (if you like that).

Last edited by mokasin (2010-02-09 10:48:41)


#381 2010-02-09 12:41:43

Registered: 2009-11-08
Posts: 21

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Xyne wrote:

That was due to bug in the JSON parser and a version string for "shoes-policeman". I've updated the parser.

If that ever happens again, use "kill -9 xxxx" to kill bauerbill.

Thanks for the answer. And a big thanks for both powerpill and bauerbill.


#382 2010-02-09 21:35:05

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

You no longer need to press enter at the inspection prompt. Let me know if it works as expected.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#383 2010-02-09 22:11:48

Registered: 2009-07-30
Posts: 35

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more


I found another issue. Don't know what this is supposed to mean:

$ bauerbill --aur --cachedir /tmp -Su
--> Searching for upgradable repo packages...
--> Searching for upgradable AUR packages...
zsh: segmentation fault  bauerbill --aur --cachedir /tmp -Su

And starting bauerbill -Syu as a normal user works just fine with sudo (password is required when needed).

$ bauerbill --cachedir /tmp --rebase -Syu
error: failed to lock database (no permission)


#384 2010-02-09 23:01:35

Registered: 2010-02-04
Posts: 16

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

[2010-02-09 17:33] upgraded perl-xyne-common (1.0.13-1 -> 2010.02.09.1-1)
[2010-02-09 17:33] upgraded perl-xyne-arch (1.2.22-1 -> 2010.02.09.1-1)

This is first time getting new error:

I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/dev/stdin"
Exception caught
Exception: [] Cannot parse metalink XML file. XML may be malformed.

 >>bauerbill -S abiword --abs
--> Getting trusted user package lists...
:: ABS build queue:
:: Build all? [Y/n] 
--> Loading ABS taurball data...
--> Checking for abs archive updates for the following repos: [extra]
--> sourcing /home/mike/bauerbill/build/extra/abiword/PKGBUILD (trusting ABS)
--> resolving fribidi... installed
--> resolving enchant... installed
--> resolving librsvg>=2.26.0-2... installed
--> resolving wv>=1.2.4-4... found in [extra]
--> resolving libgsf-gnome>=1.14.16... found in [extra]
--> resolving pkgconfig... installed
--> resolving libxslt... installed
--> resolving link-grammar... found in [extra]
--> resolving gtkmathview... found in [extra]
--> resolving loudmouth... found in [extra]
--> resolving libwpd... found in [extra]
--> resolving asio... found in [extra]
--> resolving libsoup... installed
--> resolving psiconv... found in [extra]
--> resolving aiksaurus... found in [extra]
--> resolving libgsf>=1.14.16... installed
--> resolving libpng>=1.4.0... installed
--> resolving sh... installed (provided by bash)
--> resolving libgsf=1.14.16... installed
--> resolving libbonobo>=2.24.2... installed
--> resolving gnome-vfs>=2.24.2... installed
--> resolving glibc... installed
--> resolving popt... installed
--> resolving gtk2... installed
--> resolving t1lib... installed
--> resolving gmetadom>=0.2.6... found in [extra]
--> resolving gdome2... found in [extra]
--> resolving libxml2>=2.7.3... installed
--> resolving glib2>=2.20.3... installed
--> resolving glib2>=2.18.3... installed
--> resolving gnutls>=2.6.3... installed
--> resolving libidn... installed
--> resolving libgsf>=1.14.3-2... installed
--> resolving boost... installed
--> resolving imagemagick... installed
--> Determining sizes of source files...
--> Reflecting... retrieved 45 mirrors.

:: The following sources will be downloaded:

:: The following packages will be downloaded:
     aiksaurus asio gdome2 gmetadom gtkmathview libgsf-gnome libwpd link-grammar
     loudmouth psiconv wv

:: Number of Sources:                        1
:: Number of Packages:                      11
:: Total Download Size:               14.15 MB
:: Binary Package Install Size:       25.94 MB

:: Proceed with download? [Y/n] 
--> Reflecting... retrieved 45 mirrors.

I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/dev/stdin"
Exception caught
Exception: [] Cannot parse metalink XML file. XML may be malformed.

:: 12 unsuccessful download(s). Would you like to retry? [Y/n] ^C


#385 2010-02-09 23:06:02

Registered: 2010-02-04
Posts: 16

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

then first time for this:

 >>bauerbill -Syu
--> Rebasing...

^ xyne-any/perl-xyne-arch 2010.02.09.1-1 -> 2010.02.09.2-1
^ xyne-any/perl-xyne-common 2010.02.09.1-1 -> 2010.02.09.2-1
--> updated [xyne-any] +0 ^2 -0

--> Getting trusted user package lists...
--> Searching for upgradable repo packages...
--> Searching for upgradable AUR packages...
*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/perl: corrupted double-linked list: 0x0000000004b9df10 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
[1]    1956 abort      bauerbill -Syu


#386 2010-02-09 23:18:04

Registered: 2010-02-04
Posts: 16

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

OK sorry for jumping the gun, i downgraded to previous perl-xyne-arch and perl-xyne-common and then upgraded to:

[2010-02-09 18:14] upgraded perl-xyne-common (1.0.13-1 -> 2010.02.09.2-1)
[2010-02-09 18:14] upgraded perl-xyne-arch (1.2.22-1 -> 2010.02.09.2-1)

Appears to be working again. Thanks for your good work.


#387 2010-02-09 23:49:11

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

The segmentation faults are due to the code which reads single characters from the command line (mokasin's request, via the code in perldoc's "read a single character").

perl-xyne-arch 2010.02.09.2 fixed the segfault in pacpan by moving the code from one module to another, but I need to look into it more to make sure that it doesn't happen again. If it proves to be problematic, I'll remove it.

Remove the lock file and upgrade to >=2010.02.09.2.

I've adopted a different approach to reading a single character at the inspection prompt (using system calls and stty instead of the low-level POSIX module, which broke several things). Report any strange behavior.

Last edited by Xyne (2010-02-10 01:23:23)

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#388 2010-02-10 01:51:24

Registered: 2009-10-24
Posts: 4

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Maybe a bug!
when I have the ccache option enabled for makepkg and set a global CCACHE_DIR=/var/cache/ccache in file /etc/profile.d/ ,It ignores this setting when I use bauerbill to install a package from AUR and writes ccache files in $HOME/.ccache.But if I manually download the tarball from AUR website and makepkg,It will write ccache files in /var/cache/ccache(so the setting is OK).
Sorry for my poor English.


#389 2010-02-10 02:41:37

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I don't know how to fix that. Are you running bauerbill as root? When run as root, it runs the makepkg command using su (.e.g. "su <builder> -c '<makepkg cmd>'"). Maybe the profile isn't loaded when using "su -c". Does it work if you run bauerbill as a normal user?

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#390 2010-02-10 05:37:28

Forum Fellow
From: Between Thailand and Singapore
Registered: 2009-03-17
Posts: 7,356

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Xyne wrote:

That's the same error that mokasin reported. The lines do not match the latest version though. Upgrade to the latest version of perl-xyne-arch (>=1.2.22) from my repo and repost the warning messages if it happens again.

Fixed in latest from your repo. Thanks.

Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.


#391 2010-02-10 08:33:30

Registered: 2009-10-24
Posts: 4

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I don't know how to run bauerbill as a normal user to build a package from AUR...


#392 2010-02-10 12:47:39

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more


bauerbill --aur --cachedir <path> -S <pkgname>

Replace "<path>" with the path to a directory for which you have write permissions. You'll need sudo to install the package if you run bauerbill as a normal user.

Check the man page for other options.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#393 2010-02-10 18:23:28

Registered: 2009-07-30
Posts: 35

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I'm sorry. I didn't put that right.

What I meant, both commands as non-root-user:

$ bauerbill --cachedir /tmp -Sy  #works as expected
$ bauerbill --rebase --cachedir /tmp -Sy
error: failed to lock database (no permission)

/var/lib/pacman/db.lock is deleted. Or does rebase use another lock?

Last edited by mokasin (2010-02-10 18:48:16)


#394 2010-02-10 23:44:39

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

You can't update the database as a normal user because normally only root has write permissions to the database (you can't run "pacman -Sy" as a normal user either).

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#395 2010-02-11 00:57:42

Registered: 2009-07-30
Posts: 35

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I'm aware of this. I'm just wondering why the first command automatically uses sudo if required and the second don't. It's kind of inconsistent.


#396 2010-02-11 01:25:56

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Sorry, I missed the "-y" the first command.

Without the "Rebase" option, bauerbill invokes pacman to update the database and can thus add "sudo" if it's detected. With the rebase option, it updates the database itself, so there's nothing to invoke with "sudo".

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#397 2010-02-11 17:00:29

From: Copenhagen
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 339

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Here's a problem I have with the latest version of bauerbill, and a request:
$ bauerbill -Syu --aur goes through all upgradeable packages from the AUR. Fine. I select the packages I want to upgrade. Fine. First package builds fine. Fine. Second package: the build fails, but instead of going on to the next package, bauerbill simply exits:

make: *** [release] Error 2
==> ERROR: Build Failed.
ERROR: makepkg exited with an error (512)
ERROR: no package found: /tmp/bauerbill/build/AUR/simpledict/simpledict-0.3.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
:: Remove leftover dependencies? [Y/n] n

Not fine!

And the request: what about a single-key option for "ok"?


#398 2010-02-11 20:14:02

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I've added an prompt which will let you keep going after a failed build (haven't tested it though). Let me know if it works.

I've already changed the prompt to no longer require "enter". I will not make it possible to accidentally hit a single key.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#399 2010-02-11 23:06:34

From: Western KS USA
Registered: 2006-11-25
Posts: 173

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I know it's been said before but with upcoming(?) hackage intergration for bauerbill and pacpan you have out done yourself.
Thanks for the great packages; I; and many others; really appreciate all your hard work.

Keep the great packages comming.
Thanks again

PLEASE read and try to FIX/FILE BUGS instead of assuming other have/will.


#400 2010-02-11 23:59:17

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Thanks, jwbirdsong. smile

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


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