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#426 2010-02-17 19:06:45

Registered: 2008-01-16
Posts: 182

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more


#427 2010-02-17 23:11:37

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I can't reproduce this and I really don't know what could be printing out the prompt twice. The only think that I can think of is that the stty commands are not fully respected on your system, but I don't know enough about terminals to know if that's probable. You can use the following as a drop-in replacement for bauerbill to display info about cbreak status. Post the output if you get the same errors with it.


# Copyright (C) 2009,2010  Xyne
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

use strict;
use Xyne::Arch::Bauerbill;

sub Xyne::Arch::Bauerbill::cbreak
  my ($self,$on) = @_;
  print "debugging: cbreak $on (";
  print ($self->{CBREAK} ? 1 : 0);
  print ")...";
  if ($on and not $self->{CBREAK})
    print " turning on\n";
    system $Xyne::Arch::Bauerbill::CBREAK_ON_CMD;
    $self->{CBREAK} = 1;
  elsif (not $on and $self->{CBREAK})
    print " turning off\n";
    system $Xyne::Arch::Bauerbill::CBREAK_OFF_CMD;
    $self->{CBREAK} = 0;
    print " leaving unchanged\n";

print 'CBREAK_ON_CMD: '.$Xyne::Arch::Bauerbill::CBREAK_ON_CMD."\n";
print 'CBREAK_OFF_CMD: '.$Xyne::Arch::Bauerbill::CBREAK_OFF_CMD."\n";

use warnings;

I don't know if it makes any difference, but what terminal are you using?

You can also look into the stty commands printed out by the script above to see if they need to be modified. Between the man page and a search engine you know just about as much about them as I do. wink

To answer the other question, I don't recommend using ABS/BuildAll by default because they're opt-in, not opt-out, which leads to the situation described by gav616 in which he wants to build everything except some target package. It's easier to just use an alias with the build options instead of mandating building in the config file. There's also the problem of repos which do not contain $repo.abs.tar.gz files. I need to add an option to specify compliant repos but until then, trying to build packages from them will fail.

Last edited by Xyne (2010-02-17 23:16:51)

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#428 2010-02-17 23:29:03

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

gav616 wrote:

Please don't change your post after I've replied to it. It just makes the thread confusing.

gav616 wrote:

Is there a way not to use ABS on a certain package, for example, if i use ABS + the 'build all' option but want to quickly install a package from the extra repo without building.

This is why I asked the question that I did... to point out that the question itself is illogical. If you don't want to build everything, don't tell it to build everything. If you just use ABS instead of BuildAll, then you can select which package to build. If you tell it to build everything, then it will build everything.

If you really don't want to use aliases, e.g. "alias bauerbuild=bauerbill --build-all", then you can use powerpill to download binary packages.

gav616 wrote:

something like a '--repo'

I don't understand.

gav616 wrote:

'makedeps' options? for example;
always remove makedeps after successful build
never remove makedeps after successful build

I can add that.

gav616 wrote:

Bauerbill has a list 'Orphaned' packages option (pacman option '-Qdt', extended functions in yaourt**)

Bauerbill only displays the packages, could this include a remove option too? (-Rcs)
also, could it include extra info on each package, such as, packages they were makedeps for..

That just complicates things. Right now it just passes control to pacman and let's pacman handle all queries except "-Qu". I see no reason to add more code to create what would effecitvely be an alias for "pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qqdt)".

As for adding more information, how would it even determine which packages were installed as makedeps? The local database doesn't contain that information.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#429 2010-02-17 23:41:12

Registered: 2009-06-26
Posts: 18

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

While trying to install gcc-gcj from AUR, bauerbill tried to download: … .3.tar.bz2
and obviously failed, since it did not resolve that it's 3 files. (tried with yaourt, and it works ok)


#430 2010-02-17 23:48:16

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

*added a "KeepMakedeps"|"--keep-makedeps" option*

That's a limitation of the PKGBUILD parser. You can either edit the PKGBUILD and expand the braces to 3 URLs, or you can ignore the download error and move on to the build step, which will work. I'm working on something else to parse PKGBUILDs right now (although very slowly) so I won't update the current parser until I either finish or give up.

Last edited by Xyne (2010-02-17 23:49:35)

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#431 2010-02-17 23:50:16

Registered: 2008-05-20
Posts: 8

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

If I run bauerbill without the --pacpan-cache option, it builds a /tmp/bauerbill/pacpan directory even though I have this in the bauerbill.conf file:

PacpanCache = /var/bauerbill/pacpan

Is that intended?

$  grep PacpanCache /root/.config/powerpill/bauerbill.conf
PacpanCache = /var/bauerbill/pacpan

$ bauerbill -Syu --pacpan-cache /var/bauerbill/pacpan
$ ls -l /tmp/bauerbill/pacpan
ls: cannot access /tmp/bauerbill/pacpan: No such file or directory

$ bauerbill -Syu
$ ls -l /tmp/bauerbill/pacpan
total 7448
-rw-r--r--  1 pacman users 3370806 Feb 17 17:31 01modules.index.html
-rw-r--r--  1 pacman users  865693 Feb 17 17:31 02packages.details.txt.gz
drwxr-xr-x 11 pacman users    4096 Feb 17 17:55 CHECKSUMS
-rw-r--r--  1 pacman users 3365067 Feb 17 17:46 CPAN_database
drwxr-xr-x 20 pacman users    4096 Feb 17 17:53 META.yml

I have bauerbill configured as follows:

$ grep '^[a-zA-Z]' /root/.config/powerpill/bauerbill.conf 
Aria2Args = allow-overwrite=true continue file-allocation=none ftp-pasv=true max-concurrent-downloads=45 max-tries=2 metalink-enable-unique-protocol=false metalink-servers=45 split=10 summary-interval=0 timeout=5 file-allocation=none
Aria2Bin = /usr/bin/aria2c
Autobuild = esmtp
BuildAs = pacman
BuildDir = /var/bauerbill/build
Editor = /usr/bin/vim
Log = /var/log/powerpill.log
MakepkgConfig = /etc/makepkg.conf
PacmanBin = /usr/bin/pacman
PacmanConfig = /etc/pacman.conf
PacpanCache = /var/bauerbill/pacpan
PatchDir = /var/bauerbill/patch
Reflect = -l 25
RetryLimit = 3
SplitSize = 5
TaurballDir = /var/bauerbill/taurballs

[SOLVED] I upgraded these packages and it now works
perl-xyne-arch 2010.02.10.4-1 => 2010.02.17.2-1
perl-xyne-common 2010.02.09.2-1 => 2010.02.11.1-1
powerpill 17.0-4 => 17.1-1

Last edited by iiijjjiii (2010-02-18 02:09:08)


#432 2010-02-18 00:08:46

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

What version of perl-xyne-arch are you using?

There was a bug before which initialized the cache just after reading the command-line options but before reading the configuration file, but that's been fixed for a while. I've just tested both ways of setting the cache and they both worked.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#433 2010-02-18 01:00:12

Registered: 2008-05-20
Posts: 8

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

$ bauerbill -Q bauerbill pacman pacpan perl-xyne-arch perl-xyne-common powerpill
bauerbill 2010.02.17.1-2
pacman 3.3.3-1
pacpan 4.0-4
perl-xyne-arch 2010.02.10.4-1
perl-xyne-common 2010.02.09.2-1
powerpill 17.0-4


#434 2010-02-18 01:12:00

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-01-20
Posts: 72

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Hi Xyne,

I feared and hoped you would say something like "can't reproduce it". Hoped cause then it wouldn't be bauerbills/your problem and feared cause, well if it's just some weird thing I've done to my system it should be my duty to fix it. So don't let me keep you from coding. smile

But many thanks for the script, I really apreciate it!

Unfortunately since the -Syu I ran before updated all the packages just fine I can't reproduce it now either... I tried giving the packages explicitely (running  bau -Sy virtualbox_bin rar gegl wireshark qt) but got no double-prompts any more...

Just for fun I also ran the script (after copy-pasting, saving as xyne-script and setting executable) like this:

/usr/bin/perl xyne-script -Sy virtualbox_bin rar gegl wireshark qt
CBREAK_ON_CMD: stty cbreak eol 
CBREAK_OFF_CMD: stty -cbreak eol ^@
:: Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
 core ist aktuell
 extra ist aktuell
 xyne-any ist aktuell
 community ist aktuell
WARNING: virtualbox_bin does not match any package or group in sync db
WARNING: rar does not match any package or group in sync db
--> Searching for AUR packages...
--> Loading CPAN database...
--> Searching for CPAN packages...
--> Loading AUR taurball data...
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/aur/virtualbox_bin/PKGBUILD
debugging: cbreak 1 (0)... turning on
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  e
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok
ERROR: The PKGBUILD for virtualbox_bin is incorrect. Please inform the packager that the "install" variable should be a string, not an array
--> fixing the packager's mistake...
--> an associated install file was found for virtualbox_bin: /tmp/bauerbill/build/aur/virtualbox_bin/vbox.install
debugging: cbreak 1 (1)... leaving unchanged
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/aur/rar/PKGBUILD
debugging: cbreak 1 (1)... leaving unchanged
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok
--> Loading ABS taurball data...
--> Checking for abs archive updates for the following repos: [extra]
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/extra/wireshark/PKGBUILD
debugging: cbreak 1 (1)... leaving unchanged
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]

No double-prompts either...
Seems that just getting replies from you fixes my issues - reminds me of the nerd-field discussion in the forums smile

Oh and the terminal I used was the one from Xfce which is just called "terminal" in a compiz-as-windowmanager-standalone environment. Just struck me that compiz might be the cause...? 

When I noticed the strange square with the 0001 inside on the second line I let the same command run in standard xterm. Apart from this square which is missing in xterm the output is exactly the same.
[Edit: That dumb thing doesn't show up here... well it looks like a square with two zeros in the first line and a zero and a one in the second and is probably of no significance at all smile ]

I have to admit, I've no idea what the stty parts and "debugging: cbreak 1 (0)... turning on" means - got a hint for me? I tried stty -a in terminal and got:

stty -a
speed 38400 baud; rows 24; columns 80; line = 0;
intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = M-^?; eol2 = M-^?;
swtch = M-^?; start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R; werase = ^W;
lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 1; time = 0;
-parenb -parodd cs8 hupcl -cstopb cread -clocal -crtscts
-ignbrk brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr icrnl ixon -ixoff
-iuclc ixany imaxbel iutf8
opost -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0
isig icanon iexten echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh -xcase -tostop -echoprt
echoctl echoke

Interesting... is that how it *should* look? Will have to do some googling but today it's just to late for that.

Well anyway I guess I'll have to wait for those double-prompts to come back with future updates. If they do I'll try the script again, perhaps it produces something more extraordinary. Will also try it in E16 instead of compiz then and report back

OK till then and thanks for all the fish - uhhm all the script and help and stuff.

Last edited by MAroco (2010-02-18 01:17:42)


#435 2010-02-18 01:42:11

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

It should work with perl-xyne-arch>=2010.02.17.1, which is in [community] already.

Use the repo on my site to get the latest versions of my packages in the future. Place it above [community] in /etc/pacman.conf.

The stty commands just change the terminal's behavior so Perl can read a single character at a time. It's only used for the PKGBUILD and install file inspection prompts. The debugging lines that I've added show the requested state followed by the stored internal state and a line to indicate which conditional block was executed. I was|am hoping that those messages would|will provide some clue to the source of the error, but I still don't know what caused it so they may have nothing to do with it.

I guess we'll just have to wait to see if this comes up again.

Last edited by Xyne (2010-02-18 01:44:35)

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#436 2010-02-18 02:28:39

Registered: 2008-05-20
Posts: 8

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Xyne wrote:

It should work with perl-xyne-arch>=2010.02.17.1, which is in [community] already.

Use the repo on my site to get the latest versions of my packages in the future. Place it above [community] in /etc/pacman.conf.

Thanks. That fixed it.

I have another issue.

$ bauerbill -S perl-sql-translator
WARNING: perl-sql-translator does not match any package or group in sync db
--> Searching for AUR packages...
--> Loading CPAN database...
--> Searching for CPAN packages...
--> Loading AUR taurball data...
WARNING: about to source /var/bauerbill/build/aur/perl-sql-translator/PKGBUILD
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok
--> resolving perl... installed
--> resolving perl-carp-clan... installed
--> resolving perl-class-accessor... installed
--> resolving perl-class-base... installed
--> resolving perl-class-data-inheritable>=0.02... installed
--> resolving perl-class-makemethods... installed
--> resolving perl-dbi... installed
--> resolving perl-digest-sha1>=2... installed
--> resolving perl-file-sharedir>=1... installed
--> resolving perl-io-stringy>=2.11... installed
--> resolving perl-parse-recdescent>=1.962002... found on CPAN (Parse-RecDescent -> perl-parse-recdescent)
--> resolving perl-test-differences... installed
--> resolving perl-test-exception... installed
--> resolving perl-xml-writer>=0.5... installed
--> resolving perl-yaml>=0.66... installed
WARNING: about to source /var/bauerbill/build/cpan/perl-parse-recdescent/PKGBUILD
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok
--> resolving perl-test-more... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)
--> resolving perl-text-balanced... installed (provided by perl)
--> resolving perl-version... installed (provided by perl)
--> Determining sizes of source files...

:: The following sources will be downloaded:

:: Number of Sources:                        2
:: Total Download Size:               0.53 MiB

:: Proceed with download? [Y/n]

--> successfully downloaded SQL-Translator-0.11004.tar.gz
--> successfully downloaded Parse-RecDescent-1.964.tar.gz

Download Results:
gid|stat|avg speed  |path/URI
  2|  OK| 205.6KiB/s|/var/bauerbill/build/aur/perl-sql-translator/SQL-Translator-0.11004.tar.gz
  1|  OK|  19.7KiB/s|/var/bauerbill/build/cpan/perl-parse-recdescent/Parse-RecDescent-1.964.tar.gz

Status Legend:
 (OK):download completed.

--> Building perl-parse-recdescent...
==> Making package: perl-parse-recdescent 1.964-1 i686 (Wed Feb 17 21:11:20 EST 2010)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
==> Retrieving Sources...
  -> Found Parse-RecDescent-1.964.tar.gz in build dir
==> ERROR: Integrity checks are missing.
ERROR: makepkg exited with an error (256)
ERROR: no package found: /var/bauerbill/build/cpan/perl-parse-recdescent/perl-parse-recdescent-1.964-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz

There are two issues.

1) The perl-parse-recdescent>=1.962002 dependency doesn't seem to be interpreted properly.

I have version 1.963 installed.

$ bauerbill -Q perl-parse-recdescent
--> Switching to pacman: /usr/bin/pacman -Q perl-parse-recdescent
perl-parse-recdescent 1.963-1

If I edit the perl-sql-translator PKGBUILD and change 'perl-parse-recdescent>=1.962002' to 'perl-parse-recdescent>=1.963' in the depends array, the dependency is met and there is no attempt to update perl-parse-recdescent.

2) The update of perl-parse-recdescent fails.

It's looking for a non-existent perl-parse-recdescent-1.964-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz.

ls -l /var/bauerbill/build/cpan/perl-parse-recdescent/
total 164
-rw-r--r-- 1 pacman users 154186 Feb 17 21:11 Parse-RecDescent-1.964.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 pacman users   1255 Feb 17 21:10 PKGBUILD
drwxr-xr-x 2 pacman users   4096 Feb 17 21:11 src

Any suggestions?


#437 2010-02-18 12:58:35

Registered: 2008-01-16
Posts: 182

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

when i try to build 'xorg-server' it doesn't detect my 'nvidia-utils-beta' package provides the 'libgl'

--> Building xorg-server...
==> Making package: xorg-server 1.7.5-1 i686 (Thu Feb 18 12:55:26 GMT 2010)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
==> Missing Dependencies:
  -> libgl>=7.7
==> ERROR: Could not resolve all dependencies.
ERROR: makepkg exited with an error (256)
ERROR: no package found: /var/abs/extra/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.7.5-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
:: Abort? [Y/n]

Last edited by gav616 (2010-02-18 12:59:46)


#438 2010-02-18 14:22:43

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

The problem is not the interpretation of "perl-parse-recdescent>=1.962002" but the fact that CPAN's versioning scheme does not work with Pacman's versioning scheme. I've added a version-formatting function to detect that particular scheme which will hopefully work in most cases, but in general it is not possible to work around all of the irregularities of CPAN in any sane way and so some PKGBUILDs will inevitably require user intervention.

If you look at the output that you posted, you'll see that makepkg failed to build perl-parse-recdescent. Check the PKGBUILD to see what's wrong and fix it next time.

That stated, it should nevertheless detect the perl-parse-recdescent package in [community] now that I've added the formatting function mentioned above and fixed the bug mentioned below in my reply to gav616.

Thanks. I had introduced a bug when I rewrote some functions a while ago which prevented recognition of local provides. It should be fixed now. I'm surprised that no one (including myself) had noticed this earlier.

Last edited by Xyne (2010-02-18 14:23:37)

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#439 2010-02-18 21:40:13

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-01-20
Posts: 72

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Hi Xyne,

me got those double-prompts again smile
And a good idea what might cause them too.

Since a normal "bau -Syu" gave me new xorg-server and libdrm today I thought it might be a good idea to update my git-videodriver as well so I did

bau -Syu --devel
:: Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
 core ist aktuell
 extra ist aktuell
 xyne-any ist aktuell
 community ist aktuell
WARNING: xf86-video-ati-git does not match any package or group in sync db
--> Searching for AUR packages...
--> Loading CPAN database...
--> Searching for CPAN packages...
--> Searching for upgradable repo packages...
--> Searching for upgradable AUR packages...
--> Searching for upgradable CPAN packages...
--> Loading AUR taurball data...
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/aur/xf86-video-ati-git/PKGBUILD
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  e
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok
--> Loading ABS taurball data...
--> Checking for abs archive updates for the following repos: [community] [extra]
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/community/emprint-svn/PKGBUILD
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok

WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/extra/pidgin/PKGBUILD
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]

And here they are again smile
So I was happy I could finally try your script in "real-life-situation" and got this:

/usr/bin/perl /home/maroco/TEMP/xyne-script -Syu --devel
CBREAK_ON_CMD: stty cbreak eol 
CBREAK_OFF_CMD: stty -cbreak eol ^@
:: Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
 core ist aktuell
 extra ist aktuell
 xyne-any ist aktuell
 community ist aktuell
WARNING: xf86-video-ati-git does not match any package or group in sync db
--> Searching for AUR packages...
--> Loading CPAN database...
--> Searching for CPAN packages...
--> Searching for upgradable repo packages...
--> Searching for upgradable AUR packages...
--> Searching for upgradable CPAN packages...
--> Loading AUR taurball data...
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/aur/xf86-video-ati-git/PKGBUILD
debugging: cbreak 1 (0)... turning on
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok
--> Loading ABS taurball data...
--> Checking for abs archive updates for the following repos: [community] [extra]
debugging: cbreak 0 (1)... turning off
debugging: cbreak 0 (1)... turning off
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/community/emprint-svn/PKGBUILD
debugging: cbreak 1 (1)... leaving unchanged
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok

WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/extra/pidgin/PKGBUILD
debugging: cbreak 1 (1)... leaving unchanged
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  s

WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/community/ecore-svn/PKGBUILD
debugging: cbreak 1 (1)... leaving unchanged
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok

WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/community/evas-svn/PKGBUILD
debugging: cbreak 1 (1)... leaving unchanged
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]

Weeeell not too interesting I fear. *disappointed*
Just for completions sake I also tried the same under Enlightenment16 instead of compiz - same results.

But then I had a look at the version numbers and found that the pidgin package - the one which seems to trigger the doubles - is one of those out-of-*db.tar.gz-sync thingies... They keep hunting me it seems smile

If I "bau -Sy pidgin" and press edit I see Version 2.6.5-1 in the PKGBUILD
BUT when I "bau -Qu" I get extra/libpurple 2.6.5-1 -> 2.6.6-1

Though I'm no coder at all my gut-feeling says *gotcha* smile

I'm not sure if this is something bauerbill can/should address at all...
Just wanted to let you know the newest findings.


#440 2010-02-18 23:10:46

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I still don't know what could cause it to print the prompt twice on the same line. The version number shouldn't make any difference.

Save this patch as "bauerbill.patch":

@@ -2594,7 +2594,8 @@
     my @valid_answers = map { m/\[(\w+)\] $/; $1 } @words;
-    print $prompt . ' ';
+    print "number of prompt options: " . scalar(@words) . "\n";
+    print $prompt . "\n";
     my $ans = '';
     while (1)

then apply it with

patch /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Arch/  <bauerbill.patch

That should at least provide some clues about the origin of the double-prompt.

Just reinstall perl-xyne-arch to undo the changes (or make a backup copy of before applying the patch).

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#441 2010-02-18 23:44:41

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-01-20
Posts: 72

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

OK did it, here is the output:

sudo patch /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Arch/  <bauerbill.patch
patching file /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Arch/
[maroco@MBlack TEMP]$ 
[maroco@MBlack TEMP]$ bau -Syu --devel
:: Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
 core ist aktuell
 extra ist aktuell
 xyne-any ist aktuell
 community ist aktuell
WARNING: xf86-video-ati-git does not match any package or group in sync db
--> Searching for AUR packages...
--> Loading CPAN database...
--> Searching for CPAN packages...
--> Searching for upgradable repo packages...
--> Searching for upgradable AUR packages...
--> Searching for upgradable CPAN packages...
--> Loading AUR taurball data...
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/aur/xf86-video-ati-git/PKGBUILD
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 
--> Loading ABS taurball data...
--> Checking for abs archive updates for the following repos: [community] [extra]
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/community/emprint-svn/PKGBUILD
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 

WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/extra/pidgin/PKGBUILD
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 

WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/community/ecore-svn/PKGBUILD
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 

WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/community/evas-svn/PKGBUILD
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 
[maroco@MBlack TEMP]$

At least it looks more tidy now... smile

Hope it helps find that hideous little insect but I doubt the output is what you expected. Doesn't seem to contain much new information to me. I *really* hope this is not something horribly stupid I did to my system...

Thanks a lot for the energy you put into this!

Last edited by MAroco (2010-02-18 23:50:16)


#442 2010-02-19 00:00:59

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Are you pressing the return key after each choice, e.g. "ok<return>"? Looking at the loop, it seems that it's receiving <return> which is causing it to restart the loop. That would explain why it's only happening after the first prompt.

Asked differently, if you just type e.g. "v" and nothing else, does it respond, or do you need to type "v<enter>"?

I still don't know what's going on, but I think we're getting closer. This is really frustrating though because I'm sure it would be easy to debug if I were in front of your computer.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#443 2010-02-19 00:24:43

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-01-20
Posts: 72

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Good call! I didn't even notice the change in behaviour or I'd mentioned it before, sorry.

Just to be sure I tried again. Situation is as follows:

At the beginning it reacts just on the letters. In the code below after the first "e" the editor opens without need to press enter. After the "ok" it continues to "--> Loading ABS taurball data..." without need for enter BUT when it reaches geeqie suddenly the "e" doesn't do anything. Just sits and waits and I need to hit enter for anything to happen and after that there are the double prompts. 

bau -Syu --devel
:: Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
 core ist aktuell
 extra ist aktuell
 xyne-any ist aktuell
 community ist aktuell
WARNING: xf86-video-ati-git does not match any package or group in sync db
--> Searching for AUR packages...
--> Loading CPAN database...
--> Searching for CPAN packages...
--> Searching for upgradable repo packages...
--> Searching for upgradable AUR packages...
--> Searching for upgradable CPAN packages...
--> Loading AUR taurball data...
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/aur/xf86-video-ati-git/PKGBUILD
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 
--> Loading ABS taurball data...
--> Checking for abs archive updates for the following repos: [core] [community] [extra]
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/extra/geeqie/PKGBUILD
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 

number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x] 
number of prompt options: 6
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]

Concerning the frustrating part: I'd be honoured to lend you my seat - happen to be near Frankfurt, Germany? smile
Else I would require some psychic training to boost my telepathic skills...

[Edit: maybe coincidence, but geeqie also is member of the out-of-sync-club right now...]

Last edited by MAroco (2010-02-19 00:31:49)


#444 2010-02-19 01:18:49

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I may just have to rip out all of the stty code and go back to using <return> at the inspection prompt. I'm out of ideas at this point and saving a keystroke at the prompt just isn't worth this level of frustration.

On the random chance that the variable is not getting reset for some reason, try pressing backspace a few times before entering your choice (e.g. <backspace><backspace><backspace>e). I doubt that will work, but it can't hurt to try.

Here's a patch to remove the stty code. Re-install perl-xyne-arch to undo the changes from the previous patch (or just restore your backup of if you made one), then apply this exactly as you applied the previous patch:

@@ -153,17 +153,7 @@
 # Keep this here
 sub cbreak
-  my ($self,$on) = @_;
-  if ($on and not $self->{CBREAK})
-  {
-    system $CBREAK_ON_CMD;
-    $self->{CBREAK} = 1;
-  }
-  elsif (not $on and $self->{CBREAK})
-  {
-    system $CBREAK_OFF_CMD;
-    $self->{CBREAK} = 0;
-  }
+  return;
@@ -2595,38 +2585,10 @@
     my @valid_answers = map { m/\[(\w+)\] $/; $1 } @words;
     print $prompt . ' ';
-    my $ans = '';
-    while (1)
-    {
-      my $c = getc(STDIN);
-      my $n = ord($c);
-      if ($n == 10)
-      {
-        next PROMPT;
-      }
-      if ($n == 127)
-      {
-        print "\b \b\b \b";
-        if ($ans)
-        {
-          chop $ans;
-          print "\b \b";
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        $ans .= $c;
-        #print $c;
-      }
-      if (grep {$ans eq $_} @valid_answers)
-      {
-        print "\n";
-        last;
-      }
-    }
+    my $ans = <STDIN>;
+    chomp $ans;
-    #next if not grep {$ans eq $_} @valid_answers;
+    next if not grep {$ans eq $_} @valid_answers;
     if ($ans eq 'v')

If that solves the problem then I'll probably just revert to using that, unless someone else is able to find a solution.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#445 2010-02-19 02:28:00

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-01-20
Posts: 72

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Unfortunately hitting backspace several times before each of the single letters doesn't change anything. Single-letters work with the AUR packages like before and when the switch to ABS occurs the single-letters don't do anything without enter any more.

So I reinstalled perl-xyne-arch (seemed safer and easier), saved the new patch as bauerbill_2.patch and did

sudo patch /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Arch/  <bauerbill_2.patch

Then again the "bau -Syu --devel"
Naturally this time single-letters don't work at all, so I hit enter after each one and got this:

bau -Syu --devel
:: Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
 core ist aktuell
 extra ist aktuell
 xyne-any ist aktuell
 community ist aktuell
WARNING: xf86-video-ati-git does not match any package or group in sync db
--> Searching for AUR packages...
--> Loading CPAN database...
--> Searching for CPAN packages...
--> Searching for upgradable repo packages...
--> Searching for upgradable AUR packages...
--> Searching for upgradable CPAN packages...
--> Loading AUR taurball data...
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/aur/xf86-video-ati-git/PKGBUILD
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  e                               
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok
--> Loading ABS taurball data...
--> Checking for abs archive updates for the following repos: [core] [community] [extra]
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/extra/geeqie/PKGBUILD
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  e
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok
--> an associated install file was found for geeqie: /tmp/bauerbill/build/extra/geeqie/geeqie.install
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  e
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]  ok
WARNING: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/community/exml-svn/PKGBUILD
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok]  skip [s]  abort [x]

After "e + <enter>" editor comes up. When I close it I get a new prompt, "ok + <enter>" goes to the next package and it works with AUR and ABS alike - all fine in other words, no doubles. I aborted the operation before anything got installed, so we keep the testcase smile

Just for scientific purpose I installed perl-xyne-arch again ie removed the patch_2 and the doubles come back. Hm seems you identified where "bughausen" is.

Well... I feel very bad to be responsible for you getting frustrated and probably ripping out the single-letter-code. It has been requested several times if I remember correctly. Especially if I'm the only one that has this weird effect! I can live with double prompts, since everything else works fine... I'll just set optic-alias.rc in my brain and define it as a cosmetic glitch to be overlooked in the future  smile
No really, if this is not reproducable anywhere else don't tear a fine program apart just because of one weird user (me).

--> If there is someone else out there who gets double-prompts, PLEASE report now! Maybe we get other/additional observations that help...

Completely unrelated question: I have memoize option set and you mentioned it needs more memory but I just happened to watch gkrellm while trying the above...
Before bauerbill started it reported around 536 MB in use, when bauerbill arrived at the first prompt it were around 2900 (!) MB. I have 6GB so no problem but is it really supposed to use SUCH an amount???  About 2.5 GB??

I checked again with free to get more accurate numbers.
before I start bauerbill:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       6128596    3146748    2981848          0     389084    1657908
-/+ buffers/cache:    1099756    5028840
Swap:      7164948          0    7164948

when it stops at the first prompt:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       6128596    5627284     501312          0     389188    1678868
-/+ buffers/cache:    3559228    2569368
Swap:      7164948          0    7164948

OK it's 3:30 in the night - or morning - here. I'll fall asleep right now smile
Will probably not get to the PC before Saturday afternoon/evening so next response may take some time.
Thanks for your patience, help and everything. You are great!

Last edited by MAroco (2010-02-19 02:30:42)


#446 2010-02-19 03:22:28

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

The patch removes the single-character input which is why you have to press enter at the prompt, so that works as expected.

I'll probably just an option to enable single-character input so that users who experience no problems with it can still use it. That will provide a workaround for now and hopefully a real solution can be found later.

If Bauerbill is using 2.5 GB of memory then something is definitely wrong. I just checked it here and it only used about 50 MB with "Memoize". Even if it loaded all the database files into memory (which it never does), it would still only use a few hundred MB.

Use "ps aux" or "top" to see what's actually using that memory.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#447 2010-02-19 05:31:54

Registered: 2009-10-12
Posts: 51

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Xyne, is this expected? I'm trying to install a package from AUR:

> sudo bauerbill -S --needed chipmunk-svn
WARNING: chipmunk-svn does not match any package or group in sync db
--> Searching for AUR packages...
Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Arch/ line 789.
Can't use string ("") as a subroutine ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Arch/ line 789.

> pacman -Qs perl-xyne
local/perl-xyne-arch 2010.02.18.1-1
    Xyne's Arch-specific Perl modules.
local/perl-xyne-common 2010.02.11.1-1
    Xyne's common Perl modules.

Edit: I wasn't clear earlier, it's the -needed that's causing a problem, I'm able to install without it.

Last edited by sr (2010-02-19 06:04:45)


#448 2010-02-19 12:45:00

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

It should be fixed in perl-xyne-arch>=2010.02.19.2.


My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#449 2010-02-19 12:47:55

Registered: 2009-10-12
Posts: 51

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

That's correct, thanks Xyne!


#450 2010-02-19 14:17:57

From: Medford MA USA
Registered: 2009-12-15
Posts: 485

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

@Xyne good call! I was going to suggest removing the auto character recognition. I even noticed it and it was still bugging me. Because sometimes I'll type 'ok' and then think, no I should look at it first. And I always hit enter, which means it does the next command too.


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