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#451 2010-02-20 02:21:29

Registered: 2008-01-16
Posts: 182

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

sorry, I'm getting another problem with updates...
Scenario I'm getting:
I Rebase every hour with cron.

My Conky script says i have a 'Wine 1.1.39' update, (this is also confirmed with a pacman 'list updates' command)
So, I 'bauerbill -Su', Bauerbill says i have updates and it checks ABS extra, and finds a wine update. (sounds good so far..)
But Bauerbill is always gets 'Wine 1.1.38' and not the newer version for some reason.

I have the options 'ABS' and 'BuildAll' active in 'bauerbill.conf'

This is also happening with 'libdrm' package, but on the 'pkgrel', it keeps getting version 1 not the latest revision '2'

Last edited by gav616 (2010-02-20 02:24:17)


#452 2010-02-20 09:00:58

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

That's beyond my control. The scripts that manage the $repo.abs.tar.gz archives for the official repositories are not always able to keep up with the latest releases, so sometimes the latest PKGBUILDs are not available in that archive.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#453 2010-02-20 10:05:57

From: .earth
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 907

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Aah ! Fun stuff.

I now have 3 different aur wrappers to try tonight. aurget, packer and bauerbill. I wasn't a big fan of yaourt for some reason.

Yeah, for some reason i hate the "yaourt" command, the speling of it! hehe it just bothers me!

...So, i made an alias for it!

So instead, i type AUR -S package name. smile So much more pleasing to the eye and sounds better and it's easier to remember at first. haha

I had to think "Yeah, our T" to type yaourt... haha lol - joe at true skater dot io.


#454 2010-02-20 13:26:45

Registered: 2008-01-16
Posts: 182

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

My ABS directory is filling up fast, any-chance of cleaning up after a successful build/install, such as, deleting everything in there apart from the PKGBUILD and patch/config files. Having the full extracted source left in there is not needed i would of thought.

Last edited by gav616 (2010-02-20 22:25:36)


#455 2010-02-20 22:30:23

Registered: 2008-01-16
Posts: 182

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Xyne wrote:

That's beyond my control. The scripts that manage the $repo.abs.tar.gz archives for the official repositories are not always able to keep up with the latest releases, so sometimes the latest PKGBUILDs are not available in that archive.

I don't really get it, is rebase only usfull for pre-build packages from repos? yaourt would just notice that's there's a latest version (through rebase or normal sync) then it would get the latest 'PKGBUILD' and config files from the version it detect and build. Bauerbill seems to be one step be-behind, all the time.

Last edited by gav616 (2010-02-20 22:36:11)


#456 2010-02-21 00:30:49

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-01-20
Posts: 72

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Hi Xyne

I understood your last patch was intended to remove the single-char-recognition, thats why I wrote "*Naturally* this time single-letters don't work at all", maybe that wasn't clear enough smile
Anyway... The doubles are stille there with the latest perl-xyne-arch.

I'll probably just an option to enable single-character input so that users who experience no problems with it can still use it. That will provide a workaround for now and hopefully a real solution can be found later.

Sounds like a fair compromise for all +1 for diplomatic skills.

But regarding the huge amount of memory taken on my system, I'm sorry to say but to me it looks as if it were bauerbill:

Before I start it:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       6128596     885868    5242728          0     117044     270252
-/+ buffers/cache:     498572    5630024
Swap:      7164948          0    7164948

when bauerbill stops at first prompt:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       6128596    3192440    2936156          0     401192     312272
-/+ buffers/cache:    2478976    3649620
Swap:      7164948          0    7164948

And the relevant line from ps -aux at that time looks like this:

maroco    2615  8.3 28.0 2069280 1718592 pts/0 S+   23:50   0:34 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/bauerbill -Syu

My memory according to lshw:

          description: System memory
          physical id: 0
          size: 5984MiB

I tried this several times, also directly after restarting the system and with compiz or enlightenment16 as windowmanagers and the numbers vary between "just" 27.x% up to 32.x%.  So it uses around 1/3 of 6GB... maybe not exactly 2.5GB as I roughly estimated from watching gkrellm but definitely more than the 50 MB you reported, I'd say smile  Something IS really weird here... 

Again from watching gkrellm while bauerbill runs: the memory-consumption seems fine when the repos get checked but goes wild from the moment it says "--> Searching for upgradable AUR packages...". Maybe that gives you a hint..?

This happens with "-Syu" option, but NOT when I install a package explicitely like bau -Sy <package>, even if it is an AUR-package. When I stop it with x the memory is freed again and usage drops to roughly what it has been before bauerbill was started.

All this still happens with the latest perl-xyne-versions from your repo. I just tried to reinstall bauerbill and everything it depends on incl. perl but that didn't change anything either.

Any other commands I could test to give you more meaningfull feedback?

And please I don't want to pester you with this! Just think there might be some quirk in bauerbill but it may as well (or maybe even more likely) be something strange on my system. If it's just my system - so be it, just tell me to shut up and I'll stop shooting weird reports at you smile

Last edited by MAroco (2010-02-21 00:38:47)


#457 2010-02-21 05:49:32

Registered: 2009-06-26
Posts: 18

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I can confirm MAroco's observation. When doing -Syu with aur enabled (only then), bauerbill consumed above 1GB of memory before (sorry - I forgot which revision it was). Now it behaves better -- it takes about 360MB. This is the ps -aux after it asks to install the updates it found:
32.2  8.7 503416 346980 pts/1   S+   00:38   0:23 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/bauerbill -Syu --aur
I have enabled memoization.

EDIT: I run at 4GB of ram.

Last edited by smradlev (2010-02-21 05:51:54)


#458 2010-02-21 12:22:55

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I might add an option to remove such files later. Some people will want to keep them for subsequent builds, especially for developmental versions. Just use "rm" for now

gav616 wrote:

I don't really get it, is rebase only usfull for pre-build packages from repos? yaourt would just notice that's there's a latest version (through rebase or normal sync) then it would get the latest 'PKGBUILD' and config files from the version it detect and build. Bauerbill seems to be one step be-behind, all the time.

Ffs, I've explained several times why I use the $repo.abs.tar.gz archive, including it's advantages and disadvantages over using the actual ABS tree or scraping the web interface. Rebase has nothing to do with building packages except that the archives should be in sync. I'm really getting tired of explaining it over and over again. I realize that the current method is not optimal, but there is no optimal method. Yaourt is limited to the official repos and that is a restriction which I do not want to impose on bauerbill. If you want the archive to always be in sync with the database, talk to the people who write the scripts that create the archive.

Also, if you think bauerbill is one step "be-behind, all the time", please just use yaourt instead, or take a look at packer, or paktahn, or whatever. Your expectations that I make bauerbill a yaourt clone as though I owe it to you do not in any way inspire me to spend even more of my free time on this and I consider it rude that you continue to make requests without showing any level of gratitude whatsoever for those issues which I have addressed.

@MAroco and smradlev
Can you post the output of "pacman -Qqm" and also double-check that the memory usage is tied to AUR support and independent of memoization? The AUR queries are cached to avoid redundant queries but I would be surprised if that took that much memory. Obviously something's wrong and I will fix whatever it is as soon as I isolate it.

Post your TrustedUser lists too, if you've set them.

Last edited by Xyne (2010-02-21 12:23:22)

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#459 2010-02-21 14:50:40

Registered: 2009-01-03
Posts: 74

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I've finally got round to replacing yaourt and have updated my bash aliases:

# Package management
alias repkg='makepkg -efi'
alias update='sudo bauerbill -Syu --build-as $(whoami) --aur'
alias uninstall='sudo pacman -Rsn'
alias install='sudo bauerbill -S --build-as $(whoami) --aur'
# `yaourt -Qqdt` then asks: "remove package with -Rcs"
alias clean='uninstall $(pacman -Qqdt) && sh ~/src/bash/'

Can anyone spot any problems or room for improvement?

clean should "remove dependencies that are no longer needed, because e.g. the package which needed the dependencies was removed". Yaourt prompts (when it got the -Qqdt options) to delete using -Rcs. I'm assuming -Rsn is safer?

Last edited by gladstone (2010-02-21 14:51:30)


#460 2010-02-21 16:03:47

Registered: 2009-06-26
Posts: 18

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more


It's not a memoization problem. bauerbill -Syu --aur consumes 9.9% of my 4GB ram with memoiztion, and 9.6% without it.

As for the pacman -Qqm, I can only tell you how many of the aur packages are there on my system: 95 total -- I hope this helps in some way.

edit: I have no trusted users.

Last edited by smradlev (2010-02-21 16:05:04)


#461 2010-02-21 17:04:51

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

The problem is that each time Perl creates a thread, it copies everything in memory to the new thread. I thought I had a solution but it didn't work due to a limitation in Perl itself involving what can be passed by reference. I may have to restructure/rewrite large chunks of code to deal with this properly, or just finally drop Perl altogether and move to something else.

This may take a while.


Last edited by Xyne (2010-02-21 18:52:37)

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#462 2010-02-21 18:47:03

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-01-20
Posts: 72

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Hi guys,

oh well bad timing on my site...  I just spent some hours testing. But good to hear it's not just me, thanks smradlev! I was starting to think I hosed my system really bad. There is still hope I guess smile

Xyne: just for reference - you don't seem to need it any more - I pastebinned some results here: (quite long...)

I will stop the testing now, but in short: yesterday the ps aux results kept in the range of 27 - 32% with "bau -Syu --devel". Quite huge amount but at least reproducible numbers.

I then decided to upgrade the system and today the situation is totally weird... I will get results from around 8% up to 35% memory used, as far as I can see regardless of memoize active or not, regardless of terminal used, regardless of windowmanager... Seems totally random at the moment. The only thing that *may* have some influence is the --devel option. With this set, the consumed memory in general seems to be larger but with this variations that's also just 'feeling'...

I guess I'll rename my Machine to HAL 9000... It's alive! I'm quite curious what happens here so I'm looking forward to your next post.

And take your time, we are happy you do this at all! BIG Thanks for all the time you put into this man!  smile



#463 2010-02-21 18:58:03

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

MAroco wrote:

And take your time, we are happy you do this at all! BIG Thanks for all the time you put into this man!  smile

Thanks. It's nice to be reminded that the work is appreciated rather than expected. smile

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#464 2010-02-21 19:13:53

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-01-20
Posts: 72

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Can't speak for others, but here it DEFINITELY is appreciated!!
I'm overwhelmed again and again by the speed at which you throw out new versions. You really are amazing! Don't let "them" get you down!

And you *should* also have a life after all smile

[Edit: I can't seem to write a single post without typos...Argh]

Last edited by MAroco (2010-02-21 19:21:49)


#465 2010-02-22 21:39:10

From: CZ
Registered: 2007-12-18
Posts: 255

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I just got to say, you just saved my life with hackage support...


#466 2010-02-23 00:20:42

Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 123

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Hi Xyne & Co!

I have two perl/CPAN problems, the first of which is:

pacpan --fix-provides

which ends prematurely at rrdtool (I think):

  CPAN package: yes
  valid package: no
  recommended replacement(s): perl-xml-parser
  current provides array (complete):         

Use of uninitialized value $m in exists at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Arch/ line 1278.
  CPAN package: no

  CPAN package: no

How can I solve this one?

The second problem is:

bauerbill -S --cpan BioPerl

which wants to install perl itself from CPAN as well (which I am not very keen at doing), possibly due to the "pacpan --fix-provides" not having updated all PKGBUILDs... ?

Any help is much appreciated!

Last edited by korpenkraxar (2010-02-23 00:23:20)


#467 2010-02-23 00:32:06

Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 123

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Ok. So I solved both problems on my own:

i) "pacman -Rd rrdtool" before "pacpan --fix-provides", then reinstalled rrdtool
ii) reinstalled perl

PS. WOW! That was the fastest install of BioPerl from CPAN evah :-)


#468 2010-02-23 13:31:13

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

The pacpan uninitialized value error should be fixed now.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#469 2010-02-23 14:28:35

Registered: 2009-10-12
Posts: 51

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Aw Xyne, even though I seem to pop into this thread only when there are bug reports big_smile both bauerbill and your speed of fixing things are both appreciated!


#470 2010-02-23 23:38:58

Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 123

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Hmm, I am still having a few troubles with CPAN packages here. Maybe my expectations do not match what bauerbill is designed to do. I am trying to install the Perl IDE Padre using:

bauerbill -S --cpan Padre


i) I still have problems with Padre wanting to reinstall Perl from CPAN to satisfy dependencies. What gives?

ii) various packages keeps popping up repeatedly to be sourced in the dependency chain, including for instance perl and perl-pathtools. Shouldn't it be possible for bauerbill to source each package just once by pretty much just putting the names of sourced packages in a hash and checking against it before asking about it?

Don't get me wrong. I am very impressed and enthusiastic about this tool and a Perl hacker myself. I just don't seem to grok it yet.


#471 2010-02-24 00:25:22

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

You need to run "pacpan --fix-provides" to update the local database, otherwise Pacman will fail to recognize the modules provided by Perl which other packages explicitly depend on.

I've added a check to avoid redundant sourcing of PKGBUILDs.

I was able to install Padre using  "bauerbill -S --cpan Padre", but I had to install Encode with "bauerbill -S --cpan --asdeps Encode". Makepkg detects that Perl provides "perl-encode" but it doesn't satisfy the perl-encode>=2.26 dependency. I don't even know if that module is the same as the one provided by Encode so maybe it would be better to manually remove the ">=2.26" from the PKGBUILD of perl-padre. Either way, the dependency was satisfied as far as Pacman was concerned.

The other caveat is that Number-Compare does not have a standard META.yaml file. I simply ignored that and seemed to have no problem but you may wish to either edit the PKGBUILD to fill in the missing info from the non-standard META.yaml file (watch the output for warnings, it will give you the URL of the file) or use the version in the AUR. You could also contact the CPAN author and inform him that his META.yaml file cannot be parsed by Parse::CPAN::Meta.

Last edited by Xyne (2010-02-24 00:28:02)

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#472 2010-02-24 00:48:58

Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 123

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Xyne wrote:

You need to run "pacpan --fix-provides" to update the local database, otherwise Pacman will fail to recognize the modules provided by Perl which other packages explicitly depend on.

I did (as root, I should add) but still have this problem. Should that command finish with some particular statement to indicate that the process has finished successfully? My output ends with:

  CPAN package: yes
  valid package: no
  recommended replacement(s): perl-xml-parser
  current provides array (complete):

  CPAN package: no

  CPAN package: no

And then I am thrown back to the CLI again.

Xyne wrote:

I've added a check to avoid redundant sourcing of PKGBUILDs.


Xyne wrote:

I was able to install Padre using  "bauerbill -S --cpan Padre", but I had to install Encode with "bauerbill -S --cpan --asdeps Encode". Makepkg detects that Perl provides "perl-encode" but it doesn't satisfy the perl-encode>=2.26 dependency. I don't even know if that module is the same as the one provided by Encode so maybe it would be better to manually remove the ">=2.26" from the PKGBUILD of perl-padre. Either way, the dependency was satisfied as far as Pacman was concerned.

The other caveat is that Number-Compare does not have a standard META.yaml file. I simply ignored that and seemed to have no problem but you may wish to either edit the PKGBUILD to fill in the missing info from the non-standard META.yaml file (watch the output for warnings, it will give you the URL of the file) or use the version in the AUR. You could also contact the CPAN author and inform him that his META.yaml file cannot be parsed by Parse::CPAN::Meta.

Ok, I'll have a go at this again tomorrow.


#473 2010-02-24 01:25:37

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

korpenkraxar wrote:

I did (as root, I should add) but still have this problem. Should that command finish with some particular statement to indicate that the process has finished successfully? My output ends with:

  CPAN package: yes
  valid package: no
  recommended replacement(s): perl-xml-parser
  current provides array (complete):

  CPAN package: no

  CPAN package: no

And then I am thrown back to the CLI again.

The only part of the output that's interesting in this case is the provides array for "perl".

korpenkraxar wrote:

Ok. So I solved both problems on my own:

i) "pacman -Rd rrdtool" before "pacpan --fix-provides", then reinstalled rrdtool
ii) reinstalled perl

I thought that you might not have run it after re-installing perl. The re-installation resets the local database files so it's necessary to run it again after that.

Make sure that "pacman -Qi perl" shows a huge list of provided packages. Bauerbill will only try to build Perl from CPAN if that list is incomplete. As I was able to install Padre with Bauerbill without it trying to re-install Perl, I'm sure it works as expected.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#474 2010-02-24 22:05:59

Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 123

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Still, no sign of land.

pacman -Qi perl

Name           : perl                   
Version        : 5.10.1-5               
URL            :    
Licenses       : GPL  PerlArtistic      
Groups         : base                   
Provides       : perl-ansicolor  perl-anydbm_file  perl-app-prove-state-result-test=3.17  perl-app-prove-state-result=3.17  
                 perl-app-prove-state=3.17  perl-app-prove=3.17  perl-archive-extract=0.34  perl-archive-tar-constant=0.02  
                 perl-archive-tar-file=0.02  perl-archive-tar=1.52  perl-attribute-handlers=0.85  perl-attributes=0.09  perl-attrs=1.03  
                 perl-autodie  perl-autodie-exception-system=2.06_01  perl-autodie-exception=2.06_01  perl-autodie-hints=2.06_01  perl-autoloader  
                 perl-autosplit=1.06  perl-autouse=1.06  perl-b-concise=0.76  perl-b-debug=1.11  perl-b-deparse=0.89  perl-b-lint  perl-b-lint-debug  
                 perl-b-showlex=1.02  perl-b-terse=1.05  perl-b-xref=1.02  perl-b=1.22  perl-base  perl-benchmark=1.11  perl-bigint=0.23              
                 perl-bignum  perl-bigrat=0.23  perl-blib=1.04  perl-bytes=1.03  perl-carp=1.11  perl-cgi-apache  perl-cgi-carp=1.30_01               
                 perl-cgi-cookie=1.29  perl-cgi-fast  perl-cgi-pretty=1.08  perl-cgi-push=1.04  perl-cgi-switch  perl-cgi-util=1.5_01    
                 perl-cgi=3.43  perl-charnames=1.07  perl-class-isa=0.33  perl-class-struct=0.63  perl-compress-raw-bzib2=2.020                       
                 perl-compress-raw-bzip2=2.02  perl-compress-raw-zlib=2.02  perl-compress-zlib=2.02  perl-constant  perl-cpan  perl-cpan-author=5.5   
                 perl-cpan-bundle=5.5  perl-cpan-cachemgr=5.5  perl-cpan-complete=5.5  perl-cpan-debug=5.5  perl-cpan-deferredcode=5.50               
                 perl-cpan-distroprefs=6  perl-cpan-distrostatus=5.5  perl-cpan-exception-blocked_urllist=1.0                                         
                 perl-cpan-exception-recursivedependency=5.5  perl-cpan-exception-yaml_not_installed=5.5  perl-cpan-firsttime=5.53                    
                 perl-cpan-ftp-netrc=1.00  perl-cpan-ftp=5.50.01  perl-cpan-handleconfig=5.5  perl-cpan-infoobj=5.5  perl-cpan-kwalify=5.50           
                 perl-cpan-module=5.5  perl-cpan-nox  perl-cpan-prompt=5.5  perl-cpan-queue=5.5  perl-cpan-shell=5.5  perl-cpan-tarzip=5.501          
                 perl-cpan-url=5.5  perl-cpan-version=5.5  perl-cpanplus  perl-cpanplus-backend-rv  perl-cpanplus-backend=0.88  perl-cpanplus-config  
                 perl-cpanplus-configure-setup  perl-cpanplus-configure=0.88  perl-cpanplus-dist  perl-cpanplus-dist-autobundle                       
                 perl-cpanplus-dist-base=0.88  perl-cpanplus-dist-build-constants=0.36  perl-cpanplus-dist-build=0.36  perl-cpanplus-dist-mm          
                 perl-cpanplus-dist-sample  perl-cpanplus-error  perl-cpanplus-internals-constants  perl-cpanplus-internals-constants-report          
                 perl-cpanplus-internals-extract  perl-cpanplus-internals-fetch  perl-cpanplus-internals-report  perl-cpanplus-internals-search       
                 perl-cpanplus-internals-source  perl-cpanplus-internals-source-memory  perl-cpanplus-internals-source-sqlite                         
                 perl-cpanplus-internals-source-sqlite-tie  perl-cpanplus-internals-utils  perl-cpanplus-internals-utils-autoflush                    
                 perl-cpanplus-internals=0.88  perl-cpanplus-module  perl-cpanplus-module-author  perl-cpanplus-module-author-fake                    
                 perl-cpanplus-module-checksums  perl-cpanplus-module-fake  perl-cpanplus-module-signature  perl-cpanplus-selfupdate                  
                 perl-cpanplus-shell  perl-cpanplus-shell-classic=0.05.62  perl-cpanplus-shell-default-plugins-customsource                           
                 perl-cpanplus-shell-default-plugins-remote  perl-cpanplus-shell-default-plugins-source  perl-cpanplus-shell-default=0.88             
                 perl-cwd=3.3  perl-data-dumper=2.124  perl-db_file  perl-dbm_filter-compress=0.02  perl-dbm_filter-encode                            
                 perl-dbm_filter-int32=0.02  perl-dbm_filter-null=0.02  perl-dbm_filter-utf8  perl-dbm_filter=0.02  perl-devel-dprof                  
                 perl-devel-innerpackage=0.3  perl-devel-peek=1.04  perl-devel-ppport=3.19  perl-devel-selfstubber=1.03  perl-diagnostics=1.17        
                 perl-digest  perl-digest-base=1.16  perl-digest-file=1.16  perl-digest-md5=2.39  perl-digest-sha=5.47  perl-dirhandle=1.03           
                 perl-dprof  perl-dumpvalue=1.13  perl-encode  perl-encode-alias  perl-encode-byte  perl-encode-cjkconstants=2.02  perl-encode-cn     
                 perl-encode-cn-hz  perl-encode-config=2.05  perl-encode-ebcdic  perl-encode-encoder  perl-encode-encoding  perl-encode-gsm0338       
                 perl-encode-guess  perl-encode-jp  perl-encode-jp-h2z=2.02  perl-encode-jp-jis7  perl-encode-kr  perl-encode-kr-2022_kr              
                 perl-encode-mime-header  perl-encode-mime-header-iso_2022_jp  perl-encode-mime-name=1.01  perl-encode-symbol  perl-encode-tw         
                 perl-encode-unicode  perl-encode-unicode-utf7  perl-encoding-warnings=0.11  perl-english=1.04  perl-env=1.00  perl-exporter          
                 perl-exporter-heavy=5.63  perl-extutils-cbuilder-base=0.26.02  perl-extutils-cbuilder-platform-aix=0.26.02                           
                 perl-extutils-cbuilder-platform-cygwin=0.26.02  perl-extutils-cbuilder-platform-darwin=0.26.02                                       
                 perl-extutils-cbuilder-platform-dec_osf=0.26.02  perl-extutils-cbuilder-platform-os2=0.26.02                                         
                 perl-extutils-cbuilder-platform-unix=0.26.02  perl-extutils-cbuilder-platform-vms=0.26.02                                            
                 perl-extutils-cbuilder-platform-windows=0.26.02  perl-extutils-cbuilder=0.26.02  perl-extutils-command-mm=6.55_02                    
                 perl-extutils-command=1.16  perl-extutils-constant-base=0.04  perl-extutils-constant-utils=0.02  perl-extutils-constant-xs=0.03      
                 perl-extutils-constant=0.22  perl-extutils-embed=1.28  perl-extutils-install=1.54  perl-extutils-liblist-kid=6.55.02                 
                 perl-extutils-liblist=6.55_02  perl-extutils-makemaker-config=6.55_02  perl-extutils-makemaker=6.55_02  perl-extutils-manifest=1.56  
                 perl-extutils-mkbootstrap=6.55_02  perl-extutils-mksymlists=6.55_02  perl-extutils-mm=6.55_02  perl-extutils-mm_aix=6.55_02          
                 perl-extutils-mm_any=6.55_02  perl-extutils-mm_beos=6.55_02  perl-extutils-mm_cygwin=6.55_02  perl-extutils-mm_darwin=6.55_02        
                 perl-extutils-mm_dos=6.55.02  perl-extutils-mm_macos=6.55.02  perl-extutils-mm_nw5=6.55_02  perl-extutils-mm_os2=6.55_02             
                 perl-extutils-mm_qnx=6.55_02  perl-extutils-mm_unix=6.55_02  perl-extutils-mm_uwin=6.55.02  perl-extutils-mm_vms=6.55_02             
                 perl-extutils-mm_vos=6.55_02  perl-extutils-mm_win32=6.55_02  perl-extutils-mm_win95=6.55_02  perl-extutils-my=6.55.02               
                 perl-extutils-packlist=1.43  perl-extutils-parsexs=2.20.02  perl-extutils-testlib  perl-fatal=2.06_01  perl-fcntl=1.06               
                 perl-fields=2.14  perl-file-basename=2.77  perl-file-checktree=4.4  perl-file-compare=1.10.06  perl-file-copy=2.14                   
                 perl-file-dosglob=1.01  perl-file-fetch=0.2  perl-file-find=1.14  perl-file-glob=1.06  perl-file-globmapper=1.000                    
                 perl-file-path=2.07_03  perl-file-spec-cygwin=3.3  perl-file-spec-epoc=3.3  perl-file-spec-functions=3.3  perl-file-spec-mac=3.3     
                 perl-file-spec-os2=3.3  perl-file-spec-unix=3.3  perl-file-spec-vms  perl-file-spec-win32=3.3  perl-file-spec=3.3                    
                 perl-file-stat=1.01  perl-file-temp=0.22  perl-filecache=1.08  perl-filehandle=2.02  perl-filetest=1.02  perl-filter-simple=0.84     
                 perl-filter-util-call=1.08  perl-filter=1.37  perl-findbin=1.50  perl-gdbm_file  perl-getopt-long=2.38  perl-getopt-std=1.06         
                 perl-hash-util=0.07  perl-i18n-collate  perl-i18n-langinfo=0.02  perl-i18n-langtags-detect=1.03  perl-i18n-langtags-list=0.35        
                 perl-i18n-langtags=0.35  perl-if  perl-integer=1.00  perl-io  perl-io-compress  perl-io-compress-adapter-bzip2=2.020                 
                 perl-io-compress-adapter-deflate=2.020  perl-io-compress-adapter-identity=2.020  perl-io-compress-base-common=2.020                  
                 perl-io-compress-base=2.020  perl-io-compress-bzip2=2.020  perl-io-compress-deflate=2.020  perl-io-compress-gzip-constants=2.020     
                 perl-io-compress-gzip=2.020  perl-io-compress-rawdeflate=2.020  perl-io-compress-zip-constants=2.020  perl-io-compress-zip=2.020     
                 perl-io-compress-zlib-constants=2.020  perl-io-compress-zlib-extra=2.020  perl-io-dir  perl-io-file=1.14  perl-io-handle=1.28        
                 perl-io-pipe=1.13  perl-io-poll=0.07  perl-io-seekable=1.1  perl-io-select=1.17  perl-io-socket-inet=1.31  perl-io-socket-unix=1.23  
                 perl-io-socket=1.31  perl-io-uncompress-adapter-bunzip2=2.020  perl-io-uncompress-adapter-identity=2.020                             
                 perl-io-uncompress-adapter-inflate=2.020  perl-io-uncompress-anyinflate  perl-io-uncompress-anyuncompress=2.020                      
                 perl-io-uncompress-base=2.020  perl-io-uncompress-bunzip2=2.020  perl-io-uncompress-gunzip=2.020  perl-io-uncompress-inflate=2.020   
                 perl-io-uncompress-rawinflate=2.020  perl-io-uncompress-unzip  perl-io-zlib=1.09  perl-ipc-cmd=0.46  perl-ipc-msg                    
                 perl-ipc-open2=1.03  perl-ipc-open3=1.04  perl-ipc-semaphore  perl-ipc-sharedmem  perl-ipc-sysv=2.01  perl-less=0.02  perl-libnet    
                 perl-list-util-pp=1.21  perl-list-util-xs=1.21  perl-list-util=1.21  perl-locale-codes=2.07  perl-locale-constants=2.07              
                 perl-locale-country=2.07  perl-locale-currency=2.07  perl-locale-language=2.07  perl-locale-maketext-guts=1.13                       
                 perl-locale-maketext-gutsloader=1.13  perl-locale-maketext-simple=0.18  perl-locale-maketext=1.13  perl-locale-script=2.07           
                 perl-locale=1.00  perl-log-message-config=0.01  perl-log-message-handlers  perl-log-message-item  perl-log-message-simple=0.04       
                 perl-log-message=0.02  perl-math-bigfloat-trace=0.01  perl-math-bigfloat=1.60  perl-math-bigint-calc=0.52                            
                 perl-math-bigint-calcemu=0.05  perl-math-bigint-fastcalc  perl-math-bigint-trace=0.01  perl-math-bigint=1.89  perl-math-bigrat=0.22  
                 perl-math-complex=1.56  perl-math-trig=1.2  perl-memoize-anydbm_file  perl-memoize-expire=1.00  perl-memoize-expirefile=1.01         
                 perl-memoize-expiretest=0.65  perl-memoize-ndbm_file  perl-memoize-sdbm_file  perl-memoize-storable=0.65  perl-memoize=1.01_03       
                 perl-mime-base64=3.08  perl-mime-quotedprint=3.08  perl-module-build-base=0.340.201  perl-module-build-compat=0.340.201              
                 perl-module-build-config=0.340.201  perl-module-build-cookbook=0.340.201  perl-module-build-dumper=0.340.201                         
                 perl-module-build-moduleinfo=0.340.201  perl-module-build-notes=0.340.201  perl-module-build-platform-aix=0.340.201                  
                 perl-module-build-platform-amiga=0.340.201  perl-module-build-platform-cygwin=0.340.201                                              
                 perl-module-build-platform-darwin=0.340.201  perl-module-build-platform-default=0.340.201                                            
                 perl-module-build-platform-ebcdic=0.340.201  perl-module-build-platform-macos=0.340.201  perl-module-build-platform-mpeix=0.340.201  
                 perl-module-build-platform-os2=0.340.201  perl-module-build-platform-riscos=0.340.201  perl-module-build-platform-unix=0.340.201     
                 perl-module-build-platform-vms=0.340.201  perl-module-build-platform-vos=0.340.201  perl-module-build-platform-windows=0.340.201     
                 perl-module-build-podparser=0.340.201  perl-module-build-ppmmaker=0.340.201  perl-module-build-version=0.77                          
                 perl-module-build-yaml=0.50  perl-module-build=0.340.201  perl-module-corelist=2.18  perl-module-load-conditional=0.30               
                 perl-module-load=0.16  perl-module-loaded=0.02  perl-module-pluggable-object=3.9  perl-module-pluggable=3.9  perl-ndbm_file          
                 perl-net-cmd=2.29  perl-net-config=1.11  perl-net-domain=2.20  perl-net-ftp-a=1.18  perl-net-ftp-dataconn=0.11  perl-net-ftp-e=0.01  
                 perl-net-ftp-i=1.12  perl-net-ftp-l=0.01  perl-net-ftp=2.77  perl-net-hostent=1.01  perl-net-netent=1.00  perl-net-netrc=2.12        
                 perl-net-nntp=2.24  perl-net-ping  perl-net-pop3=2.29  perl-net-protoent=1.00  perl-net-servent=1.01  perl-net-smtp=2.31             
                 perl-net-time=2.10  perl-next  perl-o=1.01  perl-object-accessor=0.34  perl-odbm_file  perl-opcode  perl-open  perl-ops              
                 perl-overload-numbers  perl-overload=1.07  perl-overloading=0.01  perl-package-constants=0.02  perl-params-check=0.26  perl-parent   
                 perl-parse-cpan-meta=1.39  perl-pathtools  perl-perlio-encoding  perl-perlio-scalar=0.07  perl-perlio-via-quotedprint=0.06           
                 perl-perlio-via=0.07  perl-perlio=1.06  perl-pod-checker=1.45  perl-pod-escapes=1.04  perl-pod-find=1.35  perl-pod-functions=1.03    
                 perl-pod-html=1.09  perl-pod-inputobjects=1.31  perl-pod-latex=0.58  perl-pod-man  perl-pod-parselink=1.09  perl-pod-parser=1.37     
                 perl-pod-parseutils=1.36  perl-pod-perldoc-baseto  perl-pod-perldoc-getoptsoo  perl-pod-perldoc-tochecker  perl-pod-perldoc-toman    
                 perl-pod-perldoc-tonroff  perl-pod-perldoc-topod  perl-pod-perldoc-tortf=2.02  perl-pod-perldoc-totext  perl-pod-perldoc-totk        
                 perl-pod-perldoc-toxml=2.02  perl-pod-perldoc=3.14_04  perl-pod-plainer=0.01  perl-pod-plaintext=2.04  perl-pod-select=1.36          
                 perl-pod-simple-blackbox  perl-pod-simple-checker=2.02  perl-pod-simple-debug  perl-pod-simple-dumpastext=2.02                       
                 perl-pod-simple-dumpasxml=2.02  perl-pod-simple-html=3.03  perl-pod-simple-htmlbatch=3.02  perl-pod-simple-htmllegacy=5.01           
                 perl-pod-simple-linksection  perl-pod-simple-methody=2.02  perl-pod-simple-progress=1.01  perl-pod-simple-pullparser=2.02            
                 perl-pod-simple-pullparserendtoken  perl-pod-simple-pullparserstarttoken  perl-pod-simple-pullparsertexttoken                        
                 perl-pod-simple-pullparsertoken=2.02  perl-pod-simple-rtf=2.02  perl-pod-simple-search=3.04  perl-pod-simple-simpletree=2.02         
                 perl-pod-simple-text=2.02  perl-pod-simple-textcontent=2.02  perl-pod-simple-tiedoutfh  perl-pod-simple-transcode                    
                 perl-pod-simple-transcodedumb=2.02  perl-pod-simple-transcodesmart  perl-pod-simple-xhtml=3.04  perl-pod-simple-xmloutstream=2.02    
                 perl-pod-simple=3.07  perl-pod-text-color=2.05  perl-pod-text-overstrike=2.03  perl-pod-text-termcap  perl-pod-text=3.13             
                 perl-pod-usage=1.36  perl-podlators  perl-posix  perl-re=0.09  perl-safe  perl-scalar-list-utils  perl-scalar-util-pp=1.21           
                 perl-scalar-util=1.21  perl-sdbm_file  perl-search-dict=1.02  perl-selectsaver=1.02  perl-selfloader  perl-shell  perl-sigtrap=1.04  
                 perl-socket=1.82  perl-sort  perl-storable  perl-strict=1.04  perl-subs=1.00  perl-switch  perl-symbol=1.07  perl-sys-hostname=1.11  
                 perl-sys-syslog  perl-tap-base=3.17  perl-tap-formatter-base  perl-tap-formatter-color=3.17  perl-tap-formatter-console              
                 perl-tap-formatter-console-parallelsession=3.17  perl-tap-formatter-console-session=3.17  perl-tap-formatter-file                    
                 perl-tap-formatter-file-session=3.17  perl-tap-formatter-session=3.17  perl-tap-harness=3.17  perl-tap-object=3.17                   
                 perl-tap-parser-aggregator=3.17  perl-tap-parser-grammar=3.17  perl-tap-parser-iterator-array=3.17
                 perl-tap-parser-iterator-process=3.17  perl-tap-parser-iterator-stream=3.17  perl-tap-parser-iterator=3.17
                 perl-tap-parser-iteratorfactory=3.17  perl-tap-parser-multiplexer=3.17  perl-tap-parser-result-bailout=3.17
                 perl-tap-parser-result-comment=3.17  perl-tap-parser-result-plan=3.17  perl-tap-parser-result-pragma=3.17
                 perl-tap-parser-result-test=3.17  perl-tap-parser-result-unknown=3.17  perl-tap-parser-result-version=3.17
                 perl-tap-parser-result-yaml=3.17  perl-tap-parser-result=3.17  perl-tap-parser-resultfactory=3.17
                 perl-tap-parser-scheduler-job=3.17  perl-tap-parser-scheduler-spinner=3.17  perl-tap-parser-scheduler=3.17
                 perl-tap-parser-source=3.17  perl-tap-parser-utils=3.17  perl-tap-parser-yamlish-reader=3.17  perl-tap-parser-yamlish-writer=3.17
                 perl-tap-parser=3.17  perl-term-ansicolor=2.00  perl-term-cap=1.12  perl-term-complete=1.402  perl-term-readline=1.04
                 perl-term-ui-history  perl-term-ui=0.20  perl-test  perl-test-builder-module=0.92  perl-test-builder-tester-color=1.18
                 perl-test-builder-tester=1.18  perl-test-builder=0.92  perl-test-harness=3.17  perl-test-more=0.92  perl-test-simple=0.92
                 perl-text-abbrev=1.01  perl-text-balanced=2.0.0  perl-text-parsewords=3.27  perl-text-soundex=3.03  perl-text-tabs+wrap
                 perl-text-tabs+wraps=2009.0305  perl-text-tabs=2009.03.05  perl-text-wrap=2009.03.05  perl-thread-queue=2.11
                 perl-thread-semaphore=2.09  perl-thread=3.02  perl-threads  perl-threads-shared=1.29  perl-tie-array=1.03  perl-tie-file
                 perl-tie-handle=4.2  perl-tie-hash=1.03  perl-tie-memoize=1.1  perl-tie-refhash=1.38  perl-tie-scalar=1.01  perl-tie-stdhandle=4.2
                 perl-tie-substrhash=1.00  perl-time-gmtime=1.03  perl-time-hires=1.97.19  perl-time-local=1.19.01  perl-time-localtime=1.02
                 perl-time-piece  perl-time-seconds  perl-time-tm=1.00  perl-unicode-collate=0.52  perl-unicode-normalize=1.03
                 perl-unicode-ucd=0.27  perl-universal=1.05  perl-user-grent=1.01  perl-user-pwent=1.00  perl-utf8=1.07  perl-vars=1.01
                 perl-version=0.77  perl-vmsish=1.02  perl-warnings-register=1.01  perl-warnings=1.06  perl-win32=0.39  perl-win32api-file=0.1101
                 perl-xsloader  perlio-via-quotedprint=0.06
Depends On     : gdbm  db>=4.8  coreutils  glibc  sh
Optional Deps  : None
Required By    : autoconf-compat  automake  bauerbill  cairo-perl  cdrkit  eclipse-epic  festival  foomatic-db-engine  foomatic-db-foo2zjs  gd  git
                 gkrellweather  glib-perl  groff  hwinfo  iproute2  lm_sensors  openssl  pacpan  perl-crypt-ssleay  perl-error  perl-html-parser
                 perl-html-tagset  perl-io-string  perl-libintl-perl  perl-libwww  perl-locale-gettext  perl-pathtools  perl-scalar-list-utils
                 perl-test-simple  perl-uri  perl-xml-simple  perl-xyne-arch  perl-xyne-common  perl-yaml  perl-yaml-syck  perlxml  powerpill
                 procinfo  r
Conflicts With : None
Replaces       : None
Installed Size : 51328.00 K
Packager       : Firmicus <>
Architecture   : x86_64
Build Date     : Thu 08 Oct 2009 03:15:46 PM CEST
Install Date   : Wed 24 Feb 2010 06:15:20 PM CET
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : Yes
Description    : Practical Extraction and Report Language
bauerbill -S --cpan perl-padre
--> resolving perl-module-build>=0.28... installed (provided by perl)
--> resolving gdbm... installed
--> resolving db>=4.8... installed
--> resolving coreutils... installed
--> resolving glibc... installed
--> resolving sh... installed (provided by bash)
--> resolving perl-extutils-parsexs>=2.22... found in [core] (provided by perl)
--> resolving perl>=v5.6.1... installed
--> resolving perl-test-base... found in [community]
--> resolving perl-spiffy>=0.30... found in [community]
--> resolving perl-sub-uplevel... found in [community]
--> Determining sizes of source files...
--> Installing downloaded target packages...
--> Running pacman: /usr/bin/pacman --cachedir "/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -S perl
warning: perl-5.10.1-5 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: perl-pathtools: requires perl-carp
:: perl-pathtools: requires perl-file-basename
error: pacman exited with an error (256)

It looks like it tries to reinstall the vanilla perl package from [core], which does not have the fixed provides needed for perl-pathtools (although I presume the modules in question are there).

Which perl package are you using Xyne?


#475 2010-02-25 00:14:50

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I'm using the latest Perl package from [core]. I think the problem is due to CPAN version strings. I've rewritten my CPAN version formatter after looking into this a bit more so it should hopefully work now.

Update to perl-xyne-arch>=2010.02.25.1 and then run "pacpan --fix-provides" again. After that it should work.

Please confirm if it does. If not, please include more preceding lines in the error output. It would have been easier to test this if I knew which module in the Padre dependency tree required perl-extutils-parsex in the output above. You can always pastebin the output too if you feel it's too long for the forum.

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