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#1 2010-01-09 14:20:54

From: Colombia
Registered: 2009-11-03
Posts: 4

black screen but the xorg.log.0 don't have any error

I have a motherboard asus m4a78t-e with ati radeon hd 3300 video chip
and monitor samsung syncmaster 2333 with vga and dvi port I use the dvi port.

I have a strange behavior when ArchLinux start

Firts at all, the grup, next the boot secuence and when start the xorg I have a black screen , at firts I thought that the xorg was the guilty but when I saw the xorg,log.0(I start in console mode) and didn't find any error

I started the xorg and again black screen.
then I pressed crtl-alt-f1 without see nothing in my screen
and logme in  at root and  wrote "shutdown -h now" and my pc turn off
all this with my screen in black(for me this mean that the pc is not frozen).

I started the pc with x system and black screen, again .
The monitor have  vga and dvi port. I use the dvi port. Trying diferent things I discovered that my monitor have a function to change between vga and dvi port and when the x system star with the black screen I press the monitor button, change to vga and then press again to change vdi and buala I have my kdm screen.
The problem is that I must to do this every time that start my pc or restart the x system for example when I logout.

I use the last kernel 2.6.32-ARCH and xf86-video-ati 6.12.4-3 and xorg-server I suse hal, don't have xorg.conf file. The problem started after the update the xorg version from 1.6 to 1.7 approximately 2 Months ago.
Any suggestion?


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