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Hi, I just noticed with "lspci -v" that my docked Radeon card has a latency of 0. For every other device (for example my sound card which is at 00:05.0 with 64 latency by default) I can run:
sudo setpci -v -s 00:05.0 latency_timer=ff
to maximize the time before it gives up the bus. The output I see is:
0000:00:05.0 @0d ff
and sure enough "lspci -v" shows that my sound card has 248 latency (ff rounded down) just like it should. When I try this with my radeon card:
sudo setpci -v -s 09:00.0 latency_timer=ff
I again see
0000:09:00.0 @0d ff
but "lspci -v" still shows that its latency is zero. Also note that I see "radeon 0000:09:00.0: setting latency timer to 64" in dmesg.
Has setpci failed for anyone else before? Does anyone know a reason this may happen or a utility that can help me find out? Thanks.
Last edited by ConnorBehan (2010-01-11 00:20:47)
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