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I don't found "xv" to set my background image in fluxbox like this: (init file in ~/.fluxbox/init)
rootCommand: xv -root -rmode 5 -quit ~/.fluxbox/backgrounds/imagem.jpg
xsetroot only work with bmp.
The poem is the ash of Fênix that the soul of somebody transforms into dream and transforms into body and later into light.
Install Eterm and use Esetroot or install feh to set bg
read faq for more stuff:
...or u could use QIV to set the wallpaper ...
qiv -z ~/bgimages/bla*.jpg &
qiv is available via pacman.
hope this helps. mak.
$ wget -c -r -l inf -i what_the_hel.l
Ok, i follow the steps in unofficial faq.
But eterm is not avaliable after installation.
# pacman -Q eterm
eterm 0.9.3-1
# find / -name "eterm"
# vim ~/.fluxbox/menu
[exec] (eterm) {eterm}
The poem is the ash of Fênix that the soul of somebody transforms into dream and transforms into body and later into light.
Try uppercase, Eterm. not eterm or ETERM, but Eterm.
The Eterm wallpaper settter is called Esetroot.
The fluxbox command is fbsetbg in fluxbox 0.9.x and bsetbg in 0.1.14.
It will look for xv, qiv, Eterm, etc.
If you have the xv program, rather than use the xv command just use fbsetbg (or bsetbg, depending upon your version) and it should set it for you--if you want it tiled use fbsetbg -t