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#1 2010-01-22 04:32:01

Registered: 2008-12-18
Posts: 453

uzbl's follow numbers scripts dont work

I don't know If Ive configured something wrong or what the problem is. I searched google thinking it was common but came up empty.

I can type fl (or just f with my modified binding) and the numbers show up, but nothing happens when I press the number.

Heres my config, its mostly default with a few modifications here and there

# example uzbl config.
# all settings are optional.  you can use uzbl without any config at all (but it won't do much)

set prefix     = /usr

# === Shortcuts / Aliases  ===================================================

# Config related events (use the request function):
# request BIND <bind cmd> = <command>
set bind            = request BIND
# request MODE_BIND <mode> <bind cmd> = <command>
set mode_bind       = request MODE_BIND
# request MODE_CONFIG <mode> <key> = <value>
set mode_config     = request MODE_CONFIG
# request ON_EVENT <EVENT_NAME> <command>
set on_event        = request ON_EVENT
# request PROGRESS_CONFIG <key> = <value>
set progress        = request PROGRESS_CONFIG
# request MODMAP <From> <To>
set modmap          = request MODMAP
# request IGNORE_KEY <glob>
set ignore_key      = request IGNORE_KEY
# request MODKEY_ADDITION <key1> <key2> <keyn> <result>
set modkey_addition = request MODKEY_ADDITION

# Action related events (use the event function):
# event TOGGLE_MODES <mode1> <mode2> ... <moden>
set toggle_modes    = event TOGGLE_MODES

set set_mode        = set mode =
set set_status      = set status_message =
set shell_cmd       = sh -c

# Spawn path shortcuts. In spawn the first dir+path match is used in "dir1:dir2:dir3:executable"
set scripts_dir     = $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl:@prefix/share/uzbl/examples/data/uzbl:scripts

# Javascipt helpers.
set jsh = js var; function get(k){return run("print \\\@"+k)}; function set(k, v) {run("set "+k+" = "+v)};

# === Handlers ===============================================================

# --- Hardcoded event handlers -----------------------------------------------

# These handlers can't be moved to the new event system yet as we don't
# support events that can wait for a response from a script.
set cookie_handler      = talk_to_socket $XDG_CACHE_HOME/uzbl/cookie_daemon_socket
set scheme_handler      = sync_spawn @scripts_dir/

# Open in the same window.
#set new_window         = sh 'echo uri "$8" > $4'
# Open a link in a new window. equivalent to default behavior
set new_window          = sh 'uzbl-browser -u $8'

# --- Optional dynamic event handlers ----------------------------------------

# Download handler
@on_event   DOWNLOAD_REQUEST    spawn @scripts_dir/ %s \@proxy_url

# Load start handler
@on_event   LOAD_START     @set_status <span foreground="khaki">wait</span>

# Load commit handlers
@on_event   LOAD_COMMIT    @set_status <span foreground="green">recv</span>
@on_event   LOAD_COMMIT    script @scripts_dir/scroll-percentage.js
# Reset the keycmd on navigation
@on_event   LOAD_COMMIT    @set_mode

# Load finish handlers
@on_event   LOAD_FINISH    @set_status <span foreground="gold">done</span>
@on_event   LOAD_FINISH    spawn @scripts_dir/

# Generate a FORM_ACTIVE event if an editable
# element on the loaded site has initial focus
@on_event   LOAD_FINISH    js if(document.activeElement.type == 'text') {"event FORM_ACTIVE");}

# Switch to insert mode if a (editable) html form is clicked
@on_event   FORM_ACTIVE    @set_mode insert
# Switch to command mode if anything else is clicked
@on_event   ROOT_ACTIVE    @set_mode command

# Example CONFIG_CHANGED event handler
#@on_event  CONFIG_CHANGED print Config changed: %1 = %2

# === Behaviour and appearance ===============================================

set show_status       = 1
set status_top        = 0
set status_background = #303030

set modcmd_style      = weight="bold" foreground="red"
set keycmd_style      = weight="light" foreground="red"
set prompt_style      = foreground="grey"
set cursor_style      = underline="single"
set completion_style  = foreground="green"
set hint_style        = weight="bold"

set mode_section      = <span background="khaki" foreground="black">[\@[\@mode_indicator]\@]</span>
set keycmd_section    = [<span \@prompt_style>\@[\@keycmd_prompt]\@</span><span \@modcmd_style>\@modcmd</span><span \@keycmd_style>\@keycmd</span><span \@completion_style>\@completion_list</span>]
set progress_section  = <span foreground="#606060">\@[\@progress_format]\@</span>
set scroll_section    = <span foreground="#606060">\@[\@scroll_message]\@</span>
set uri_section       = <span foreground="#99FF66">\@[\@uri]\@</span>
set name_section      = <span foreground="khaki">\@[\@NAME]\@</span>
set status_section    = <span foreground="orange">\@status_message</span>
set selected_section  = <span foreground="#606060">\@[\@SELECTED_URI]\@</span>

set status_format     = <span font_family="monospace">@mode_section @keycmd_section @progress_section @uri_section @name_section @status_section @scroll_section @selected_section</span>

set title_format_long = \@keycmd_prompt \@raw_modcmd \@raw_keycmd \@TITLE - Uzbl browser <\@NAME> \@SELECTED_URI

# Progress bar config
@progress width    = 8
# %d = done, %p = pending %c = percent done, %i = int done, %s = spinner,
# %t = percent pending, %o = int pending, %r = sprite scroll
@progress format   = [%d>%p]%c
@progress done     = =
@progress pending  =

# Or ride those spinnas'
#@progress format   = [%d%s%p]
#@progress spinner  = -\\|/
#@progress done     = -
#@progress pending  =

# === Core settings ==========================================================

set useragent         = Uzbl (Webkit @WEBKIT_MAJOR.@WEBKIT_MINOR.@WEBKIT_MICRO) (@(+uname -o)@ @(+uname -m)@ [@ARCH_UZBL]) (Commit @COMMIT)
set fifo_dir          = /tmp
set socket_dir        = /tmp

# === Key modmapping and ignoring ============================================

#modmap <From>          <To>
@modmap <Control>       <Ctrl>
@modmap <ISO_Left_Tab>  <Shift-Tab>
@modmap <space>         <Space>

#modkey_addition <Key1>  <Key2>    <Result>
@modkey_addition <Shift> <Ctrl>    <Meta>
@modkey_addition <Shift> <Tab>     <Shift-Tab>

#ignore_key <glob>
@ignore_key <ISO_*>
@ignore_key <Shift>

# === Mode bind aliases ======================================================

# Global binding alias (this is done automatically inside the bind plugin).
#set bind = @mode_bind global

# Insert mode binding alias
set ibind = @mode_bind insert

# Command mode binding alias
set cbind = @mode_bind command

# Non-insert mode bindings alias (ebind for edit-bind).
set ebind = @mode_bind global,-insert

# === Global & keycmd editing binds ==========================================

# Resets keycmd and returns to default mode.
@bind   <Escape>     = @set_mode

# Commands for editing and traversing the keycmd.
@ebind  <Return>     = event KEYCMD_EXEC_CURRENT
@ebind  <Home>       = event SET_CURSOR_POS
@ebind  <End>        = event SET_CURSOR_POS -1
@ebind  <Left>       = event SET_CURSOR_POS -
@ebind  <Right>      = event SET_CURSOR_POS +
@ebind  <BackSpace>  = event KEYCMD_BACKSPACE
@ebind  <Delete>     = event KEYCMD_DELETE
@ebind  <Tab>        = event START_COMPLETION
# Readline-ish bindings.
@ebind  <Ctrl>w      = event KEYCMD_STRIP_WORD
@ebind  <Ctrl>u      = event SET_KEYCMD
@ebind  <Ctrl>a      = event SET_CURSOR_POS 0
@ebind  <Ctrl>e      = event SET_CURSOR_POS -1

# Keycmd injection/append examples.
#@ebind  <Ctrl>su = event INJECT_KEYCMD \@uri
#@ebind  <Ctrl>st = event INJECT_KEYCMD \@title
#@ebind  <Ctrl>du = event APPEND_KEYCMD \@uri
#@ebind  <Ctrl>dt = event APPEND_KEYCMD \@title

# === Mouse bindings =========================================================

# Middle click
# if clicked on a link open the link in a new uzbl window
# otherwise open the selection in the current window
set load_from_xclip = sh 'echo "uri $(xclip -o)" > $4'
set open_new_window = sh 'uzbl-browser -u \@SELECTED_URI'
@bind <Button2> = @jsh if(get("SELECTED_URI")) { run("\@open_new_window"); } else { run("\\\@load_from_xclip"); }

# === Keyboard bindings ======================================================

# With this command you can enter in any command at runtime when prefixed with
# a colon.
@cbind    :_        = %s

# --- Page movement binds ---
@cbind  j            = scroll vertical 40
@cbind  k            = scroll vertical -40
@cbind  h            = scroll horizontal -20
@cbind  l            = scroll horizontal 20
@cbind  <Page_Up>    = scroll vertical -100%
@cbind  <Page_Down>  = scroll vertical 100%
@cbind  gg           = scroll vertical begin
@cbind  G            = scroll vertical end
@cbind  ^            = scroll horizontal begin
@cbind  $            = scroll horizontal end
@cbind  o<open:>_    = uri %s
@cbind  O<open:\@uri>_ = uri %s 
@cbind  t<tabopen:>_   = sh 'exec uzbl-browser --uri %s'
@cbind  T<tabopen:\@uri>_ = sh 'exec uzbl-browser --uri %s'

# --- Navigation binds ---
@cbind  <Ctrl>o   = back
@cbind  <Ctrl>i   = forward
@cbind  S   = stop
@cbind  r   = reload
@cbind  R   = reload_ign_cache

# --- Zoom binds ---
@cbind  =   = zoom_in
@cbind  -   = zoom_out
@cbind  +   = toggle_zoom_type
@cbind  1   = set zoom_level 1.0
@cbind  2   = set zoom_level 2.0

# --- Appearance binds ---
# @cbind  t   = toggle_status

# --- Page searching binds ---
@cbind  /*  = search %s
@cbind  ?*  = search_reverse %s
# Jump to next and previous items
@cbind  n   = search
@cbind  N   = search_reverse

# --- Web searching binds ---
@cbind  gg<Google:>_         = uri\@<encodeURIComponent(%r)>\@
@cbind  \\awiki<Archwiki:>_  = uri\@<encodeURIComponent(%r)>\@&go=Go
@cbind  \\wiki<Wikipedia:>_  = uri\@<encodeURIComponent(%r)>\@&go=Go

# --- Handy binds ---
# Set function shortcut
@cbind  s<var:>_<value:>_  = set %1 = %2
# Exit binding
@cbind  ZZ                 = exit
# Dump config to stdout
@cbind  !dump              = sh "echo dump_config > $4"
# Reload config
@cbind  !reload            = sh "sed '/^# === Post-load misc commands/,$d' $1 > $4"
# Uzbl Terminal. TODO explain why this is useful
@cbind  <Ctrl><Alt>t  = sh 'xterm -e "socat unix-connect:$5 -"'
#@cbind  <Ctrl><Alt>t  = sh 'urxvt -e socat unix-connect:$5 -'

# --- Uri opening prompts ---
@cbind  o<uri:>_       = uri %s
# Or have it load the current uri into the keycmd for editing
@cbind  O<uri:\@uri>_  = uri %s

# --- Mode setting binds ---
# Changing mode via  set.
@cbind  I  = @set_mode insert
# Or toggle between modes by raising the toggle event.
set toggle_cmd_ins = @toggle_modes command insert
@cbind  i          = @toggle_cmd_ins
# And the global toggle bind.
@bind   <Ctrl>i    = @toggle_cmd_ins

# --- Hard-bound bookmarks ---
@cbind  gh  = uri

# --- Yanking & pasting binds ---
@cbind  y<Yank (t)itle or (u)rl:>* = @jsh if('%s' == 'u') { run("sh 'echo -n $6 | xclip'"); } else if('%s' == 't') { run("sh 'echo -n $7 | xclip'"); }; run('event SET_KEYCMD');

# Go the page from primary selection
@cbind  p   = sh 'echo "uri `xclip -selection primary -o`" > $4'
# Go to the page in clipboard
@cbind  P   = sh 'echo "uri `xclip -selection clipboard -o`" > $4'
# Start a new uzbl instance from the page in primary selection
@cbind  'p  = sh 'exec uzbl-browser --uri $(xclip -o)'

# --- Bookmark inserting binds ---
@cbind <Ctrl>b<tags:>_  = sh 'echo -e "$6 %s" >> $XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/bookmarks'
# Or use a script to insert a bookmark.
@cbind  B  = spawn @scripts_dir/

# --- Bookmark/history loading ---
@cbind  U  = spawn @scripts_dir/
@cbind  u  = spawn @scripts_dir/

# --- Link following (similar to vimperator and konqueror) ---
@cbind  f*  = script @scripts_dir/follow_Numbers.js %s
# Or number with strings instead of numbers:
@cbind  F*  = script @scripts_dir/follow_Numbers_Strings.js %s

# --- Form filler binds ---
# this script allows you to configure (per domain) values to fill in form
# fields (eg login information) and to fill in these values automatically
set formfiller = spawn @scripts_dir/formfiller
@cbind  za  = @{formfiller}.sh
@cbind  ze  = @{formfiller}.sh edit
@cbind  zn  = @{formfiller}.sh new
@cbind  zl  = @{formfiller}.sh load
# Or the more advanced implementation using perl: (could not get this to run - Dieter)
@cbind  LL  = @{formfiller}.pl load
@cbind  LN  = @{formfiller}.pl new
@cbind  LE  = @{formfiller}.pl edit

# --- External edit script configuration & binds ---
# Edit form input fields in an external editor (gvim, emacs, urxvt -e vim, ..)
set external_editor = gvim
#set external_editor = xterm -e vim
@cbind  E  = script @scripts_dir/extedit.js
# And add menu option.
menu_editable_add Open in @external_editor = script @scripts_dir/extedit.js

# --- Examples ---
# Example showing how to use uzbl's fifo to execute a command.
#@bind  X1 = sh 'echo "set zoom_level = 1.0" > "$4"'
#@bind  X2 = sh 'echo "js alert (\\"This is sent by the shell via a fifo\\")" > "$4"'

# Working with the javascript helper variable jsh.
#@bind  X3 = @jsh alert(get('zoom_level'));
#@bind  X4 = @jsh if(get('mode') == "insert") { alert("You are in insert mode") } else { alert(get('mode')+" is a silly mode.") };

# === Context menu items =====================================================

# Default context menu
menu_add Google = set uri =
menu_add Go Home = set uri =
menu_separator separator_1
menu_add Quit uzbl = exit

# Link context menu
menu_link_add Print Link = print \@SELECTED_URI

# === Mode configuration =====================================================

# Define some mode specific uzbl configurations.
set command  = @mode_config command
set insert   = @mode_config insert
set stack    = @mode_config stack

# Command mode config.
@command  keycmd_style        = foreground="red"
@command  status_background   = #202020
@command  mode_indicator      = Cmd

# Insert mode config.
@insert   status_background   = #303030
@insert   mode_indicator      = Ins

# Multi-stage-binding mode config.
@stack    keycmd_events       = 1
@stack    modcmd_updates      = 1
@stack    forward_keys        = 0
@stack    keycmd_style        = foreground="red"
@stack    prompt_style        = foreground="#888" weight="light"
@stack    status_background   = #202020
@stack    mode_indicator      = Bnd

set default_mode = command

# === Post-load misc commands  ===============================================

# Set the "home" page.
set uri =


#2 2010-01-22 04:59:30

From: /home/mjheagle8
Registered: 2009-07-12
Posts: 186

Re: uzbl's follow numbers scripts dont work

i'm pretty sure the current version has js disabled because of a security issue. and that's a js function.

Desktop/Laptop - DWM :: VM - screen
Registered Linux User Number 483137 :: Victory! :: GitHub


#3 2010-01-22 05:36:31

From: Western KS USA
Registered: 2006-11-25
Posts: 173

Re: uzbl's follow numbers scripts dont work

mjheagle is correct.  See HERE for more info.
there are some way to get link folllower to work.  Mason has a usable follower script see more info in his PASTEBIN (soon to be added to wiki,)
Also lots of good info in the uzbl irc logs available  HERE

PLEASE read and try to FIX/FILE BUGS instead of assuming other have/will.


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