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#Check for new XKCD comics.
#So far only able to see if a new one
#is present, not able to discern how
#many new ones exist.
#Each comic is uniquely names and we
#can just compare the line including
#the comic name in the html file
#against the line including the comic
#name the script stored on the last run.
#Get the latest one into .latestxkcd
#On first run create .lastseenxkcd
#We will know if there's a new one if the
#two files aren't the same
wget --quiet -O .xkcdtmp
touch .lastseenxkcd
#This strips the HTML file down to be
#exclusively the line with the comic name.
cat .xkcdtmp | grep "img src" | sed -e '3,50d' | sed -e '1d' >> .latestxkcd
rm .xkcdtmp
if [ "$(cat .latestxkcd)" != "$(cat .lastseenxkcd)" ]
then echo "New XKCD comic!"
echo "No new XKCD comic"
#Update the last seen comic
rm .lastseenxkcd
mv .latestxkcd .lastseenxkcd
Thought this seems like one of the conky scripts that was missing.
The human being created civilization not because of willingness but of a need to be assimilated into higher orders of structure and meaning.
Alternatively, you could just parse the RSS feed and also get the titles of the new comics. I think that there already exist RSS-parse scripts for conky.
- blog (about arch and other stuff):
- x86_64 user
I wonder if curl -I works in this case.
{ date '+%s'; date +'%s' -d "$(curl -s -I '' | grep -F 'Last-Modified' | cut -d' ' -f2-)"; echo [last comic: ]n-60/d60/n[h ]n60%n[m ago]p; } | dc
edit: moved a `d`
Last edited by Procyon (2010-01-25 22:01:18)
Pages: 1