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Heja! Got some PHP problems:
Trying to use the php mail function and in my test i wrote one html file that forwards variables via POST. The problem is that the mail function doesn't work when i'm using POST variables, only static variables. Also $mailsuccess doesn't put something out when i try and echo it, but i can use it in the if...else statement (if i compare with FALSE it will echo "Mail is succefully sent"). Is there some reason to this or am i doing something wrong? (Still kinda new to PHP)
<p>Mail Testing</p>
<form action="mailsender.php" method="post">
<td>Mail Adress</td>
<td><input type="text" name="adress" /></td>
<td><input type="text" name="subject" /></td>
<td><textarea name="message" rows="15" cols="40"/>put text here!</textarea></td>
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send Message" /></td>
$mailsuccess = mail($_POST['adress'],$_POST['subject'],$_POST['message']);
echo $mailsuccess;
if($mailsuccess == TRUE)
echo "<p>Mail is successfully sent</p>";
echo "<p>Unable to send the message</p>";
echo '<p>lala' . $mailsuccess . '</p>';
echo '<p>This is some text</p>';
Last edited by jumzi (2010-02-07 01:15:35)
Do you read the documentation?
You need to specified the from/to emails.
If you compared to FALSE works because, the mail function isn't working well.
Last edited by n0dix (2010-02-06 04:24:00)
It's actually not needed i can get it working with static variables without the "from" in the optional addtional header. Altough it stands you must have it... The problem still seemes to be the POST variables that for some reason aint working. and "mail function isn't working well" is an intressting diagnosis... Well i spose i could sleep on it and try again tomorrow
Please check the content of $_POST using var_dump($_POST) somewhere in the php-code and try var_dump($mailsuccess) to check its content.
Yeah well i have now woken up and eaten lots of food and solved the problem
Essentially the php mail() function works with sendmail (or msmtp as i do) and my apache server is automatically running as the http user. This user however didn't have the permission to even use msmtp, wich is confusing since "others" are allowed to execute the bin file. Anyway switching the user in the apache conf worked but now i'm abit confused in what permissions i have to give the http user.
Anyway this problem is atleast solved, altough it spawned some more.
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