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#1 2010-02-09 00:21:49

Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 77

Conky config that isn't liking ${image} tags

So I've recently found out that conky can now display images. I've been trying different variations of the ${image} tag to no avail. Whenever I run conky, no image shows up, and I was wondering if there was some setting that I had/didn't have on that could be causing this error.
My system has already been fully updated.

background no
 use_xft yes
 xftfont sans:size=7
 xftalpha 1
 update_interval 1.0
 total_run_times 0
 own_window yes
 own_window_transparent yes
 own_window_type desktop
 own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
 double_buffer yes
 minimum_size 1000 0
 gap_x 10
 gap_y 2
 draw_shades no
 draw_outline no
 draw_borders no
 draw_graph_borders yes
 border_width 1
 default_color white
 default_shade_color black
 default_outline_color white
 alignment bottom_right
 text_buffer_size 2048
 uppercase no
 short_units yes
 cpu_avg_samples 2
 override_utf8_locale yes
 color0 FFFFFF
 color1 AAAAFF
 ${offset 1000}___ ${image /home/zt/.wallpapers/blue.png -p 10,-100 -s 64x64 }
 Kernel: ${kernel} ::: Uptime: ${uptime} ::: Updates: Available (999) ::: Cpu: 100% 100% @ 2.2 Ghz   Ram: 100%   Swap: 100% ::: IP: 255.2    55.255.255   In: 9999.9 kb/s (999)   Out: 9999.9 kb/s (999) ::: Battery: 100% ::: Volume: 100% ::: Email: 999   RSS: 999 ::: ${time %a %    b %d, %I:%M %p}
 ${voffset -12}Kernel: ${kernel}
 ${voffset -12}${offset 114}Uptime: ${uptime}
 ${voffset -12}${offset 235}Updates: Available (999)
 ${voffset -12}${offset 372}Cpu: 100%
 ${voffset -12}${offset 420}100%
 ${voffset -12}${offset 459}Ram: ${memperc}%
 ${voffset -12}${offset 519}Swap: ${swapperc}%
 ${voffset -12}${offset 596}Email: --  RSS: ----
 ${voffset -12}${offset 715}IP:  In: 9999.9 kb/s (999)  Out: 9999.9 kb/s (999)
 ${voffset -12}${offset 1011}Battery: ---%
 ${voffset -12}${offset 1099}${time %a %b %d, %I:%M %p}

Also, if it sounds like I'm a little incoherent, it's because I'm sick @ home w/ the flu...
Any help is welcomed. This problem is starting to really bug me...


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