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#1 2010-02-12 12:22:08

From: UK
Registered: 2008-12-03
Posts: 71

MPC error: problems setting volume


I have just set up ALSA, PulseAudio and mpd-pulse on a new Arch box. MPD has created its database properly but will not play any music. When I try to play with ncmpcpp it pauses instantly, when I run

mpc volume 80

I get

error: problems setting volume

I can play audio with paplay. My /etc/mpd.conf is;

music_directory         "/home/tsv/audio/pop_music"
playlist_directory      "/home/tsv/.mpd/playlists"
db_file                 "/var/lib/mpd/db"
log_file                "/var/log/mpd/log"
pid_file                "/var/run/mpd/pid"
state_file              "/var/lib/mpd/state"
user                    "mpd"

audio_output {
        type            "pulse"
        name            "My Pulse Output"
#        server          "remote_server"         # optional
#        sink            "remote_server_sink"    # optional

The 'mpd' user is a member of audio, users, pulse, pulse-access, pulse-rt and mpd.

All help appreciated!


#2 2010-02-13 04:08:43

Registered: 2010-02-13
Posts: 36

Re: MPC error: problems setting volume

Hi tsv,

I had quite some difficulties but I could made work mpd, pulseaudio together.

First question, did you use mpd-pulse from AUR or did you recompile mpd with pulse-enabled? You can check if you have pulse output enabled by typing mpd --version in a terminal and checking the list of output available.

Next do you run pulseaudio on a per-user or system wide? Personnaly i run it on a per user.

Try to add this to your mpd.conf

mixer_type                      "software"

It seems you didn't have this problem yet but my biggest problem was that pulse kept idling  and then exiting ( seen using pulseaudio -vvvv, give a lot of output useful for debugging) when I stopped playing music with mpd and when I played again, pulseaudio restarted but mpd used the device and therefore pulseaudio defaulted to a dummy output. I fixed this by changing the exit idle time in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf to -1 and therefore it never exit again.


#3 2010-02-13 14:50:26

From: UK
Registered: 2008-12-03
Posts: 71

Re: MPC error: problems setting volume


Thanks for the help. I've added that line and now get no errors, but no audio. MPD seems to think it is running ok, progress bar etc. acts normally in ncmpcpp.

I'm running pulse per-user, and used mpd-pulse from AUR, and pulse is listed as a supported output with --version. I can't see anything useful with pulseaudio -vvvv, and nothing's being written to my MPD log.



#4 2010-02-14 05:26:03

Registered: 2010-02-13
Posts: 36

Re: MPC error: problems setting volume

Just to be sure did you unmute everything in the alsamixer? Do you get sound from other applications?

Personnaly I recompiled myself mpd with abs just editing the PKGBUILD to enable pulse. But I don't think that is the problem, as you said no error appear in the log.

Do you see in pulseaudio volume control the volume for mpd? or for any other applications?

If other application are just playing fine, perhaps you could try to comment all output in your mpd.conf. Mpd should then automatically detect the alsa output, which will then be catch by pulseaudio assuming that you installed the compatibility plugin (available in alsa-plugins).

Good luck and don't give up


#5 2016-05-06 14:55:32

Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 23

Re: MPC error: problems setting volume

seal20 wrote:

Try to add this to your mpd.conf

mixer_type                      "software"

This worked for me.


#6 2016-05-06 15:51:12

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,354

Re: MPC error: problems setting volume

Hi Adam, and welcome to the Arch Linux forums.  Thanks for a relevant contribution, but watch the age of the threads -- I hope they are not still struggling with this six years later smile

I''ll use this opportunity to go ahead and close this thread.

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