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Unipkg is a fork of makepkg.
It allows you toe make debs from PKGBUILD files. Using this:
unipkg -P deb
I haven't gotten to trying to see if it works on a Debian package but it looks similar to a normal "deb" file (except there are no md5sums for every file).
It's not finished yet but I'm working on it.
Libertarian Arch Linux User
Unipkg is a fork of makepkg.
It allows you toe make debs from PKGBUILD files. Using this:
unipkg -P deb
I haven't gotten to trying to see if it works on a Debian package but it looks similar to a normal "deb" file (except there are no md5sums for every file).
It's not finished yet but I'm working on it.
finally something to generate deb pkgs without writing one of those insane debian.rules files...
Wouldn't it be easiert to repackage a pkg.tar to a deb file?
Wouldn't it be easiert to repackage a pkg.tar to a deb file?
Well, I thought this could be used by developers, they'd just have to make a PKGBUILD and easily target different package formats.
Libertarian Arch Linux User
I may just use this sometime, as I have always hated how Debian does their package creation, yet have a server which runs Debian.
Last edited by smartboyathome (2010-03-09 18:48:39)
Yeah, I like this idea. If wanting to build pkgs for different distro's this could come in handy.
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
Love the idea! Can I ask if the source is available anywhere?
Yeah, I just put it on github:
Last edited by matthewbauer (2013-09-06 00:02:04)
Libertarian Arch Linux User
AWESOME! I have to touch debian packages at work and it makes me feel dirty. Maybe this will help...
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
Okay, but I haven't tested it too much so if anyone wants to work on the project fork it on Github.
Libertarian Arch Linux User
git says that it doesn't exist any more, i know that is old but is there any other place where i can get it?
never mind google found it on aur for me
Last edited by spider623 (2013-09-05 23:36:40)