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Posting Guidelines (copied from last month)
* DO NOT post full resolution screenshots! You can use the "mogrify" command (pacman -S imagemagick) to make a thumbnail of your screenshot:
$ cp screenie.png thumb-screenie.png
$ mogrify -resize 20% thumb-screenie.png
Twenty percent of the original size is great for 1024x768 screenies. You can then upload these images to your server and use the following code to show them on the forum:
* Several websites also offer free image hosting. Here are some that supports thumbnails:
ImageShack | | iPICTURE | Omploader | ImageHosting | Imagebam
Use the "Thumbnail for forums" link code that is supplied by the image hosting sites to post your thumbnail link.
* Once the new month begins please do not post new screenies in the old threads.
* If the screenshot has questionable material that might not be safe to view while at work or in a school setting, please post only a link and not a thumbnail, along with a mention of "Not Safe for Work". Posts that do not adhere to this are subject to deletion without notice at any time.
* Please try to include any links to your wallpaper or configs that you may have and/or the names of your icon theme, running apps, DE, etc. in the same post to reduce unnecessary clutter later.
It's not March for a bunch of hours yet where I am, but oh well.
I am super new to Arch, after a long time on Crunchbang Linux, loving it so far! Here's my openbox desk-
Gtk is mookid, obtheme is mookid for openbox, font is sans (and rough typewriter, check dafont), icons are allgrey, and the wall is the aptly named wallpaper.
Last edited by Sarai (2010-03-01 05:22:51)
Here's my "monthly" script
edit: the punbb code tags somehow screw over the quoting in my code see the script here instead:
Last edited by JohannesSM64 (2010-03-01 06:32:04)
Here's my "monthly" script
edit: the punbb code tags somehow screw over the quoting in my code see the script here instead:
Great wallpaper! Can you share it ?
ArchLinux :: Awesome WM :: dotfiles
Arch on my MacMini
nautilus-elementary + elementary-mod-gtk-theme + gloobus-preview-bzr
Look at my packages:
ArchLinux :: Awesome WM :: dotfiles
awesome screenshot doesn't get the transparency from xbcompmgr so dunno but urxvt's background is transparent
i was inspired to go back to using evilwm, which i (once upon a time) used happily for months before i started
hopping around between different tiling window managers i forgot how pleasant evilwm is to use.
I've seen young people waste their time reading books about sensitive vampires. It's kinda sad. But you say it's not the end of the world... Well, maybe it is!
edit: the punbb code tags somehow screw over the quoting in my code see the script here instead:
nice script!
what file manager is that?
Last edited by toxygen (2010-03-01 16:35:47)
"I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here:
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"
Playing around with kde4.4 (vanilla)
WM/DE: KDE 4.4 vanilla
Window Theme: Aurorae Theme Engine - Ghost Deco
Plasma Theme: Ghost
Wallpaper: self-made
Style: qtcurve
Still having issues with finding a good color sheme that works well with ghost deco and is usable and readable. The dark themes look great with it but never seem to work right which is aggrivating but oh well.
Legends of Nor'Ova - role playing community devoted to quality forum-based and table-top role play, home of the Legends of Nor'Ova Core Rule Book and Legends of Nor'Ova: Saga of Ablution steam punk like forum based RPG
Offline : programs with movie titles
Both links give me a "Forbidden you don't have permission to blablabla ...
Arch x86_64 on HP 6820s and on HP nx9420. Registered Linux User 350155, since 24-03-2004
"Everyone said that it could not be done, until someone came along who didn't know that."
JohannesSM64 wrote:Here's my "monthly" script
edit: the punbb code tags somehow screw over the quoting in my code see the script here instead: wallpaper! Can you share it ?
Mouse driven DWM
(with a bit of Mod-P, Shift-Mod-C and Shift-Mod-Q)!
Everything should be in