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My SX3 refuses to move past GRUB using either the install CD or USB Stick. If I try to "Boot Arch Linux Live CD" it displays the following and towards the bottom of the screen tosses in some random characters in a few different colors, the only readable one being the number 5 in no particular order or spacing:
(Booting 'Boot Arch Linux Live CD [Legacy IDE, no SATA]"
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 lang=en_US.UTF-8 archisolabel=ARCHISO_OINGAE2I ramdisk_size=75%
[Linux-bzImage, setup=0x3600, size=0x1abaa0]
I get the same thing with the Legacy IDE, no SATA boot option only no colorful random text.
I get this with both the install CD and USB stick.
Installing Grub to the MBR also hangs at:
Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0)+...
Ive been a few years away from *nix so dont be shy about kicking me in the head if I'm totally missing something obvious.
Currently I am re-imaging my media to see if I maybe got a bad image and will keep updating here as I progress.
EDIT: Fresh images dont resolve it, do I just fail at GRUB?
Last edited by Unorthodox (2010-03-04 21:46:11)