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fixed6x11 is a *free*, very small, fixed-width raster font for programming. I was looking for a font which I could use to keep a consistent look in Linux and Windows, in the console and the GUI. I prefer to code in old-school bold face on a black background, so it had to look good in that scenario. I leaned toward raster fonts because they always look the same. I tried terminus, dina, proggy -- all the greats. I eventually landed on MonteCarlo. At first I found it too small, but I got over that in a hurry and became quite attached to all the extra code I could fit on the screen. But I wanted to change a thing or two, especially in the bold version. Using Simon Tatham's (of PuTTy fame) mkwinfont utility I started playing around with my ideas. After untold months of tweaking and rigorous daily use, it is finally in a form that I am more or less happy with. With a font this small and no anti-aliasing, it is all about compromises. The majority of characters basically have to fit in 5x7 pixels, which is pretty tight! Within those limitations, my focus has been on achieving a consistent style, even spacing, good differentiation between similar characters, same sized regular and bold characters for syntax highlighting, minimal "running together" of adjacent characters, and cross-platform support.
Screenshots and downloads at:
Come on, Archers! Please try it out and let me know what you think. I've done the 1252 and 437 code pages. If you're a font guru, maybe you could help me work out a few remaining kinks. Also, I could use some advice about how to turn a font like this into a pacman package.
Last edited by scottfial (2010-03-26 07:35:26)
Time flies like a banana.
OK, considering that I've had zero replies to this in three months, I wouldn't exactly say that there has been a "buzz of excitement" surrounding it so far. Nevertheless, I've just posted an experimental PKGBUILD on the web page (see original post). The PKGBUILD works on my two arch systems. It would make it easier for anyone else to try out the font. Someday I plan to add it to AUR. If you do try the font, please let me know your thoughts.
Time flies like a banana.
It looks nice, though I still can't visualize how it would look in my terminal. If you put it up on the AUR I will give it a whirl.
I like it, but only if you add åäö.:)
The characters you mentioned should work.
Time flies like a banana.
I feel a sudden urge to play Day of the Tentacle again (which is a good thing)
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
This is one of the most amazing fonts i have ever used.