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While admiring the electricsheep screensaver, I suddenly realised, that probably most of you guys don't know about this beauty, as I did until recently. So, I encourage you to check , download this stuff from link's TUR and feed your eyes :-) Unfortunately, it doesn't work with KDE's screensaver, only xscreensaver.
ps. Accordingly to Murphy's laws it shall probably appear, that I'm the only one who didn't know about that stuff :-P
ps2. If you have any other screensaver favourites, please share.
another useless software that jacks up your cpu cycles and cranks your temperatures. no thanks!
Ah, the freedom of choice. Nice thing ain't it?
-- woodstock
Ah, the freedom of choice. Nice thing ain't it?
While admiring the electricsheep screensaver, I suddenly realised, that probably most of you guys don't know about this beauty, as I did until recently. So, I encourage you to check , download this stuff from link's TUR and feed your eyes :-) Unfortunately, it doesn't work with KDE's screensaver, only xscreensaver.
ps. Accordingly to Murphy's laws it shall probably appear, that I'm the only one who didn't know about that stuff :-P
ps2. If you have any other screensaver favourites, please share.
I was wondering if you have set up a ElectricSheep server? I am trying at work because of the firewall, but I am not having any luck.
I can't seem to find the flame package, and I was wondering if you have it.
Sowwy, I didn't try anything with server.
I downloaded it from link's tur, then I got the sheep pack from a torrent at Then I moved all the files from the torrent to my ~/.sheep directory. Now when I run electricsheep, I see the sheep
My problem is that i cannot find it in the xscreensaver utility (xscreensaver-demo). Do I have to do something special to use it with xscreensaver? I'm not seeing it in the list of available screensavers at all
Thanks for any help,
I haven't had any problems like that. I've found it in the xscreensaver's screensavers list just after install, IIRC.