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I'm wanting to run a news server on my home server. Mostly for caching certain newsgroups from another public news server. Not really for local newsgroups.
Is there a package already built to do this? I've done some looking around and cant seem to find the simple news server that could pull news from another server. I feel like I'm not asking the right questions from the search engines so figured I would ask for someone here to point me in the right direction.
I basically have about 20 or so newsgroups that I would like to pull from teranews. Then I would like to be able to access my local news server with a regular news client to access those 20 or so newsgroups.
Damn, 44 views but no replies... Guess no one is interested in running their own newsgroup server....
Well you could run the full blown INN server but that's usually overkill for local caching. Years ago I used to run 'leafnode' overnight when I had dialup and then sift through it the next day. Another possibility may be to try 'noffle' but I've never used it.
Years ago I used to run 'leafnode' overnight when I had dialup and then sift through it the next day.
Cool. I'll try that one first then. Thanks.
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