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I think a quick search box on every forum page (which uses the default search options), would be very useful. The Gentoo forums have this feature:
although it sounds like a decent idea, I don't really like the "it's good because site X has it" rationale...
I am not suggesting this because just because another site has it.
It acheives 2 things, firstly for the person browsing the forums, it allows faster access to searching. Having to click a button and wait for a form to load before you can search gets irritating after a while.... Secondly it means that the webserver doesn't have to serve the search page everytime someone wants to do a simple search, slightly reducing the load.
I gave the example over at gentoo merely to give people a feel of how it looks and works.... I used to use gentoo and now I find searching the arch forums a little painfull because this feature is not present!! Currently loving arch tho:)
Is it a pre-made module for phpBB? If so, where to download.
Is it a pre-made module for phpBB? If so, where to download.
Hi I just asked this question to CyberAlien, one of the designers over at phpbbstyles (, and apparently rather than this feature being a mod or a hack, it comes included in the latest styles.
If you didn't want to change the forum style then presumably you could do it by looking at the search page, copying the form code (setting the default options as hidden inputs), and including it in the header for the forum pages....
Anyway hope this helps...
I will post this to the moderators. There has been a talk to get a new theme for this forum. If we get then quick search could be included.
quick reply would be nice too
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
** Bumps own thread three years later ** ;-)
Wow, quite a big bump
I really like the idea.
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
** Bumps own thread three years later ** ;-)
I guess you've waited long enough
Have you Syued today?
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"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
Wow, quite a big bump
I really like the idea.
me too
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Sound like a great idea to me, I am up for anything that makes me more lazy
I think show your/recent posts should also make it to the top of the page somehow. Scrolling to the bottom is a bit of a drag I find.
Last edited by gazj (2008-02-27 19:31:08)
Sound like a great idea to me, I am up for anything that makes me more lazy
I think show your/recent posts should also make it to the top of the page somehow. Scrolling to the bottom is a bit of a drag I find.
Some other things that have crossed my mind:
-solved button, to flag you topic solved more easily (it's often asked howto)
-search for post with a certain keyword or from a certain user, but go to this post in the thread/topic, handy when it's a multipage thread...
-add some more bbcode options buttons, like colors for example... and maybe some more smilies?