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Just to be clear, I have almost zero knowledge of Xorg and etc.
With the upcoming release of Xorg 1.8, I think a clean and clearer page on the Wiki would be a must for the future. Now the page contain stuff from several years and several versions of Xorg back. With 1.8 and the removal of HAL, a lot of the stuff renders useless (not sure, but I guess so).
The use of udev, u that and u that, things are starting to get more automated. And we can start to look past HAL.
As an example, I just installed Xorg 1.8 on an old Intel integrated chip and it worked flawless except my keymap. Looking behind this, I can only imagine that there will not be so many problems when all the drivers get updated to support 1.8 and things start to work without any user intervention.
Something I would care to see, is a more explanatory page towards 1.8 only and the things the user could be struggling with 1.8, like keymaps, touchpads, etc. Follow the KISS-idea of Arch Linux.
What is your ideas on the matter? Would try to contribute what I can, but not sure what.
(My apologize if my post is hard to understand.)
I agree that the current Xorg documentation has grown a tad unwieldy. I would be interested in starting a new Xorg 1.8 article that does away with any mention of outdated configuration schemes, which can then replace the current article once the release hits the official repos.
I notice Pyther has already added several 1.8-related sections to the current article; it shouldn't be too difficult to base a new article off the existing one an simply "trim the fat," so to speak.
M*cr*s*ft: Who needs quality when you have marketing?
Agreed. Unruly it has become.
I would be interested in starting a new Xorg 1.8 article that does away with any mention of outdated configuration schemes, which can then replace the current article once the release hits the official repos.
One of my boxen works only with intel-legacy, so please allow me to copy what might be of interest to supporting the older xorg first.
See also: [arch-general] xorg-server 1.8 - Wiki?
M*cr*s*ft: Who needs quality when you have marketing?
Haha funny this thread came about!
Alright! I've attempted to clean up the wiki and update it to reflect changes in 1.8. There was a lot of outdated information in the troubleshooting section so I removed it. I worked with a few people in #archlinux @ freenode to determine what could be removed. I have made a lot of changes so if someone can go over the wiki to look for grammar and clarity errors that would be great.
From what I can tell a lot of the configuration is similar between 1.6 and 1.8 besides the use of InputClasses. The fedora wiki states 'users are discouraged of putting configuration into udev rules files'
Once xorg 1.8 gets merged into extra we will be able to clean up the wiki even more.
So please go through it, see if it makes sense, fix up any grammar or clarity errors!