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In response to Skrite's question regarding enabling menu transparency, and compositing control in the Openbox menu,
These are the steps I followed to set this up:
Deps: xcompmgr-dana
-If you have xcompmgr installed, remove it and replace it with xcompmgr-dana which is available in AUR.
-insure that you have transset installed.
-Enabling compositing at start up can be achieved by adding xcompmgr -'options' & to either your ~/.xinitrc, or to ~/.config/openbox/, but adding compositing control to the openbox menu requires a bit more set up. Also, doing it this way adds some additional compositing options.
- Create the control script...
$ su
# cd /usr/bin
# touch xcompmgr_openbox
# nano xcompmgr_openbox
and paste the following into /usr/bin/xcompmgr_openbox
# Openbox Pipe Menu for xcompmgr
# Written for CrunchBang Linux <>
# by Philip Newborough (aka corenominal) <>
# Set xcompmgr command options
#EXEC='xcompmgr -c -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.55' #basic
EXEC='xcompmgr -cCfF -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.11 -D7 -m.86' # more bling
# Toggle compositing. Call with "xcompmgr_openbox --startstop"
if [ "$1" = "--startstop" ]; then
if [ ! "$(pidof xcompmgr)" ]; then
killall xcompmgr
exit 0
# Output Openbox menu
if [ ! "$(pidof xcompmgr)" ]; then
cat << _EOF_
<item label="Enable Compositing">
<action name="Execute">
xcompmgr_openbox --startstop
cat << _EOF_
<item label="Remove Transparency from Target Window">
<action name="Execute">
transset 1
<item label="Set Target Window Transparency to 10%">
<action name="Execute">
transset .90
<item label="Set Target Window Transparency to 20%">
<action name="Execute">
transset .80
<item label="Set Target Window Transparency to 30%">
<action name="Execute">
transset .70
<item label="Set Target Window Transparency to 40%">
<action name="Execute">
transset .60
<item label="Set Target Window Transparency to 50%">
<action name="Execute">
transset .50
<item label="Set Target Window Transparency to 60%">
<action name="Execute">
transset .40
<item label="Set Target Window Transparency to 70%">
<action name="Execute">
transset .30
<item label="Set Target Window Transparency to 80%">
<action name="Execute">
transset .20
<item label="Set Target Window Transparency to 90%">
<action name="Execute">
transset .10
<item label="Disable Compositing">
<action name="Execute">
xcompmgr_openbox --startstop
exit 0
Use cntl + x then enter to save.
Set permissions...
# chmod 755 /usr/bin/xcompmgr_openbox
# exit
Add the openbox compositing control pipe menu...
<menu execute="xcompmgr_openbox" id="CompositingPipeMenu" label="Compositing"/>
This should be placed in ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml where ever you would like it to showup in your Openbox menu.
Finanlly, if you wish compositing to be enabled at startup, place the following in ~/.config/openbox/
xcompmgr_openbox --startstop &
You should also take the time to read man xcompmgr to see what options can be used...
This section of /usr/bin/xcompmgr_openbox is where you can adjust your options...
# Set xcompmgr command options
#EXEC='xcompmgr -c -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.55' #basic
EXEC='xcompmgr -cCfF -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.11 -D7 -m.86' # more bling
The -o option controls drop shadow opacity, and the -D option controls fadein/fadeout time in milliseconds. See man pages for more.
A quick final note, the transparency settings for application windows using xcompmgr-dana is not enduring.
If you would like to enable unfocused client transparency support in Openbox, refer to this thread....
Last edited by illumin8 (2010-04-09 22:16:03)
Very nice guide!
I'm using it now