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After upgrading to kernel 2.6.10 my fonts generally (for instant in the KDE Konsole) looked worse then before under 2.6.9 (i'm using Bitstream Vera Sans). Anti-alias somehow didn't work as before. At a point I realised that the package freetype1 was installed and that there was an uninstalled freetype2. I just followed my nose and installed freetype2, restarted X11 -- and the fonts where crispy clear again.
My problem is: I don't know what I did. Any idea?
hmmm, it's possibly that a freetype upgrade borked... check the pacman.log to see if it was removed by pacman...
also, did you run any of the various options for pacman removal recently? like pacman -Rc <pkg>? the cascade option can do things like that...
I dunno how it happened...
you can also pacman -Rd freetype2 and it keeps all dependancies...
My gut points to some odd removal option as something similar happened to me once....
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