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#1 2010-04-26 06:51:58

From: Prague, CZ
Registered: 2010-04-15
Posts: 10

Conky: execgraph size problem

I'm trying to use execgraph or execigraph in my conkyrc. But still (after days of googling and trying everything I can imagine) I can't set size of this graph. In conkyrc (pasted below) I'm using downspeedgraph which is sized as I need (8x32 px). I'm also using execbar which is sized well too. execbar takes its size from default_bar_size as manual said. But... here comes the problem ...execgraph is everytime as big as it can be. It's stretched from the place I call it (eg. top center of screen) to right bottom corner of screen (even if there is text after it). It's not using size from default_graph_size and it allows no size parameters.

In attached conkyrc is execbar and I'm trying to replace this with execgraph. But with no success.

use_xft yes
xftfont Coconut:style=normal:size=9

update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
double_buffer yes

own_window_colour 000000
own_window yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

minimum_size 0 0

default_color 666666
default_graph_size 32 8
default_bar_size 32 8
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
draw_outline no
draw_shades yes

color0 D8D8D8
color1 777777
color2 AAAAAA

alignment top_center
gap_y 0
gap_x 0

net_avg_samples 2
cpu_avg_samples 2

override_utf8_locale yes

${voffset -8}${offset 0}${color1}${voffset -6}battery${voffset 6} ${color0}${execi 10 ~/bin/conky/}${if_empty ${execi 10 ~/bin/conky/}}${else}${color1}|${color0}${execi 10 ~/bin/conky/}${endif} ${color1}${voffset -6}time${voffset 6} ${color0}${time %H:%M}${color1}|${color0}${time %a}${color1}|${color0}${time %d.%m.%Y} ${color1}${voffset -6}prague${voffset 6} ${color0}${exec ~/bin/conky/}°C ${color1}${voffset 2}${execbar ~/bin/conky/}${voffset -2} ${color1}${voffset -6}volume${voffset 6} ${color0}${exec ~/bin/conky/}${color1}${alignr}${color1}${voffset -6}load${voffset 6} ${color0}${cpu cpu1}%${color1}|${color0}${cpu cpu2}% ${color1}${voffset -6}freq${voffset 6} ${color0}${freq_g cup0}GHz${color1}|${color0}${freq_g cpu1}GHz ${color1} ${voffset -6}cpu${voffset 6} ${color0}${acpitemp}°C ${color1}${voffset -6}gpu${voffset 6} ${color0}${execi 60 nvidia-settings -q gpucoretemp |grep '):' | cut -d ' ' -f 6,6 | sed -e 's/.\{1\}$//'}°C ${color1}${voffset -6}eth${voffset 6} ${voffset 2}${downspeedgraph eth0 8,32 444444 88BA88 -t} ${upspeedgraph eth0 8,32 444444 BA8888 -t}${voffset -2} ${voffset -6}${if_empty ${wireless_essid wlan0}}wlan${else}${wireless_essid wlan0}${endif}${voffset 6} ${voffset 2}${downspeedgraph wlan0 8,32 444444 88BA88 -t} ${upspeedgraph wlan0 8,32 444444 BA8888 -t}${voffset -2} ${color1}${voffset -6}home${voffset 6} ${color0}${fs_free /home}

Anyone who knows how to set size of execgraph or what I'm doing wrong? I tried to google it and search it here as well, but it seems almost nobody is using own graph. So google didn't help me.

edit: I'm using conky 1.8.0 from Arch repository.

Last edited by carnero (2010-04-26 07:23:19)


#2 2010-05-01 22:47:22

Registered: 2008-05-07
Posts: 6

Re: Conky: execgraph size problem

Try setting the size in the same way you would do with cpugraph:

${execgraph nvidia-temp 25,150}

That worked for me


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