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My local timezone is GMT (Portugal, UK, Ireland...). We have summer time now, like all EU.
However the forum times show up as GMT-1.
That is, if I post at 11:00, the post on my browser shows up as 10:00.
This of course affects all posts from other people.
Thats not a big deal, I sort of solved it by setting in my forum profile my localization as +01 CET.
Am i missing something ?
I am using Firefox to access the forums and my Arch has in rc.conf:
Last edited by Mektub (2010-05-07 14:34:31)
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You have probably found the answer by now but you should try to set the timezone variable to "Europe/Lisbon"
You have probably found the answer by now but you should try to set the timezone variable to "Europe/Lisbon"
No, I didn't.
The timezone set to Portugal or Europe/Lisbon has the same effect. And anyhow this only tells Arch itself where I am
located and this is working as it should.
The forum timezone variable is set on the forum profile page. And there I can only choose -01, 00, +01 and so on.
The text is:
Timezone: For the forum to display times correctly you must select your local timezone.
I have it set to +01, even though I am at 00.
And I don't see a summer time option, and I would swear that it was there before.
Go figure.
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