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I orginally posted this in my thread in the Multimedia section but im reposting here. Every time I try to save a file to /home/travis say with gphpedit or gedit it gives me this error (NOTE: I run XFCE4)
"Unable to save 'test'.
This may be due to incorrect permissions or being out of space on the drive.
(test being the filename). The user name is "travis". I have tried:
chown -R travis:users /home/travis
chmod -R 777 /home/travis
Also, if I try to open a file to read (IE in gphpedit it says file now found when it IS there, or in redit says filename is invalid yet ive i open it in xterm or nano it works). I cannto read nor save files to my /home/travis dir. I can use mkdir from the terminal and it works and the like, just not through apps like gedit, ideas? Thanks
*small bump*
Check the path that you are saving it to carefully. Maybe it's trying to save it somewhere else?
Other than that, I would try creating a new user and see if you get the same issue. (Don't just log in as root, root can read/write anything, so the issue wouldn't show up.)
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