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Hi guys,
I'm out of answers.
The situation :
Compiling kernel randomly stops with : "segmentation fault" and never runs through.
Reissuing make will make it continue until it will fail at some other point.
The system feels completely unstable to say the least, but nothing 100 % reproduceable ( vuze(java) crash, firefox/chromuim flash sites crash every 120 seconds, X crashes once a day , for instance when moving tvtime around, kernel oops daily, sometimes hard lockups, logs of yesterdays oops : )
But only the kernel compile is 100 % reproduceable so this must be fixed asap.
intel e8400,nvidia gtx260, 2 G ddr2,Gigabyte EP45-UD3R, "gigs of space", off. arch kernel 2.6.33-ARCH , x86_64, "bigtime" cooling :
cpu temps 50 C° max during compiling
What configs/packages are important ? I got paranoid and ditched my old makgepkg.conf and used a newer *.pacnew file , I used to have :MAKEFLAGS="-j3" but not in this config :
local packages:
local/gcc 4.5.0-1 (base-devel)
The GNU Compiler Collection
local/gcc-libs 4.5.0-1 (base)
Runtime libraries shipped by GCC for C and C++ languages
Anything else updated daily.
The blowup:
What I tried:
fsck -f: it fixed two inodes, but still the same behavior
badblocks -nvs : three hours of badblock testing, 0 hits
memtest : two passed runs, no errors
stress from AUR, 15 minutes :
stress --cpu 8 --io 4 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128M --timeout 15m
stress: info: [26841] dispatching hogs: 8 cpu, 4 io, 2 vm, 0 hdd
stress: info: [26841] successful run completed in 900s
Max coretemp was 52 C° during stress.
The usual footnote statement ^_^ :
On w7 _everything_ runs stable.
And not only stable , I'm able to OC this box to 4.5 GHz and game under w7 without a prop for hours, well this is what it was build for at some point.
So I'd say hardware wise this box kicks ass and now software wise my Arch kicks me in the a**.
I doubt there is a faulty hardware part, but what else could it be ?
Last edited by tuxfusion (2010-05-17 22:48:06)
Trying to compile another big package just to have another result, gcc itself now :
- segfault after 4 m18 s
- segfault after 5 m50 s
I think I found a faulty BIOS setting in my non-OC profile concerning DRAM termination, which said "normal" where "auto" would be correct.
My OC-profile has this setting correct and since I run this profile in Arch only it might explain that w7 did not fail.
Still have to verify this but i makes perfect sense, only gcc seems to trigger this. Compiling gcc still running with over 10 minutes in the game now.
After hitting 4.5 GHz with OC I must have reset the non OC-profile wrong.
*slams head on desk*
Last edited by tuxfusion (2010-05-17 13:10:04)
Okay after ~30? kernel compile tests, here is where I'm at, it was of course not just setting something from "normal" to "auto" in BIOS. :
default bios setting, no OC : compiling passes
mild OC 3.8GHz : was a heavy fight , reduced some MGhz, lowered CAS latency, did not use manufactures ram voltage but bios "auto" , compiling now passes . God knows why system ( gcc, kernel, new power outlet is so picky. It worked flawlessly in the past)
heavy OC from 3 GHz to 4.5 GHz : compiling always worked. No change needed
Last edited by tuxfusion (2010-05-17 22:54:24)