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I saw many desktop themes with white or light grey background a few years ago, but now, many of them turn into black background with white or blue or cyan or others color of fonts.
As a programmer, I am just curious about the theme: which type is suited for long term use of computer?
I have tried both, and found grey background is easy to read because it is similiar to read on paper, but it looks like a lighting-bulb!; black background with blue font is cool, along with less luminosity, seems free my eyes.
But another problem is the color choosing. With light grey background, it seems any color is right. But with black background, colors should be carefully selected, since some colors are not suit black background at all.
Grayscale is another one. With light grey background, I can easily tune my font in grayscale, like Japanese cartoon paper (I like it very much!), gracifully to distinct keywords. But with black background, it is ugly to use grayscale to distinct keywords.
How about your ideas?
Last edited by ShinChyn (2010-05-29 08:20:50)
I've used #000000 for quite a long time, but now I've settled with the perfect background color: #121212.
"zenburn" color scheme
EeePC 1000H blk, 1gb ram. ArchLinux (+Openbox)
I like light grey text on dark grey background, but not plain white on black (too much contrast.)
In Firefox I disable "Allow pages to choose their own colors" and use a dark green background with light grey text and yellow links. It's not beautiful, but it's easy on the eyes.
As far as text color choosing is concerned, I found out it's much easier to use either a very light or a very dark background rather than a "medium grey" one... So it's very dark for me .
(Can't stand white or very clear backgrounds; it hurts.)
Firefox colors:
browser.anchor_color;#FF9900 (yellow links)
browser.display.background_color;#003300 (dark green background)
browser.display.foreground_color;#C0C0C0 (light grey text)
browser.visited_color;#FF3300 (orange visited links)
Terminal colors:
background #1A1A1A
text #FFFFFF (oh well I guess white is okay sometimes then)
(Typing this after a 3 hours sleep night, and my eyes don't hurt, so I guess these colors are working )
Last edited by stqn (2010-05-29 09:09:02)
"zenburn" color scheme
definitely my favorite, i have it in kde colorscheme, kwrite/kate, vim, i cant get enough
now if someone creates a userstyle for
Last edited by toxygen (2010-05-29 10:05:32)
"I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here:
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"
Maybe … g-dark.css will suit you too?
Well i personaly use #242424 as my grey background color, #080808 as my UI color somewhat and #e2e2e5 as my white-ish foreground, vitamins vim colorscheme by hcalves here : and some kind of tango-ish term colors.
I find this grey setup to be pretty easy on the eyes for a long period of time while still being readable. Zenburn is also great stuff.
Awesome dmz! What about having the post-boxes into a darker colour?
It's the "<div class="infldset txtarea">".
Last edited by gtklocker (2010-05-29 10:48:17)
Hey, beautiful css style, DMZ. (Heh, and i also like and use your neverland-vim theme)
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity." - Immanuel Kant
Generally for long-term text based sessions there should be a low contrast character display, especially on dark backgrounds.
There have been studies on ergonomic reading (I read them long ago, don't remember which ones they were) which proposed greenish background colors and soft contrasts for long-term sessions because green stresses the eye least.
Because of this I prefer the tabula color scheme for all my (g)vim work.
To know or not to know ...
... the questions remain forever.
bernarcher, nice, do you know of an Xdefaults-based color scheme with similar colors?
Not exactly an .Xdefault based solution but I once created a script which allowes me to select a colored terminal (I use this to group the stuff on my screen because I often have a dozen or so terminals open). "Dark Chalkboard" is modelled after tabula, so it may be used as a starting point. The xterm color definitions in the tabula script could be used as hints as well.
# Select a terminal background color and start it accordingly.
export TERM=urxvt-color
myTERM='urxvt +sb +vb'
if [ -a ~/.XT_C ]
read next_color < ~/.XT_C
case $next_color in
1) next_color="White";;
2) next_color="Light Grey";;
3) next_color="Light Yellow";;
4) next_color="Light Green";;
5) next_color="Light Blue";;
6) next_color="Light Red";;
*) next_color="White";;
Xdialog --clear \
--title "Colored Terminal" \
--menu "Select a background color:" \
0 0 12 \
"1" "Next: $next_color" \
"2" "White" \
"3" "Light Grey" \
"4" "Light Yellow" \
"5" "Light Green" \
"6" "Light Blue" \
"7" "Light Red" \
"8" "Light Chalkboard" \
"9" "Dark Chalkboard" \
"10" "Light Transparent" \
"11" "Dark Transparent" \
#choice=`cat $answer`
choice=`tail --lines=1 $answer`
#echo "choice = $choice"
rm $answer
if [ $retval -ne 0 ]
# echo "Choice was: $choice"
case $choice in
1) # echo "Next color in sequence";
XT $@;;
2) # echo "White";
echo "2" > ~/.XT_C;
$myTERM $@ ;;
3) # echo "Grey";
echo "3" > ~/.XT_C;
$myTERM -bg grey93 $@ ;;
4) # echo "Yellow";
echo "4" > ~/.XT_C;
$myTERM -bg cornsilk1 $@ ;;
5) # echo "Green";
echo "5" > ~/.XT_C;
$myTERM -bg honeydew2 $@ ;;
6) # echo "Blue";
echo "6" > ~/.XT_C;
$myTERM -bg lightcyan1 $@ ;;
7) # echo "Red";
echo "1" > ~/.XT_C;
$myTERM -bg mistyrose1 $@ ;;
8) # echo "Light Chalkbord";
# These do not change ~/.XT_C
$myTERM -fg rgb:00/17/27 -bg rgb:BF/FF/D1 $@ ;;
9) # echo "Dark Chalkbord";
# These do not change ~/.XT_C
$myTERM -fg rgb:5F/FF/87 -bg rgb:00/5F/5F $@ ;;
10) # echo "Light Transparent";
# These do not change ~/.XT_C
$myTERM -fg rgb:00/17/27 -bg rgb:BF/FF/D1 -tr -sh 140 $@ ;;
11) # echo "Dark Transparent";
# These do not change ~/.XT_C
$myTERM -fg rgb:5F/FF/87 -bg rgb:00/3F/3F -tr -sh 70 $@ ;;
To know or not to know ...
... the questions remain forever.
Maybe … g-dark.css will suit you too?
is that the same as the "arch linux forums - dark gray" in
If so, some editing is required with the new site layout..
"I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here:
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"
I modified dmz's css for the new page css. The only thing not yet adapted is the colors of the boxes where you write your post..
@namespace url(;
@-moz-document domain("") {
body{ background: #111111 !important;}
th, td.tc2, td.tc3, td.tcl, td.tcr, #idx1>.box, #idx2>.box, #idx3>.box, #idx4>.box,
#brdstats.block>.box, #brdfooter.block>.box, #vf.blocktable>.box, .box>form,
.rowodd>.box>.inbox, .roweven>.box>.inbox, .roweven>.box, .rowodd>.box, h2,
.fakeform, #searchform.blockform>.box, .pun>.blockform>.box,
#users1.blocktable>.box,.block2col >.blockmenu >.box, .rowodd, .roweven,
#postpreview.blockpost>.box, #punredirect.pun>.block>.box>.inbox,
#punredirect.pun>.block>.box, #helpfile>.box{
background-color: #252525 !important;
border-width: 1px !important;
border-color: #252525 !important}
th.tcl, th.tcr, .tc2, .tc3, blockquote, .codebox, .infldset>dl>dd{
background-color: #252525 !important;
border-width: 1px !important;
border-color: #111111 !important}
.tcl, .tc3, .tc2, .tcr, dd, dd>a:hover, .tcr>a:hover, h3>a:hover,
.conr>li>a:hover, .conl>li, .linkst>.inbox>ul>li>a:hover, .pagelink>a:hover,
.tclcon>a:hover, .tclcon>strong>a:hover, .postlink>a:hover, .conr>li>a:hover,
.subscribelink>a:hover, .postmsg>p, .postsignature, .incqbox, dt>strong>a:hover,
.postmsg>p>a:hover, .postsignature>strong>a:hover, .postsignature>a:hover,
.postquote>a:hover, .bblinks>li>a:hover, .incqbox>p>a:hover, .infldset>dl>dt,
.clearb, .conl, .infldset, #profile1>p, .isactive>a, .postleft>dl>dt>strong,
.linkst>.inbox>ul>li, .pun select, .postlinksb>.inbox>ul>li, .postfootleft>p,
#punredirect.pun>.block>.box>.inbox>p>a:hover, .newtext>a:hover, .tc2>a:hover,
.postlinksb>.inbox>ul>li>a:hover, #helpfile>.box, .postedit>a:hover{
color: #fff !important;
border-width: 1px !important;
border-color: #111111 !important;
.incqbox, .incqbox>p>a:hover {
background-color: #252525 !important;
color: #fff !important;
border-width: 1px !important;
border-color: #111111 !important;
.postleft, .postfootleft, .blockpost label, .pun select{
background-color: #252525 !important}
.postright, .postfootright{
background-color: #252525 !important;
border-color: #252525 !important}
.icon{border-color: #999999 !important;}
.inew{border-color: #0771a6 !important;}
Please tell me if you see something to fix or improve.
EDIT: For example some of the small borders in tables are lost. Like on the index-page, all the little borders of the table elements (yet a few are there).
EDIT2: Ok, got the border-width and color right now (changed border-color: 252525 in the first big block that starts with th, td.tc2 etc to #111)
Last edited by Ogion (2010-05-29 21:40:29)
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity." - Immanuel Kant
Dont mean to duplicate your effort Ogion, but Hrwa's Dark Forum userstyle worked well for me, and I only made a few changes. Here's what I use:
@namespace url(;
@-moz-document domain("") {
/*#brdheader .box, #punredirect.pun{
background-image: url( !important;
background: /*url( top left */#111111 !important;}
td.tcl, td.tcr, #idx1>.box, #idx2>.box, #idx3>.box, #idx4>.box,
#brdstats.block>.box, #brdfooter.block>.box, #vf.blocktable>.box, .box>form,
.rowodd>.box>.inbox, .roweven>.box>.inbox, .roweven>.box, .rowodd>.box, h2,
.fakeform, #searchform.blockform>.box, .pun>.blockform>.box,
#users1.blocktable>.box,.block2col >.blockmenu >.box, .rowodd, .roweven,
#postpreview.blockpost>.box, #punredirect.pun>.block>.box>.inbox,
#punredirect.pun>.block>.box, #helpfile>.box{
background-color: #222222 !important;
border-color: #111111 !important}
th.tcl, th.tcr, .tc2, .tc3, blockquote, .codebox, .infldset>dl>dd{
background-color: #333333 !important;
border-color: #111111 !important;}
.tcl, .tc3, .tc2, .tcr, dd, dd>a:hover, .tcr>a:hover, h3>a:hover,
.conr>li>a:hover, .conl>li, .linkst>.inbox>ul>li>a:hover, .pagelink>a:hover,
.tclcon>a:hover, .tclcon>strong>a:hover, .postlink>a:hover, .conr>li>a:hover,
.subscribelink>a:hover, .postmsg>p, .postsignature, .incqbox, dt>strong>a:hover,
.postmsg>p>a:hover, .postsignature>strong>a:hover, .postsignature>a:hover,
.postquote>a:hover, .bblinks>li>a:hover, .incqbox>p>a:hover, .infldset>dl>dt,
.clearb, .conl, #profile1>p, .isactive>a, .postleft>dl>dt>strong,.infldset,
.linkst>.inbox>ul>li, .pun select, .postlinksb>.inbox>ul>li, .postfootleft>p,
#punredirect.pun>.block>.box>.inbox>p>a:hover, .newtext>a:hover, .tc2>a:hover,
.postlinksb>.inbox>ul>li>a:hover, #helpfile>.box, .postedit>a:hover{
color: #999999 !important}
/* textbox */
.inform>fieldset>legend { color:#999999 !important;}
.infldset>label>textarea { color:#111111 !important; }
.postleft, .postfootleft, .blockpost label, .pun select{
background-color: #303030 !important}
.postright, .postfootright{
background-color: #222222 !important;
border-color: #303030 !important}
.icon{border-color: #999999 !important;}
.inew{border-color: #0771a6 !important;}
I commented out the external logo calls (since the new logo area fits really nicely with this style), The sections I commented out can probably be removed safely, and I made the textbox post area more readable. Now I love the new webpage layout!
Here's the dark home page style I'm using, also based on Hrwa's archlinx homepage userstyle, but I havent made too many changes there, other than the package search box needed a little tweeking. I havent really checked the other pages, I do know the wiki pages have some issues with this style, if anyone else wants to help out
@namespace url(;
@-moz-document domain(""),
/*#archtitle>a, #logo{
background-image: url( !important;
width: 341px !important;
height: 103px !important;
background:/* url( top left */#111111 !important;}
#content, .foot,code,#pkgsearch{background-color: #111111 !important;}
.searchButton, .historysubmit, input#searchInput, #wpMailmypassword,
#wpLoginattempt, .loginText, .loginPassword, #wpCreateaccount, #wpRealName,
#wpUserEmail, #wpNick, #wpUserLanguage, #wpOldpass, #wpNewpass, #wpRetypePass,
#prefcontrol>div>input, #wpHourDiff, #guesstimezonebutton, #wpCols, #wpRows,
#wpRecentDays, #wpRecent, #wpWatchlistEdits, #wpWatchlistDays, #wpSearch,
#wpSearchLines, #wpSearchChars, #wpStubs, #wpNewTitle, #wpReason,
#movepage>table>tbody>tr>td>input, #bodyContent>form>input, #wpSummary,
#wpPreview, #wpSave, #wpDiff
{color:#111111 !important}, #p-navigation>.pBody, #p-tb>.pBody, #searchBody, .box, #updates, #footer, .toc, #catlinks, .greybox,
#ca-nstab-main>a,#ca-talk>a, #ca-edit.istalk>a, #ca-edit>a, #ca-addsection>a,
#ca-history>a, #ca-viewsource>a, #pagehistory>li, #ca-nstab-project>a,
#ca-nstab-special>a, #ca-nstab-category>a, #mw-pages>table, #bodyContent>table,
#bodyContent>table>tbody>tr>td, .post2, .post-title>a, .post-contents,
.post-footer>p>a, .person-info, #gitbody, .page_header, .page_footer, input,
.light, #menu, #pm-menu, select, #tasklist_table > tbody > tr>td,
#taskdetails, #comments, #commentstab>a, #relatedtab>a, .vc_diff_header>th,
.vc_diff_chunk_header>td, .pgbox, .data2, #content>#search, #userloginForm>form,
#userloginForm>form>table, #userlogin2, #userlogin2>table, #ca-watch>a,
#ca-nstab-user>a, #preferences.jsprefs, #prefsection-0.prefsection>table,
#prefsection-0.prefsection>fieldset>table, #preftoc>li,
#prefsection-5.prefsection>table, #prefsection-7.prefsection>table,
#ca-move>a, #movepage>table, #ca-unwatch>a, .redirectmessage,>fieldset, #historytaba, #events, #ca-nstab-help>a, .notice,
.notice>tbody>tr>td>a>img, .notice>tbody>tr>td{
border-color: #111111 !important;
background-color: #222222 !important;}
.news, div>span, p, h3, td, h2, input, #lastmod, #viewcount,
#copyright, th>b, ul>li, ol>li, dl>dd, .results>tbody>tr>th>a,
.listing>tbody>tr>th,.results>tbody>tr>th, tr>th>b, pre, #bodyContent>div,
.pkgr2, #id_q, #id_last_update, td>input, #id_repo, #id_arch, #id_limit, .title,
#intromessage, #tasklist_table>thead>tr>th>a, #menu, select, #comments,
#fineprint, .vc_diff_header>th, .f3, .f4, .f2, .blue, .firstHeading,
.mw-headline,p>a:hover, td>a:hover, .news>a:hover, .foot>a:hover, span>a:hover,
.links>li>a:hover, b>a:hover, dd>a:hover, .listing>ul>li>a:hover,
.post-title>a:hover, #devlist>a:hover, #gitbody>.page_header>a:hover,
#gitbody>.page_nav>a:hover, #n-mainpage>a:hover, #n-portal>a:hover,
#n-currentevents>a:hover, #n-recentchanges>a:hover, #n-randompage>a:hover,
#n-help>a:hover, #n-sitesupport>a:hover, #t-whatlinkshere>a:hover,
#t-recentchangeslinked>a:hover, #t-upload>a:hover, #t-specialpages>a:hover,
#t-print>a:hover, #t-permalink>a:hover, #bodyContent>ul>li>a:hover,
.rcoptions>a:hover, #mw-pages>table>tbody>tr>td>ul>li>a:hover,
.external:hover, .toctext:hover, .tocnumber:hover, #toplevellink:hover,
#homelink:hover, #roadmaplink:hover, #intromessage>a:hover, #fineprint>a:hover,
#comments>div.attachments>a:hover, .comment_changes>li>a:hover,
.commenttext>a:hover, #preftoc>li>a, #comment_text, #bodyContent{
color: #999999 !important;}
b>a, p>a, dd>a, h5, #n-mainpage>a, #n-portal>a, #n-currentevents>a,
#n-recentchanges>a, #n-randompage>a, #n-help>a, #n-sitesupport>a,
#t-whatlinkshere>a, #t-recentchangeslinked>a, #t-upload>a, #t-specialpages>a,
#t-print>a, #t-permalink>a, .toctext, .tocnumber, .toctoggle, td>a, span>a,
#bodyContent>ul>li>a, #bodyContent>ul>li>ul>li>a, #ca-nstab-main>a, #ca-talk>a,
#ca-edit.istalk>a, #ca-addsection>a, #ca-history>a, #ca-viewsource>a,
#ca-edit>a, #ca-nstab-project>a, #ca-nstab-special>a, #ca-nstab-category>a,
#mw-pages>table>tbody>tr>td>ul>li>a, .page_header,
.page_header>a, .page_nav>a, #intromessage>a, #toplevellink, #homelink,
#roadmaplink, #fineprint>a, #taskdetailstext>a, #comments>em>a,
#comments>div.attachments>a, .comment_changes>li>a, .commenttext>a, .black,
.rcoptions>a, #ca-watch>a, #ca-move>a, #ca-unwatch>a, #bodyContent>ol>li>a,
color: #0771a6 !important;}
.comment-header, .pkgr2, #id_q, #id_last_update, td>input, #id_repo, #id_arch, #id_limit,
.dark, .title, #lbl_user_name,
#lbl_password, #searchtext, #taskid, #taskrange, #numbers, .summary,
#comments>div.attachments, #taskdetailsfull>.attachments,.vc_diff_change,
.boxSoft, .pgboxtitle, .boxSoftTitle, .data1, legend, #preftoc>li.selected,
background-color: #333333 !important;}
.post-title>a, .post2, .post-footer>p>a, .person-info{
background-image: none !important;}
.vc_diff_add{background-color: #397f37 !important;}
.vc_diff_remove, .outofdate{background-color: #bf6b6b !important;}
.vc_diff_empty{background-color: #999999 !important;}
tr>th{background-color: #0771a6 !important;}
pre, #bodyContent>div{background-color: #222222 !important;}
.pgboxtitle, .boxSoftTitle{border-color: #222222 !important;}
#pkgsearch{width: 275px!important;}
this is how I like my to look
"I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here:
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"
Nice one too, toxygen
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity." - Immanuel Kant
Now forum has the updated look
I just found out the style was broken with the new look. Thanks, Ogion, for fixing that.
I made it a little darker (I really like #121212), made the regular text a little more !contrasty and made the code stand out a bit more. Please note that I'm no designer, but it's quite easy on the eyes for me. … g-dark.css
Last edited by dmz (2010-05-29 23:01:38)
I find an off-white background with black text easiest on the eyes
For comparison between dmz's very nice (and darker) style, and my modified style based on Hrwa's userscript style:
honestly i dont know why the arch homepage didnt go dark, it fits this style so well
Last edited by toxygen (2010-05-29 23:59:51)
"I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here:
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"
Black is too strong, #EAEAEA text on a #333333 background works great for me, but the same goes for #333333 text on a #EAEAEA background
My Elegant Pattern GTK theme.
My game development blog, now on a new site.
'~/.xinitrc is an Archer's DE' - moljac024
I use #1C1C1C and #D7D7D7.
On a slighty related note, one can add this to their $HOME/.vimperartorrc file to allow toggling of custom background colours in firefox, (I have it bound to F2):
javascript <<EOM
mappings.addUserMap([modes.NORMAL, modes.PLAYER, modes.VISUAL, modes.CARET,
modes.INSERT, modes.TEXTAREA],
"toggle default/custom colours",
function() {
udc = options.getPref("browser.display.use_document_colors")
bg = options.getPref("browser.display.background_color")
fg = options.getPref("browser.display.foreground_color")
if ( udc == true ) {
udc = false
bg = '#1c1c1c'
fg = '#d7d7d7'
alert("Switching to custom colours")
else {
udc = true
bg = '#ffffff'
fg = '#000000'
alert("Switching to default colours")
options.setPref("browser.display.use_document_colors", udc)
options.setPref("browser.display.background_color", bg)
options.setPref("browser.display.foreground_color", fg)
Last edited by steve___ (2010-05-30 14:35:08)
bg = options.getPref("browser.display.background_color") fg = options.getPref("browser.display.foreground_color")
This is useless.
options.setPref("browser.display.background_color", bg) options.setPref("browser.display.foreground_color", fg)
At first I thought "There's no need to change the colors, they won't be used anyway"... But then I remembered some sites with white on white text when colors are enabled... So thanks for the hint
I have now changed my keyconfig code to do the same thing (no need for vimperator of course, as long as keyconfig is installed):
var pref = "browser.display.use_document_colors"
var colors = !gBrowser.mPrefs.getBoolPref(pref)
gBrowser.mPrefs.setBoolPref(pref, colors)
// some web"masters" forget to set foreground/background colors and assume black/white
// so we have to reset these in order to be able to read some text.
if( colors ) {
gBrowser.mPrefs.setCharPref( "browser.display.foreground_color", "#000000" )
gBrowser.mPrefs.setCharPref( "browser.display.background_color", "#FFFFFF" )
else {
gBrowser.mPrefs.setCharPref( "browser.display.foreground_color", "#C0C0C0" )
gBrowser.mPrefs.setCharPref( "browser.display.background_color", "#003300" )
Edit: removed useless semicolons.
PS: I don't mean that vimperator is useless, just that my script works with keyconfig alone.
Last edited by stqn (2010-05-30 15:39:28)