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I am running Xfce4 over Arch 7 on a small windows network. We have a HP Laserjet on the 'server' that I can see in the SMB Network portion of Xffm. What I haven't been able to do is install it so I can use it from my machine. I have tried to find Xfce4 docs that would help but have had no luck Can anyone help??
Also, while I'm at it, is there anywhere I can find detailed docs on the use of xffm? Again, I've tried but can't find any. The Xfce site seems to assume that a lot of stuff is alrady known.
Thanks Dutch. I had already used localhost:631 but turns out I had set the device URI (that's an 'i', not an L) incorrectly for my network.
Also, while I'm at it, is there anywhere I can find detailed docs on the use of xffm?
Is this any use?
Yes it is! However, can u explain how to change icon themes in detail. (I don't want to damage the system) The doc just says where u do it but not what to do.
Also, can u recommend a graphical editor (something like Kate in KDE)?
EDIT: Forget the editor remark. I just found GVIM!!