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Just curious. Do you have your music collection organised by albums, by artist, by genre, by year? Or is it just one big directory full of songs/clips?
In my case, its the latter option. I have this one directory called 'moozik' in $HOME containing all my music files. I have hacked two methods of playing them: a shell script, and an elisp function. Both utilise mplayer.
cd ~/moozik
ls | sort -R > plist
sed -i '/plist/d' plist
mplayer -playlist plist
For this shell script, I use mplayer's interface to: pause (space), skip to the next track (>), and to quit (q).
This elisp code uses cl.el, emms and a function of my own. (For those not knowing, emms is the Emacs Multi Media System. Yeah, Emacs plays audio and video, too!)
(setf songs (permute (directory-files "~/moozik" t nil t)))
(defun song-next ()
(if (endp songs)
(message "THIS! IS! SPARTA!")
(emms-play-file (pop songs))))
(global-set-key "\C-cr" 'song-next)
where 'permute' is:
(defun permute (list)
"Rearrange elements of LIST."
(loop for i from (- (length list) 1) downto 0 do
(let ((r (random* (1+ i))))
(rotatef (nth r list) (nth i list)))
(1- i))
which Archers who have read the emms sources will realise as being similar to 'emms-shuffle-vector'
So, how do you hear your music? I suppose most of you sane people would be using a dedicated music player/manager.
Last edited by Udyant (2010-06-12 15:02:35)
This is probably relevant.
I concur.
Might as well skip the poll and go directly to:
Post deleted.
Last edited by Wintervenom (2010-06-13 00:05:49)
Might as well skip the poll and go directly to:
Yup, it's going to be yet another 90% of Archers use MPD thread.
I consider mocp, mpd, and rhythmbox to be very nice.
I use ogg123 from the vorbis-tools package. (The latest version supports ReplayGain!)
I have this script in /usr/local/bin/jukebox:
# vim:set filetype=sh: *
oggpid=$(pgrep -x -n ogg123)
if [[ ${#} -eq 0 ]] ; then
if [[ -z "${oggpid}" ]] ; then
setsid ogg123 -q -Z "${HOME}/music/vorbis" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
if grep -q '^State:.*stopped' /proc/${oggpid}/status ; then
kill -CONT "${oggpid}"
kill -STOP "${oggpid}"
pkill -STOP -x ogg123
setsid ogg123 -q "${@}" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
And these keybindings in Openbox:
<keybind key="W-z">
<action name="Execute">
<keybind key="W-x">
<action name="Execute">
<command>pkill -INT -x -n ogg123</command>
(INT signal to ogg123 makes it skip to the next song.)
And this bash alias to tell me what I'm listening to:
alias wm='ogginfo "/proc/$(pgrep -n -x ogg123)/fd/3"'
If you read the script, you can see it has rather a few features beyond just keybinding it: Give an argument to play something specific, and keep paused instances in a "stack" for returning to later. It's amazing how much functionality can be gotten for such a small amount of code, when you have good tools to work with.
I use ogg123 from the vorbis-tools package. (The latest version supports ReplayGain!)
I have this script in /usr/local/bin/jukebox:
#!/bin/bash # vim:set filetype=sh: * oggpid=$(pgrep -x -n ogg123) if [[ ${#} -eq 0 ]] ; then if [[ -z "${oggpid}" ]] ; then setsid ogg123 -q -Z "${HOME}/music/vorbis" > /dev/null 2>&1 & exit fi if grep -q '^State:.*stopped' /proc/${oggpid}/status ; then kill -CONT "${oggpid}" else kill -STOP "${oggpid}" fi else pkill -STOP -x ogg123 setsid ogg123 -q "${@}" > /dev/null 2>&1 & fi
And these keybindings in Openbox:
<keybind key="W-z"> <action name="Execute"> <command>jukebox</command> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="W-x"> <action name="Execute"> <command>pkill -INT -x -n ogg123</command> </action> </keybind>
(INT signal to ogg123 makes it skip to the next song.)
And this bash alias to tell me what I'm listening to:
alias wm='ogginfo "/proc/$(pgrep -n -x ogg123)/fd/3"'
If you read the script, you can see it has rather a few features beyond just keybinding it: Give an argument to play something specific, and keep paused instances in a "stack" for returning to later. It's amazing how much functionality can be gotten for such a small amount of code, when you have good tools to work with.
Nice script. oggs only?
i just used:
"They say just hold onto your hope but you know if you swallow your pride you will choke"
Alexisonfire - Midnight Regulations
mpd with ncmpcpp and some OB binds for media keys using mpc
Last edited by JohannesSM64 (2010-06-12 18:23:27)
mpd with ncmpcpp and some OB binds for media keys using mpc
Why don't you just use keybindings with ncmpcpp? Is there something you can't do with ncmpcpp?
Nice script. oggs only?
Yes, all of my music is vorbis-encoded.
I play my music using my fancy Koss Porta Pro/Sennheise PX 100. The Sennheiser are better though.
…oh yeah, I use MPD.
I use Spotify.
Sadly no Linux client yet, but it runs great with Wine.
Last edited by oew (2010-06-12 22:56:43)
there's no place like ~/
[DMPC] or Amarok, until I implement some of Amarok's random modes into DMPC.
I sort my music by artist and then album. I'm not so fussy about individual file name formats anymore -- ie, "01 - Age of Consent.mp3" or "01 - Power, Corruption, Lies - Age of Consent.mp3", etc -- but directory names and structure/organization is important.
For a long time I used cmus. And then I decided I'd use a little home-made script as a command line front end to mpg123 (ogg123, or flac123). But then last week I defected to (ugh..) mpd and hacked out a little script to add/remove albums to/from mpd's playlist using dmenu.
Last edited by upsidaisium (2010-06-13 03:46:40)
I've seen young people waste their time reading books about sensitive vampires. It's kinda sad. But you say it's not the end of the world... Well, maybe it is!
mpd. There is also a similar thread Favorite .. and hope this thread being young get closed.. .
The music is sorted like /mnt/Music_1/0-9/1200_Micrograms...
I use MPD with pimpd for all the management (like adding some random tracks, saving a good song for later etc).
The daemon is running on my desktop which means I can control it when I'm the laptop.
I also use mplayer with Radio Playing Daemon when I just want some random chit chat. Like MPD, I control it from a distance.
I use Quod Libet to play my music which is all in one folder. Since they're mostly individual tracks it makes no sense to organize them in any special way.
Last edited by anonymous_user (2010-06-13 04:52:56)
Everything pure (e.g. CD tracks) gets converted straight to highest quality FLAC.
No tags for absolutely anything, filenames only. Folder structure works like this: "/audio/artists/gorillaz/plastic beach/broken.flac". There's also "compilations" "playlists" "soundtracks" "unsorted" at the same level of "artists". I'm lazy and manually or randomly choose whatever in VideoLAN's playlist.
Last edited by Skyalmian (2010-06-13 07:33:33)
JohannesSM64 wrote:mpd with ncmpcpp and some OB binds for media keys using mpc
Why don't you just use keybindings with ncmpcpp? Is there something you can't do with ncmpcpp?
OB = Openbox, these binds are top level, so I can toggle mpd etc without bringing up ncmpcpp.
OB = Openbox, these binds are top level, so I can toggle mpd etc without bringing up ncmpcpp.
I may be wrong, but I think he was asking why you don't use ncmpcpp instead of mpc in the keybindings.
i.e. ncmpcpp toggle/prev/next/stop instead of mpc toggle/prev/next/stop. Don't see why it would really make much difference, save giving you the option of working without mpc installed.
As for me, I use ncmpcpp with mpd, and keybindings bound in whatever window manager I am using for toggling playback/skipping/stopping playback.
Lswest <- the first letter of my username is a lowercase "L".
"...the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it." - Linus Torvalds
Am I the only one here who listens mainly to real CDs, and even vinyls or the occasional demo tape?
I don't have any audio file on my computer, except the ones I ripped myself from my collection for sharing with friends.
I don't use my computer for listening music, on my system the only thing which can play music is mplayer.
However, since I have many CDs, I keep track of my collection in a text file organized like this :
And the CDs on the shelf are organized this way too (by artists, and then by year of release for albums of the same artist).
Last edited by pokraka (2010-06-13 14:27:37)
Thanks for the advice, now I don't need mpc anymore, and it really cleaned up my nowplaying script (ncmpcpp's --now-playing is better suited for scripts than nasty parsing of mpc output)