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new_window none
It would help if you use i3-migrate-config-to-v4, which is provided with the i3 package.
Thanks, I read the script and
new_window bb
has changed to
new_window none
in case anyone was wondering
new_window bb doesn't seem to work with version 4. any one know how to get borderless windows?
There is a documentation for v4.x on the official website: … ew_windows
Has any figured out how to use conky instead of i3status? I tried using the suggestions posted earlier and all I get is this;
Sorry I can't provide any more details; I don't know whats wrong or not
Edit: stupid bbcode
Last edited by Ari'osika (2011-08-08 07:02:46)
If you're reading this; you're awesome.
Has any figured out how to use conky instead of i3status? I tried using the suggestions posted earlier and all I get is this; … -thumb.png
Sorry I can't provide any more details; I don't know whats wrong or not
Edit: stupid bbcode
You have to have a text-based conky config with a one-line output.
Then put this into your i3 config:
exec conky | i3bar
Make sure there aren't any other lines that start i3bar. If there are, just comment them out (with a '#').
If you have multiple conky configs, use the '-c' flag (consult the conky manual on how to do this).
if conky does not work, try conky-cli. Conky didn't work for me either.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
if conky does not work, try conky-cli. Conky didn't work for me either.
Normal conky should work with these settings (in fact, I use it like this):
out_to_console yes
out_to_x no
out_to_ncurses no
Ok, maybe I should have clarified more...
conky did show up, but then I had other issues, like the whole conky config flashing on the screen every 3 seconds. -- and no I am not talking about flickering that can be fixed by double_buffer. The actual text in the conky config flashed. I had a thread about it...until someone suggested using conky-cli which worked without problems.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
I beginning to think its a conky config issue;
While normal conky from the command line
exec conky | i3bar
Produces this;
Conky: desktop window (aa) is root window
Conky: drawing to desktop window
Conky: drawing to single buffer
and conky-cli from the command-line errors out because it doesn't recognize the wireless options I have in the TEXT area
My conky config consists of;
out_to_console yes
#out_to_x no
total_run_times 0
no_buffers yes
update_interval 1
uppercase no
if_up_strictness address
^pa(310)· ^fg(\#788ca1)C1: ^fg(\#FFF)${cpu cpu1}% ^fg(\#788ca1)C2: ^fg(\#FFF)${cpu cpu2}% ^fg(\#788ca1)@ ^fg(\#FFF)${platform coretemp.0 temp 1}° ^fg(\#788ca1)M: ^fg(\#FFF)$memperc% (^fg(\#788ca1)S: ^fg(\#FFF)$swapperc%)^pa(567) ·${if_up eth0}^fg(\#788ca1)eth0 ^fg()${addrs eth0} ^fg(\#FA5858)$endif${if_up ppp0}^fg(\#788ca1)ppp0 ^fg()${addrs ppp0} ^fg(\#FA5858)$endif ${if_up wlan0}^fg(\#788ca1)wlan0 ^fg(\#FFF)${addrs wlan0} ${wireless_essid wlan0} (^fg(\#788ca1)Q: ^fg(\#FFF)${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}%)$endif ^pa(780) · ^fg(\#788ca1)B: ^fg(\#FFF)${battery_short BAT0} ^pa(843) · ^fg(\#788ca1)${time %a %m-%d-%Y} ^fg(\#FFF)${time %l:%M:%S %p}
I'm totally stumped on this one
If you're reading this; you're awesome.
Two things :
1) Your first screen shot -- is exactly what happened to me with conky. Use conky cli.
2) Your conky config seems to have dzen2 syntax ^fg etc...You will have to create a new config, if you don't want to use dzen2 anymore. If not, you can still pipe conky in dzen2.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Thanks Inxsible, it was a conky config issue. I had to strip out the dzen syntax to make it work.
If you're reading this; you're awesome.
Will the support for saving and loading layouts a la Musca make it into a future version of i3? Also, is it possible to make windows borderless in tabbed mode?
I am unable to get transparent terminals with i3 and urxvt. The wiki states that compositing is possible with an external manager like xcompmgr, which is what I was trying to use. The settings for urxvt and xcompmgr work fine on other window managers like dwm and wmii. Other compositing effects like fade work fine on i3. Anyone have any idea as to why this may be?
Will the support for saving and loading layouts a la Musca make it into a future version of i3? Also, is it possible to make windows borderless in tabbed mode?
I never used musca but I assume you talk about something else as this layout configuration? As far as I remember there once were thoughts in IRC, about extending the current method to save sessions - as it is currently used for the restart command - so it can be used to store and load the session when i3 quits/starts. Though I'm not sure about this as there come quite a couple of problems to my mind.
There is also ticket #344 which could be interesting for you. About the border stuff: No, currently the border command only works for clients within containers using the default layout, feel free to open a feature request to extend it to containers as a whole.
I am unable to get transparent terminals with i3 and urxvt. The wiki states that compositing is possible with an external manager like xcompmgr, which is what I was trying to use. The settings for urxvt and xcompmgr work fine on other window managers like dwm and wmii. Other compositing effects like fade work fine on i3. Anyone have any idea as to why this may be?
If it is just the transparency of terminals why don't you use the pseudo transparency provided by urxvt? With a tiling window manager it is most likely that there are no terminals overlapping others.
Just upgraded to i3 v4.
What's with i3bar? They specifically said in the v3 documentation that the then i3-wsbar was not supposed to do the job of other clients like dzen2 because they viewed it as a needless overlap of features. So in v4... i3bar, according to the man page:
It is best thought of as an replacement for the i3-wsbar(1) + dzen2(1)-combination.
What prompted that sudden change of heart?
Apparently just running i3bar in dock mode produces very similar behavior to the old built-in status bar, so restoring my old configuration wasn't hard once the new nature of i3bar was understood (sidenote: I kept consulting the online manual until I realized that for some reason the v4.0 i3-wmbar manual is different than i3bar), but it's still unexpected.
Last edited by B-Con (2011-08-14 02:41:17)
What's with i3bar? They specifically said in the v3 documentation that the then i3-wsbar was not supposed to do the job of other clients like dzen2 because they viewed it as a needless overlap of features. So in v4... i3bar, according to the man page:
It is best thought of as an replacement for the i3-wsbar(1) + dzen2(1)-combination.
What prompted that sudden change of heart?
Well i3bar was originally a seperate project, when the v4 release came up there was a "We don't provide a internal bar, people may need one." and the project was merged into i3 as a subproject like i3-nagbar. I for my part don't like this move, keeping it still seperate as i3status and i3lock are would've been fine.
Anyway, as the use of other programs with i3 is still possible I guess one can live with that.
Well i3bar was originally a seperate project, when the v4 release came up there was a "We don't provide a internal bar, people may need one." and the project was merged into i3 as a subproject like i3-nagbar. I for my part don't like this move, keeping it still seperate as i3status and i3lock are would've been fine.
Yeah, same here... We are promised a config file for i3bar in the future, as the current cmd-line arguments for coloring are just a temporary hack. Maybe future development will yield some sort of unique functionality.
On another topic, what's the proper way to name workspaces now that the i3 config syntax
workspace N name
is deprecated? I can specify names for workspaces in the key bindings, such as switching focus to workspace "web", for example, but how do I build my official list of named workspaces and control the order in which they are displayed?
On another topic, what's the proper way to name workspaces now that the i3 config syntax
workspace N name
is deprecated? I can specify names for workspaces in the key bindings, such as switching focus to workspace "web", for example, but how do I build my official list of named workspaces and control the order in which they are displayed?
I don't think you can.
See this :: … 34#p964634
and the immediate next post to it.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
B-Con wrote:On another topic, what's the proper way to name workspaces now that the i3 config syntax
workspace N name
is deprecated? I can specify names for workspaces in the key bindings, such as switching focus to workspace "web", for example, but how do I build my official list of named workspaces and control the order in which they are displayed?
I don't think you can.
See this :: … 34#p964634
and the immediate next post to it.
Thanks for the link.
You can do a pseudo workspace naming using variables, to eliminate the problems with remembering to use the same name everywhere, such as
set $WORKSPACE_1 1:main
set $WORKSPACE_2 2:web
set $WORKSPACE_3 3:media
set $WORKSPACE_4 4:misc
set $WORKSPACE_5 5
set $WORKSPACE_10 10
That way you can make changes easily, kind of like before.
But the new problem is workspace ordering in i3bar. Workspaces with just numbers in the name are ordered on the left of the workspace bar. All other workspaces are ordered in the order they were created to the right of those "numbered" workspaces. So if I had workspaces 1,2,3,4,5, and 10, from my code above, open, it would be arranged with 5 and 10 in that order on the left, and 1:main through 4:misc to the right of that in the order they'd been opened.
The ideal solution would be to be able to rename workspaces in the old way. An alternative solution would be to allow numerical prefixes in the names that were sorted on in the same way that just numerical names were.
Architecturally, I wonder which component, i3 or i3bar, owns this problem. Does i3 send the workspace ordering to i3bar or does it just provide a list of workspaces which i3bar then orders?
Last edited by B-Con (2011-08-22 00:24:14)
The ideal solution would be to be able to rename workspaces in the old way. An alternative solution would be to allow numerical prefixes in the names that were sorted on in the same way that just numerical names were.
Architecturally, I wonder which component, i3 or i3bar, owns this problem. Does i3 send the workspace ordering to i3bar or does it just provide a list of workspaces which i3bar then orders?
I believe this is the case with the latest version of i3 (in git). You should now be able to do "1: main 2: www" etc. and they will be ordered by the numbered prefix. You can try i3-git from AUR to test it out.
I may be missing something obvious here..but I can't seem to find a way to have 25-25-50 layout (i.e two windows in one container and third in second container). Graphically, If I open three windows I end up with this:
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| | | |
0 33 66 100
What I want is this:
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| | | |
0 25 50 100
Any help?
Last edited by iTwenty (2011-08-22 18:14:10)
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain
switch to vertical split (alt+v in my config) und open two terminals so you will get two vertically aligned terminals and now the trick press the shortcut for vertical split again! and open another terminal. you really have to think of the split shortcuts as relative editors to the position you are now.
I believe this is the case with the latest version of i3 (in git). You should now be able to do "1: main 2: www" etc. and they will be ordered by the numbered prefix. You can try i3-git from AUR to test it out.
Cool, thanks!
switch to vertical split (alt+v in my config) und open two terminals so you will get two vertically aligned terminals and now the trick press the shortcut for vertical split again! and open another terminal. you really have to think of the split shortcuts as relative editors to the position you are now.
The key is that containers are invisible and created as you need them. Each window is just a window until you give it an orientation, at which point it becomes a container. I think the new way windows/containers are created is a little different than the old way, but it's really nifty. :-)
I've started a vim syntax file for i3 config.
It's my first syntax file attempt so it may be kinda badly written.
Here it is:
Just save it as ~/.vim/syntax/i3.vim and add a line like
# vim:set syntax=i3:
at the end of your config file. ;-)
Last edited by DaPangus (2011-08-24 14:56:59)
switch to vertical split (alt+v in my config) und open two terminals so you will get two vertically aligned terminals and now the trick press the shortcut for vertical split again! and open another terminal. you really have to think of the split shortcuts as relative editors to the position you are now.
Thanks! Although I decided to stay with dwm for the time being after 3 days of i3. The elaborate tiling layouts possible with i3 are useless for me on a 14" monitor. Will check it out again when I have a larger monitor.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain