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Hey everyone out there! im relatively new to Arch as a linux user, and i absolotely had to try KDEmod (KDE modularized for Arch) and i was browing some bespin themes which looked to have more customizable options than the default theme engine.
Any ways, here is the bespin theme that i have grown to love over the past few weeks, … ent=111165
... it should be noted that i love my arch desktop more than ever before when im using this theme . (you know the feeling
What i am asking from the Arch community: if you recognize the GTK theme that matches this Bespin theme, please let me know. (all the GTK applications look out of sync )
Instead of changing GTK+ theme independently, you can just use the gtk-qt-engine: … -QT-Engine
So in the future when you change your QT theme, the gtk should look somewhat like it without having to go theme hunting.
Please use thumbnails with links for screenshots.
no, with this theme it makes the GTK look different and act buggy. thanks for the reply
Pages: 1