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Today i updated (pacman -Syu) my Gnome installation and installed Arch (Gnome)
on another computer. after a successful update and installation. i can boot
both computers to the login screen with my username displayed,
but underneath it says 'not listed?'.
When i enter my password, i get an 'Authentication failure' message on
both computers. My username is in the 'etc/passwd' file and the 'etc/shadow' file.
I have tried adding:
to /etc/gdm/custom.conf. but i just boot to a black screen on both computers.
Please help.
Regards, PollyMath.
Did you try to boot the system to a CLI (Command Line Interface) and log in a root?
By doing so you could troubleshoot the issue.
You can determine if the user you created for yourself is working or not and if needed you could remove it and re-create the user.
Once you have your user working on the CLI try to log into a GUI.
Hi ralvez,
Thank you for your response.
>> Did you try to boot the system to a CLI (Command Line Interface) and log in a root?
>> By doing so you could troubleshoot the issue.
>> You can determine if the user you created for yourself is working or not and if needed you could remove it and re-create the user.
>> Once you have your user working on the CLI try to log into a GUI.
This is basically part of the install procedure for Arch.
On the computer i updated, I just changed the '/etc/inittab' to boot to the CLI
and checked my user there.
Regards, PollYMath.
I have a feeling we are not communicating.
Did you try to use the CLI to see if your user can log in at all. If it can, then the problem is at the Gnome level if it cannot then the problem is at the system level.
You need to narrow down the problem to a specific issue so it becomes more manageable.
Also, to start Gnome you can use /etc/rc.conf and add "gdm" to the DAEMONS line instead of messing with /etc/innitab.
Hope this helps.
Hi ralvez,
>> I have a feeling we are not communicating. wink
I agree.
>> Did you try to use the CLI to see if your user can log in at all.
With respect; I think i already answered this question.
I created and tested a non root user as part of the Arch installation process on the other computer.
On the (working) computer i updated (Gnome 3.0 -> Gnome 3.2); I changed the '/etc/inittab'
to boot to the command line and tested my user there, and it worked just fine.
>> If it can, then the problem is at the Gnome level if it cannot then the problem is at the system level.
>> You need to narrow down the problem to a specific issue so it becomes more manageable.
I agree, the problem is at the Gnome level and not at the System level; because both computers
have the same problem; I can't login at the Gnome login prompt.
Regards, PollyMath.
Last edited by PollyMath (2011-10-09 08:31:11)
OK. I get it now
I would suggest to try adding gdb to /etc/rc.conf
I have used that method forever and never had a problem at all. I know ... until you have
But give it a try see if it works for you.
I'm not a Gnome user, to be honest, and cannot tell for sure if there is anything you should be aware of while setting it up but perhaps someone following this thread is
and can point something we do "not see".
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