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Here is my problem I have with the bootloader installation. In my system I have 4 hard drives. The first one contains windows 7, the second is just for all the data, no OS in it, the third hard drive is empty and also the fourth hardrive is empty. I start the the installation of Arch and everything goes ok, installed it in my third hard drive also when the bootloader is installed it says install of bootloader succes. When I boot the computer I then got an error, error 17. What is going wrong, i tried to do the installation several time but the same thing happens. I install the bootloader in the first hardrive /dev/sda. It so hard today for an OS to install the bootloader without problems?
Thank you
I followed the guide on wiki and same thing again. Why this happens with the bootloader. The only time I was able to install the bootloader on Arch I screwed my windows installation. I couldn't repair the windows Installation. I started again a fresh windows installation, then the Arch installation. Now Ithe bootloader gives an error.
Ok o boot from Arch Cd. As root i type
# fdisk /dev/sda
What i get is :
Command (m for help):
Also following the wiki page none of the commands described there didn't worked
I took out the 2 not used hard drives, the hard drive used for data and the last one which was empty. Installed again Arch and now I have the bootloader. I'm doing some configuration now the system and installing KDE. After I will see if I can boot windows. Last time I couldn't boot windows and screwed windows boot partition.
Pages: 1