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i'm looking for made a BIOS update from linux because i don't have window installed. I'm searching for update using hdr file but in the repository seem that for my model there isn't the correct file.
if i run smbios-sys-info-lite and this is the output
Libsmbios: 2.2.26
System ID: 0x04B2
Service Tag: J6PTGP1
Express Service Code: 41765026501
Error getting the Aset Tag: unknown error
Product Name: Vostro 3350
BIOS Version: A03
Vendor: Dell Inc.
Is Dell: 1
so i've to looking for system_bios_ven_0x1028_dev_0x04B2_version_A0x but dosen't exist.
I'm also try to extract the hdr from the windows executable but didn't work too.
wine 3550A08.EXE /writehdrfile /nopause
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0xfffff78000000320 at address 0x44603c (thread 002c), starting debugger...
Anyone know other possibility?
if i run the exe with wine it doesn't work at all? or it can damage something?
Nothing? Nobody?
I do bios updates on my dell using a freedos livecd. The exe updaters work just fine on freedos.
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