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I try to connect to work with the Citrix ICA client and followed this HOWTO: … w-To.shtml
The problem is that when i try to launch applications with wfica in firefox, the wfica program starts for half a second and then suddenly stops/ends/close.
Everything seems to work fine in xp, but i don't want to use that...
i use Citrix with no problems at the moment - i have had some in the past
is firefox detecting the npica plugin? if you can try deleting your Citrix profile in your /home dir that often helps
I'm not quite sure how to check if plugins are detected by firefox. I created symlink both i /opt/mozilla-plugins directory and in /opt/mozilla/lib/firefox-1.0.4/plugins.
When i tried to open a link in the Citrix web panel with wfcmgr instead of wfica, i got the follwoing error message:
121: There is no route from the Citrix SSL Relay to the specified subnet address (SSL error 37)
Does this imply that there could be any router configuration problems, such as blocked ports?
I didn't have any effect to delete the Citrix directory in my /home folder.
this is all guess work on my part - do you have openssl installed?
I found out! The Citrix page which i logged in to had a link to a linux ICA client package. This package was actually an old one and when i went to and dl'ed the latest version (9.0 that is), everything worked out fine.
(And that howto i linked to wasn't particularly helpful...)
Thanks for your efforts!!