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Pages: 1
Hi guys,
Sorry if this has already been asked but I couldnt find anything that really solved my problem.
I updated last night to the new nvidia drivers, and now soon after I boot the system up and enter in X11 (tryed with gnome and lxde) a black rectangle appears on the screen covering almost everything (there's still a little portion at the top where I can see the mouse moving etc).
I dont really know what to do. Nothing strange in dmesg tho. The system is a nvidia ION based htpc.
Any idea?
"updated last night" doesn't tell me much - what packages, what versions?
What's in the xorg logs?
Oh sorry I wrote the post quickly and I forgot the obvious things.
Anyway the nvidia version is 285.05.09-1 and here's the Xorg log, I cant see anything strange.
Ok, after half a day of tests the problem has to be addressed to the overscan feature of nvidia-settings. I found that the more overscan compensation is put the more the screen is cut. I dont know if it is caused by nvidia, xorg or a combination of both.
Pages: 1