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MreDD : What kind of archie its that?
it's ALSI from aur - Arch Linux System Information tool. (Inspired by Archey)
@MreDD can you post your PS1?
PS1="${P}[${TQ}\u${LP}@${LR}\h${P}] ${R}+${W}-${R}+ ${P}[${TQ}\$(tty | sed -e 's:/dev/::')${R}:${LG}\$(ls -1 | wc -l | sed 's: ::g') ${TQ}files${R}:${LG}\$(ls -lah | grep -m 1 total | sed 's/total //')b${P}] \n ${R}+${W}- ${P}[${LG}\${NEW_PWD}${P}] ${W}-${R}+ \n ${R}+${W}- ${LR}:${TQ}(${LG} "
bashrc bash_colors
12 GiB? That's just overkill…I don't care how you have it set up; it could be a minimal wmii/dwm/some other tiling WM environment or full-on KDE with all the bling and bells and whistles enabled, you'd still have more than enough memory left over.
Oh really... I didnt know. LOL I run alot virtualstation's and play around with android & watch bluray & encode the fuq out'a video and I game!
So no it isn't. Well maybe alittle but i'll tell you this much Ive have yet to bog that tower down while encoding, compiling(android in virtualbox) and gaming at once
I'm hooked on WMii used it for years now I can't stand anything else no matter how hard I try.
..added for giggles. ( I wanna know in nano second that I can use windows `insert any version here` )
@MreDD: You have a lot lot lot lot ... lot of space!!! O_o
yea I use to have a shitton of music/books/comics/tv/movies but trashed it all except most the music.
rebuilding my file(s) all over yet again!
31G Books/
365G Music/
296G TV/
197G Movies/
setup use's 2 monitors 21.5" and 22" I have 2 towers share them 2xhdmi & dvi 1 tower is dual-monitor setup other single, and just toggle the 1 monitor when switching towers. I use synergy to share keyboard & mouse.
Last edited by MreDD (2011-10-17 00:07:58)
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
love this setup, what wm is this?
what font is that a font from artwiz pack?
crap nvrmnind I see a couple post down its Glisp.
Last edited by MreDD (2011-10-16 19:08:16)
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
I'm hooked on WMii used it for years now I can't stand anything else no matter how hard I try.
Same here! Do you keep up with the latest development version from the Mercurial repository (wmii-hg) too? I've been using wmii-hg for what seems to be years now without any problems. In fact, I wouldn't recommend the current stable release to anyone, as I feel that a new stable release (snapshot of wmii-hg) is far overdue.
MreDD wrote:I'm hooked on WMii used it for years now I can't stand anything else no matter how hard I try.
Same here!
Do you keep up with the latest development version from the Mercurial repository (wmii-hg) too? I've been using wmii-hg for what seems to be years now without any problems. In fact, I wouldn't recommend the current stable release to anyone, as I feel that a new stable release (snapshot of wmii-hg) is far overdue.
I use to, it broke once and the main repo caught up at that point so I switched and have yet to go back. I should.
you the same Sunaku WMii/Rumai? Im guessing yes cause same avatar on github.
I used it and loved it but never took the time to pickup on ruby, It made alot shit that pisses me off about wmii so much better.
I should give it a go again.
Last edited by MreDD (2011-10-16 19:12:43)
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
New wallpaper & no more transparency
Hey Doomicide, looks nice, would you mind sharing that wallpaper? Thanks
Still rocking wmii... since 2005!
New: (This is me playing with Xresources bold and underline color combinations from xoria256.)
Busy: above:
wmii configuration with Zenburn color scheme, Unicode icons, and Ruby status bar applets: notifications, weather report, client arrangement, pomodoro timer, mpd playlist, ALSA volume, system load, battery status, current time, system tray (witray).
zsh configuration with OMZ plus zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-history-substring-search plugins
Tamsyn font for aliased monospace bliss
zathura configuration for PDF reading
wallpaper from 5cm/s anime
plus other dotfiles & scripts
Changes since last month:
Notification status bar applet now integrates with notify-send(1).
$ wmii -v wmii-hg2807+, ©2010 Kris Maglione
The right side of the statusbar, fill me in on how you did that?
I like! I should be less lazy, and will pick thru your config.
I cant for the life of me get those unicode char's to ever work prolly my font choice. but you also have applets.
Guess i do need to try and get w/it an learn some ruby and go back to using wmii/rumai
first time i've heard of Zathura I've been using apvlv
very nice setup.
Last edited by MreDD (2011-10-17 00:13:40)
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
Doomcide wrote:New wallpaper & no more transparency
Hey Doomicide, looks nice, would you mind sharing that wallpaper? Thanks
Sure, here you go: … 6#/d35c00f
@Stringer: What wm do you use?
Last edited by Doomcide (2011-10-17 00:33:43)
Decided to switch from scrotwm to herbstluftwm...
everything (and I mean everything) is controlled by shell commands. I spent half the day writing bash scripts, and now it's my bitch.
... now that I think about it, if I wasted all day writing scripts, who's whose bitch here?
Last edited by ninjaaron (2011-10-17 02:21:01)
like that wallpaper. Care to share?
b9anders wrote:like that wallpaper. Care to share?
here you go.
The creator has a deviantart page with a full setup for it, but I can't find it.
Same, same. Just forgot to update for half a year, and removed conky. I like it, though I have always preferred pekwm.
Last edited by Firepower (2011-10-17 09:40:41)
Archers take their arrows in the knee.
Cool! What are you using Xfce?
ninjaaron wrote:b9anders wrote:like that wallpaper. Care to share?
here you go.
The creator has a deviantart page with a full setup for it, but I can't find it.
Ah, crap. I'm at 1366x768. Looks like we'll have to see if that google image matcher things can help me out.
Very nice! That look appeals to me, thanks for sharing!
Legends of Nor'Ova - role playing community devoted to quality forum-based and table-top role play, home of the Legends of Nor'Ova Core Rule Book and Legends of Nor'Ova: Saga of Ablution steam punk like forum based RPG
Once again what is the font in terminals? It looks nice.
I ask very often this question, but i didn't find a font which can beat Terminus...
b9anders wrote:Cool! What are you using Xfce?
@MreDD: It's WMFS and fonts are Glisp 9 for the bar and tamsyn-tt 12 for the terminal
toketin wrote:b9anders wrote:Cool! What are you using Xfce?
The dock in the bottom is Docky? Are you using also a globalmenu?